Why "It's a Wonderful Life" is the worst Christmas movie

Feb 8, 2007
New Smyrna Beach FL
Yaron Brook explains exactly why it is so bad. Skip to 17:06 :bigthumb:
But he rates others as good if you watch it all. 8)
So i figure nobody bothered to listen to his review. :roll:
:thumb: i guess everybody knows it is bad,
so why is it on TV every year? Simply because TV gets whatever is cheapest, and good movies cost more. And they want advertisers to sell products, and with bad movies the ads get more attention. So it is just business, like most everything.
You are correct, because their cheap to purchase in order to show.
Just like some other shows are shown every.single.year
You can see on multiple channels the same stuff year after year after year......... inexpensive shows.
Ground Hog Day is another example.
Cable Guy

They could show newer Disney shows but they cost more to air.

Matt Gruber said:
:thumb: i guess everybody knows it is bad,
so why is it on TV every year? Simply because TV gets whatever is cheapest, and good movies cost more. And they want advertisers to sell products, and with bad movies the ads get more attention. So it is just business, like most everything.
Why "It's a Wonderful Life" is the worst Christmas movie....
..because it is 5hite !
Did you reaally need someone else to point out to you why it is bad ?
The Ozzie equivalent annual , feel good, Xmas movie is “Love Actually” with Hugh Grant, etc....
You should not need anyone to tell you how good/bad that is either :wink:
Gruber will tell us.

Also why not put the original post in MOVIE NITE thread?

For movie reviews, I like to see what Rotten Tomatoes says
30 seconds into the guys review and no version, no year and X aka close. The 1946 movie is rated well.


It's a Wonderful Life (1946) James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore

It's a Wonderful Life (1994) Tony Ka Fai Leung, Anita Yuen, Carol "Do Do" Cheng

It's a Wonderful Life (2007) Ronald Cheng, Vincent Kok, Teresa Mo
Sorry guys, i guess i got so bored :oops: :roll:
I don't even watch movies anymore. Didn't know there is a MOVIE NITE thread :oops:
maybe nep will move or delete this lame thread.
I don't watch movies/TV anymore because the scripts were so bad back when i quit. I think Top GUN was the last one that i liked. :lol:
What i have been watching is Brook and numerous others on youtube. And reading cases at Institute for Justice. Everyday i learn something useful, which is really :shock: at age 68. 8)
Myself, i think too many lame movies are just wasting time. Time will run out... Real life is better than any movie 8) Just briefly look at the News - who needs to watch made up stuff? :lol:
JackFlorey said:
Matt Gruber said:
I don't even watch movies anymore.
So you don't watch them, you just complain about them? Fascinating!

That just shows you how bored i got. I was impressed with Brooks review, and i guessed which one was worst, so i thought somebody might enjoy his reviews of the BEST movies. About half of my ideas don't work out, but i do try a lot of stuff 8)
When i was a kid, i always enjoyed the movies. The shorts always made me laugh, you know, like the 3 stooges, Abbot & Costello. The main event often sucked, but i had a good time 8)
Now friends tell me they have ads :roll: And no shorts :roll:
Well Movie Nite was at the top of the General Discussion category, same with Great TV shows.

Not that it really matters to me if you post up a new thread or post in old thread.
Lots of different ways you can go about doing whatever it is you want to do.

Like instead of posting new, just edit your last post so long as no one posts up a new post past the last post. Wouldnt be anything wrong with that, but you edit a post thats had a few posts ahead of it might not be proper etiquette like copy and paste email convo's with sellers isnt good etiquette. Which is funny because I basically totally did that, but never mentioned store or i.d. details, just copied the message, then an hour later I read neps post in Vendor thread that copy and pasting email convo's is not good etiquette. Doesnt matter with mine because it was a local store, no id details, no names. Maybe if I started drinking I would have, but soda water aint intoxicating.

Movie theaters arent doing to well during pandemic virus.