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Will this work?


10 µW
Jan 30, 2023
I have 20 inch minivelo with bbs02 750w, 48V battery and nexus 3. Actually my gears are 44t front and 16t rear and i lose to much max speed on 1-2 shift nexus, i feel like a hamster. I thinks about change it to 52t front and 18-20t rear, did someone test this set up on 20 inch tires bicycle? Will it works better?

44/16 is almost exactly the same ratio at 52/19. If you want higher gearing, use a 52 tooth (or larger) chainring with your same 16 tooth (or smaller) sprocket in the back.

Raising the gear ratios is pretty standard practice for small-wheeled bikes.
You know what he really could do: buy a 20' rear wheel for under $100 that has a freehub, put $20 a cassette on, $30 7/8 speed normal shifter, top-end problem solved. And ditch that other drivetrain system.
You know what he really could do: buy a 20' rear wheel for under $100 that has a freehub, put $20 a cassette on, $30 7/8 speed normal shifter, top-end problem solved. And ditch that other drivetrain system.
Yeah, but mid drives love to munch up cassettes and chains when they're used with derailleurs. Less so when it's a proven 3 speed internally geared hub with all-the-time good chainline and no damagingly small sprockets.
Wiesz, co naprawdę mógł zrobić: kupić tylne koło 20 'dla mniej niż $ 100, które ma freehub, założyć kasetę $ 20, normalny dźwignia zmiany biegów $ 30 7/8 prędkości, problem z najwyższej półki rozwiązany. I porzuć ten inny układ napędowy.
Tak, ale środkowe dyski uwielbiają szlifować kasety i łańcuchy, gdy są używane z przerzutkami. Mniej, gdy jest to sprawdzony 3-biegowy hub wewnętrznie nastawiony z dobrą linią łańcucha i bez szkodliwych małych kół łańcuchowych.
44/16 to prawie dokładnie taki sam stosunek przy 52/19. Jeśli chcesz mieć wyższą przekładnię, użyj 52 zęba ( lub większego ) z tym samym 16 zębem ( lub mniejszym zębem ) z tyłu.

Podnoszenie przełożeń jest dość standardową praktyką w przypadku motocykli małych kół.
Thank You, i had normal cassette on 29inch bike with bbs02 750w and it has always problems after 200km with shift sensor, now i am using 500km with nexus 3 hub and works almost perfect but i am searching best gears, i will use 16/52t.
I use 75t/11t on my 20" fat bike. Front cog:


It's nice since I can still feel resistance pedaling even at 28mph, which in turn helps maintain speed on hills and conserve battery power compared to ghost pedaling. Wish there were 75t options with a chain guard and narrow wide teeth, though. This thing I have seems more optimized for time trials whereas I care more about not getting grease on my leg and the chain not popping off without a chain guide.