Ok - I used this software and it is great. My intention here was to lay down a post with a rewording of the install... the original post makes it sound a little harder than it is and I am afraid that is scaring off a few folks. All you need is one link... you just have to do is go to the code depository and download two files - the prerequisite files and the XPD (both zip). Inside the prereq there are three executables that you run in the order posted. Then you can just dip into the XPD folder and run it.
But.. when I went to go get links they all appear to be dead (though they were working yesterday). I know this may make the developer cringe but I am going to post up an independent snap-shot on my server just in case things disappear (which has happened way too many times over the years). I also compressed everything into one single zip and labeled the software programs FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD since it confuses the shit out of me to install those version numbers out of order
So look... this is how easy it is:
1) Download this single zip file:
methods super retarded easy XPS install version
EDIT: Dont use that one for my controller, overshoot window is not set correct in defaults - use this
2) Extract it and look at what is inside - should look like this:
3) Install the three files in the order shown (you can delete them when you are done)
4) Open the XPD folder and run the program
Dude... Easy right?
You might have some USB driver issues but I don't at the moment so good luck finding those on your own.
NOTE: Programming is not 100% clear cut - you have to know what you are programming, what R12 is set to, etc. Assume nothing... so if you are having trouble my best advice is to set LVC all the way down to 10V. If you are using a LYEN tune on a stock controller I suspect he is already compensating for the R12 mod... so if you set LVC where you want it you may end up getting it like 30V higher than you expect. That is something I ran into.
In the end I think I ended up starting with an 18 fet tune and converting it over to a 24 fet and that worked. Have not played with it enough to determine what was hanging me up... but when you are sitting on a 13KW trike one tends to get a little impatient
Anyhow much respect and a thousand thanks to anpaza for supplying this amazing software... just the simple touch of describing what functions do when you hover over them makes things so much better... if there is anything I can do in thanks let me know.
And FYI folks... that link I have is just a snapshot in time. If you follow his links you will get his latest source version which is usually a good idea. :wink: