Recent content by hillbilly

  1. hillbilly


    Now that I've put about 120 miles on my Surly Big Dummy/Stoke Monkey I'm ready to offer a few first-hand observations. First of all, "pdf" literally took the words out of my mouth when he said the Stoke Monkey was "like a tractor". Anyone familiar with my posts and questions knows that my main...
  2. hillbilly


    pdf: I look forward to comparing hillclimbing tests with you -- my Big Dummy with Stoke Monkey is finally on the road, though with less than 15 miles so far I'm not ready to risk any conclusions. Yesterday, however, I rode up a nasty 10% logging road that seriously challenges my Toyota Tacoma...
  3. hillbilly

    How do you lock your bikes up?

    Here's a technique that has proven quite effective for a number of photographers and could easily protect your battery and controller: keep them inside a well-used diaper bag, the rectangular type used for travel. For added security, leave the zipper slightly open and the corner of a diaper...
  4. hillbilly

    The GUMPP (Green Urban Mobile Power Plant)

    But can it split firewood? :?
  5. hillbilly

    (updated) Trek 7300 Hybrid - BMC - Ping - Shenzen

    Dan, How about this: bring your trailer up here and the rider who gets to the top of Lookout Mountain first can serve coffee and cookies. I've got a stove and espresso pot ready to go. :) Carl
  6. hillbilly

    (updated) Trek 7300 Hybrid - BMC - Ping - Shenzen

    Dan... I've let the smoke out of my budget by buying a new bike and now you are torturing me with this talk of trailers :) I got a great deal on a Surly Big Dummy and have also taken the plunge on a StokeMonkey. I am absolutely determined to beat the mountain. It will be a while before I get...
  7. hillbilly

    1935 Electric car?

    I was chatting about electric bicycles with a 94 year-old friend of my mother's when she told of seeing a two-seater electric car in Great Falls, Montana between 1935 and 1939. She believes it might have belonged to the famous western artist and Great Falls resident, Charles Russell. Does this...
  8. hillbilly

    A Question About Hills

    BungaEbiker: If you can wait a few weeks I'll hopefully be able to post a first-person account of using a StokeMonkey on steep hills. I've just taken the plunge and ordered a kit -- I'll install it on a Big Dummy cargo bike and test the setup against Lookout Mountain, just behind our cabin...
  9. hillbilly

    Big Dummy + Cyclone 720: any advice?

    Just to clarify about my goals for this bike: I would be quite happy to climb the local mountain roads at 10kph as I am most interested in enjoying the scenery, wildlife watching, photography, etc. This bike is my substitute for hiking -- I had a very bad horse wreck several years ago and can...
  10. hillbilly

    Big Dummy + Cyclone 720: any advice?

    Rick... yes!!! That is exactly the sort of help I need. I don't know what a freewheel is :shock: but I will certainly follow your advice and get the Eno. I'm not sure if the frame is stronger than a Mundo's but considering what this Big Dummy costs, it ought to withstand a lot! (The complete...
  11. hillbilly

    Big Dummy + Cyclone 720: any advice?

    Amberwolf... no, I don't know how it will be set up. In fact, I'm basically starting from "zero" on this as I have never seen a Cyclone kit in person, or a Big Dummy. When I asked for any-and-all advice, I wasn't kidding! :) My main goal on this project is to climb long upgrades (3000' over 4...
  12. hillbilly

    Big Dummy + Cyclone 720: any advice?

    After reading countless threads and considering countless options I've finally taken the plunge and ordered the main components for my next bike, a "hillclimbing eMule" from a Surly Big Dummy longtail and a Cyclone 750 watt/36v, 3 chainwheel. I'll use the battery from my present bike (Ping...
  13. hillbilly

    Yuba Mundo Cargo Bike Cyclone Conversion

    Richard, I hope you'll post details as you convert the Mundo -- I'm planning a Mundo conversion myself but haven't yet decided how to power it. Here's a recent comment posted on the blog "A Long Walk To Green" that may be useful. "Watch out because the new Yuba Frame is ovalized and is too...
  14. hillbilly

    BMC V1 versus Lookout Mountain

    Hello Dan... I'm very happy to hear that you've made progress on the trailer and I'd love to give it a test. I'm not sure about the "35 amp hours" figure. In fact, I'm still not sure how to interpret these amp/watt-hour figures at all. I mainly go by the readout on the Eagle Tree for mah...
  15. hillbilly

    BMC V1 versus Lookout Mountain

    We had some unexpected freak weather here today -- it quit raining and the sun actually came out long enough for a bike ride. About ten days ago I posted an account of my latest backroad hill climbing experience, so this a further update using the same bike (in my signature) on the same...