Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

Hi there, following problem:

I want to be able to turn off the modi switch by a fingerprint-scanner via Arduino-Controller.

To do this I need to know a cut surface or an interface where I can place a switch between to be able to "cut the connection" if I need to.
In the end it will be like this:

-Driver puts his middle finger on finger-scan.
->Switch cuts connection of arrow key.
->Speed-Mode can´t be changed anymore.

(->Cop/policemen can´t change speed mode without the finger of driver.)

Thanks for your help.
Nice idea with the fingerprint scanner, I'd be easy enough to place it inline to the 'Up' arrow of the controller, however you will likely have to purposely damage some track on the PCB. Take into account it's double sided PCB..

Although with the extra cabling coming from the unit, and adding another external unit 'Scanner' would be difficult to waterproof etc... Have you seen the newer firmware has an option for a Password to be used before your able to change the speed (Press Up)?

The only issue I've found is that if you scroll sideways to the 'Stats' page it'll tell anyone your max Kw, AVG speed etc... so really unless the cop is blind or distracted they aren't going to miss that. Will they want to ride the DIY vehicle to see how illegel it is or just read from some stats openly displayed for them :roll: ..

:arrow: I'd like to see a complete 'screen lock' instead of just locking the 'Power' button 8).
@ccmdr Yes, thats a thing, I would damage the waterproofe stuff and maybe loose the warranty. But better then get caught by the police for riding a not registered bike because they can "proofe" the tuning. The firmware is a thing, yes. A really good one to be honest. But I don´t want the cop to even be able to ask if why there is "password" showing on the display. It should do just like nothing untill you have uncutted the line/connection to change the power modis.
Hey guys. Starting on a new build with my first Adaptto controller. Mini-E. Trying to get some idea of speed, etc, by using the simulator. Could anyone tell me what resistance to plug into the sim for the Mini-E controller?

Also, I've seen some varying opinions on what max voltage to run on these controllers. I can do 20s, 22s, 24s lipo. Getting ready to build the harness now, which is why I'm asking. Which would be best? I would like to go as high as possible to reduce amperage load. I know if I run 20s, I could use OVS for a boost if necessary, but would this have more of a negative thermal effect with the Mini? Does OVS decrease thermal handling for the controller, motor, or both?

Thanks so much in advance for your input!
i would go 22s max.
that way you wont need to charge to full 4.2v ...
will give you the highest pos. top speed, and min amps.
ridethelightning said:
i would go 22s max.
that way you wont need to charge to full 4.2v ...
will give you the highest pos. top speed, and min amps.

Thanks a ton for that! Yeah, didn't consider that top end voltage was programmable. Great idea. :mrgreen:

So does anyone know what the resistance is for these controllers? Is it a per controller basis? I don't see anything like that marked on mine.

Thanks again @ridethlightning!
GmagNeato said:
ridethelightning said:
i would go 22s max.
that way you wont need to charge to full 4.2v ...
will give you the highest pos. top speed, and min amps.

Thanks a ton for that! Yeah, didn't consider that top end voltage was programmable. Great idea. :mrgreen:

So does anyone know what the resistance is for these controllers? Is it a per controller basis? I don't see anything like that marked on mine.

Thanks again @ridethlightning!

no probs!
iv tried 20s with a mini-e. people say the controller will give higher current at lower voltage, ~84v, but i found a massive increase in speed with going to 22s on the same bike, and dont have to trash the cells so much.
Guys, you won't believe it! I made it, I really made it: my Domino throttle is finally working with my Adaptto!!! :D :D :D

And the solution was really easy. Although you would not conceive it without some elementary knowledge about the Adaptto. And so it were the guys from Adaptto themselves who unravelled the mystery.

One or two weeks ago I wrote an e-mail to the Adaptto support but did not get an answer until Monday. And that's what they replied:

Oleg from Adaptto said:
Our display has a kind of protection, which works as follows: once while
riding the GND is cut off this protection prevents overwhelming positive
signal (logically in order to prevent uncontrolled boost of power).
Thus if the current through GND is too low this protection doesn't allow
normal throttle operation.

In order to avoid this protection: try soldering 100 Ohm resistor
between Plus and GND in throttle connector. This SHOULD work since,
according to your words, everything is fine with hall throttle grips.

And - surprise, surprise - it works! I got a clean voltage signal from 0.4 to 3.3 V on the thr limits panel. I already made a short test drive on the street in front of my house. The responsiveness and sensibility is really good. The best characteristics of all throttles I tested so far. No jerking at full throttle like with the Magura. And the rubber feels very good in my hand. I am absolutly excited about the throttle and very happy that it works.

Many thanks for all the good advices especially to Altair and the guys from Adaptto!
@brooklands: Awesome, I will try to contact them via Email too about my problem with cutting the signal via fingerprint. Maybe they can help me.. :D
I cannot seem to go over 40 mph whether I am in normal or boost

also how to get into anti-theft mode?..i put in a password

I have 86 volt nominal battery/midi/MXUS 4T with 26" wheels


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korpin said:
I cannot seem to go over 40 mph whether I am in normal or boost

also how to get into anti-theft mode?..i put in a password

I have 86 volt nominal battery/midi/MXUS 4T with 26" wheels

set the speed at " --- "
Willow said:
korpin said:
I cannot seem to go over 40 mph whether I am in normal or boost

also how to get into anti-theft mode?..i put in a password

I have 86 volt nominal battery/midi/MXUS 4T with 26" wheels

set the speed at " --- "

well i see that NORMAL speed was only set at 40 MPH but BOOST was set much higher
Cowardlyduck said:
I swapped over my motor on my Fighter to my HS4080 the other day.
I managed to tune it better than my Leaf, and it seems to be working well with the Adaptto so far. To tune it I found the best way was to spin the motor up to max speed in boost mode, then adjust the Hall angle corr. and Ind timing's till it was smoothest and ran coolest off the ground.

Unfortunately however, something disconnected with my KTY84 temp sensor and it's not registering with the controller. I'm not going to open up the motor to fix the connection unless something else breaks as I also run a separate temp sensor with a display independently of my Adaptto which is still working fine.

I noticed that when I switched the temp sensor setting in the advanced menu to No...the controller now seems to be trying to predict the temperature of the motor and limiting power accordingly. Is that right?
The problem is though, it seems like it's estimates are way off and when set to 115C rollback, it starts limiting power at around 65C as displayed on my other temp sensor.
I raised the limit to 200C and that seems to have helped as it still doesn't limit power at 75C now, but I just wonder why it might be estimating it so wrong?
Any idea's?


not sure if this well help,but I had sensor type set to KTY84 because I was told that was correct sensor for MXUS 4T motor but is was saying 228 degrees F after sitting for 3 hours....changed to KTY81 and it showed about 25 degrees hotter than outside of motor which is probably pretty close


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When running the Max-E with the highest phase amp setting 350, does anyone know about how many phase amps each individual wire is seeing?

Is it worth upgrading to 8 AWG phase wire to where the wires exit the motor?

Offroader said:
When running the Max-E with the highest phase amp setting 350, does anyone know about how many phase amps each individual wire is seeing?

Is it worth upgrading to 8 AWG phase wire to where the wires exit the motor?

i dont know enough to answer the first question, but id upgrade to 8awg because i notice my phase wires get quite warm after cranking it a bit, and id say that means there are losses there, and can be minimised by shorter/thicker copper phase wires.

also, having the thicker phases will act as a heat sink to remove some of the heat from inside the motor windings.

this is why i always use the thickest phase wires i can get to go into the axle, or join them on just outside the axle if the there isnt enough room for them to go into the motor.
Well, brooklands, I am very glad to learn that this is finally resolved.
I would have never thought that the ground might be intentionnally disconnected during running.
Proves again that a user manual that goes in depth through every function would be of a great benefit to the users.

Luckily, Adaptto has an excellent customer service representative; Oleg has always replied promptly and throughly to my requests. And when he doesn't know the answer, he asks the technical department instead of coming up with an inexact reply.

ridethelightning said:
no probs!
iv tried 20s with a mini-e. people say the controller will give higher current at lower voltage, ~84v, but i found a massive increase in speed with going to 22s on the same bike, and dont have to trash the cells so much.

Well I'll def be running 22s now, and setting the max voltage to around 89v (individual cell voltage around 4.05v :)) The full capacity of my pack should be around 28.8AH, so with this lower voltage I'm hoping to still get at least 20AH capacity.

Also, I've decided to upgrade from the Mini-E to the Max-E :mrgreen: I realized that I don't want my controller to be the power bottleneck in the near future. Mini is on it's way back and I hope to have the Max in the next couple weeks. Have a lot of work to do on the battery pack and harness in the meantime anyway.
took my bike out for the first time its amazing how quiet and smooth it is compared to my lyen or crystalyte fact i rode past a bicyclist and at the stop light he said "oh thats one of those electrics wow your bike is quiet"...the loudest thing on my bike is the rear cassette when it freewheels!


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GmagNeato said:
ridethelightning said:
no probs!
iv tried 20s with a mini-e. people say the controller will give higher current at lower voltage, ~84v, but i found a massive increase in speed with going to 22s on the same bike, and dont have to trash the cells so much.

Well I'll def be running 22s now, and setting the max voltage to around 89v (individual cell voltage around 4.05v :)) The full capacity of my pack should be around 28.8AH, so with this lower voltage I'm hoping to still get at least 20AH capacity.

Also, I've decided to upgrade from the Mini-E to the Max-E :mrgreen: I realized that I don't want my controller to be the power bottleneck in the near future. Mini is on it's way back and I hope to have the Max in the next couple weeks. Have a lot of work to do on the battery pack and harness in the meantime anyway.

probably a good decision re. max-e.
iv decided never to use mini-e again, its just not worth the weight/money saving for less power :mrgreen:

i usually set charge to 4.11v max, balance to 4.1v max voltage around 89/90v, but 4.05 will give even better cycle life.
you can always change the setting occasionally to get max capacity for really epic rides.
korpin said:
I cannot seem to go over 40 mph whether I am in normal or boost

also how to get into anti-theft mode?..i put in a password

I have 86 volt nominal battery/midi/MXUS 4T with 26" wheels
Sett Smph to --- on boost and normal
And why do you have acceleration limits? Sets Acc on "---" for all profiles.

Also 50A/116 on boost with that controller and motor is ridiculously low. Set it at least for 80/260

I think they removed antitheft in the newer firmwares, it was kinda buggy.

Check you advanced settings, you should have something like this:

But set OVS to at least 2

And Motor temp sensor, for my MXUS the correct one was kty81, just change sensor types and see wich one gives you the most correct value at room temp.
Nice bike btw.
Allex said:
Sett Smph to --- on boost and normal
And why do you have acceleration limits? Sets Acc on "---" for all profiles

Also 50A/116 on boost with that controller and motor is ridiculously low. Set it at least for 80/260

But set OVS to at least 2

And Motor temp sensor, for my MXUS the correct one was kty81, just change sensor types and see wich one gives you the most correct value at room temp.
Nice bike btw.

Think I ended up going with the KTY81 by trial and error too!...I will try your settings but here is something else strange: even at those "ridiculously low settings" :shock: my motor is still getting super hot! EVEN on flat ground going 30-35 mph!....any ideas thank you in advance or anybody else that can help
THROTTLE ISSUE My throttle will just discontinue to work....thought maybe it was a heat issue but even after the bike was sitting for awhile and then going downhill throttle stopped working temperature said 137 degrees F...I have to stop bike,let display turn off,then turn display back on it works fine...I see some people have had this issue on forum some said bad throttle connection

I DO have brake regen wired up with throttle bundle
Allex said:
Sett Smph to --- on boost and normal
And why do you have acceleration limits? Sets Acc on "---" for all profiles.

I cannot get" ---" for Acc or Smph...just a low or high value
ridethelightning said:
...its just not worth the weight/money saving for less power :mrgreen:

i usually set charge to 4.11v max, balance to 4.1v max voltage around 89/90v, but 4.05 will give even better cycle life.
you can always change the setting occasionally to get max capacity for really epic rides.

Yeah. I just know myself enough to realize that, before too long, I'll be kicking myself and wanting more power! Cry once as they say..

I still need to get a throttle for both acceleration and variable regen. Could you recommend one for each that is pretty much plug and play with Adaptto? Looking for half-twist (acc) and thumb type (regen), decent quality, relatively inexpensive. I think I've seen that the Wuxing thumb throttles are pretty good.. Any experience with these?

Thanks for all the input btw. :D
domino throttle is best in my book but is full twist grip.

the wuxing thumb throttles are awesome , and pretty much plug/play with adaptto....except you will have to solder the wires on :p

i have been using both these for a while now and would not look for another alternative.

mini-e can always be relegated to GF bike down the track :wink: