Building an ebike for heavy winter use.


10 µW
Oct 2, 2017
Hello everyone I hope youre having a great day!!!!! As the post name suggests im planning on building an ebike that can handle winter conditions. I have been using a 1000w ebike rear wheel hubless motor with a 20ah battery for the past year and a half daily in florida "about 28 miles per day and i do peddle so the motor and battery dont overheat. Its been great and i have learned SOOOOOO much a lot of which i have learned from the kind and considerate people in this forum. Ive come up with solutions for water proofing and MANY other common issues you would deal with with florida weather. Im gonna be moving to northern Illinois and in the winter there is significant snow which is something ive yet too deal with. I know i will have to frequently clean the bike to insure corrosion from the salt doesnt occur but im wondering how powerful of a motor and battery i will need to handle the snow. I assume i will need a more powerful motor to handle the days that are a bit more snowy and difficult too ride in. I plan on building an ebike from scratch i figure i should get a fat tire ebike build with chains for the tires and a cycle analyst so i can properly traverse the snow and know how the conditions are affecting the bike but im not sure how powerful of a motor i need to buy for this Im 6'3" and i weigh around 240 i was looking at 2000w kits and batteries not because i feel the need too go overly fast but because i want to have the power to push through the snow while not causing undue stress too the motor or battery that also means i need to have a battery that can handle that power as well when needed. Is 2000w going overboard? or should i get something even more powerful like 2500w or something less powerful like 1500w as i said i dont need it too go super fast i just want too make sure when needed its got the power it needs to push through the snow. As always thank you all for taking the time too read this and i appreciate any input you can give me!
The best thing I can recommend is to poke around the "winter" threads, so you can see what others have already done, and see if any of it applies to your needs.

This page lists all the threads with winter in teh title, but while most probably apply, they may not all:*&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=titleonly&sr=topics&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search
Thanks for the response ill totally do that! i must not have looked hard enough lol i didnt realize there was a section for that thanks a lot for linking it!