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Coronavirus Calculations

Rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) tests performed in the most impacted countries worldwide as of May 11, 2020 (per million population)*

% of population tested.jpg
Really the effective regime would be X% of the population tested **every Y weeks**, resulting in **everyone** getting tested every Z months.

At this point the USA should be by far the world leader, yes will take Apollo project funding Manhattan level urgency.

Contact tracing / isolation, strictly enforced PPE

We'd be 100% ready to get back to normal within a few months

by now if that had been the response in Feb/March.

With many tens of thousands lives spared and a huge boost to the economy.
john61ct said:
Really the effective regime would be X% of the population tested **every Y weeks**, resulting in **everyone** getting tested every Z months.
You need a different test for that (antibody.) But yes, that would be good.
No I do mean the (A) "are you currently a carrier?" test.

There is not yet any (X) test for "had it now immune"

The (B) "have you ever been exposed?" test is less useful currently for individuals, not able to conclude anything about immunity, but yes good for epidemiological stats.

The A test being repeatedly given to a large proportion of the population, will eventually help answer the immunity questions

how much viral loading gets you there if any

are repeated bouts within a short time happening

different mutations / strains being confirmed

etc etc
No, so far been kept pretty fact based and civil.

Of course you might just have jinxed it 8-(
There will be some that dont want to be tested, those that dont care to be tested, think its a waste of their valuable precious time. Then when the government forces it upon them, its the Tyranny state coming down on The Man. The government divide is widening with the lock downs, the fines for not social distancing, while stores are just warned and not heavily fined with some stores price gouging. Cities, Towns, Hamlets telling people to stay away, but come back later. Mistrust is happening, look at Vancouver and the mass of people not distancing themselves. Californians packing the beaches awhile ago. Then there is the essential worker, well everyone essential, people are losing their homes and jobs and your calling them non essential. They see themselves as essential, their lively hood is essential. Yet McDonalds drive thru is essential, get fatter and fatter. The mom and pop restaraunt is closed cooking up healthy meals, Ronald McDonald is open for biz tho.
Yes the owners of our society will rig things with their cronies so this benefits them, wipe out the smaller businesses accelerate the day when there are the poor and the ultra wealthy, and very little in between.

Only when they are afraid for their necks will they ever give an inch.

Sad really, did not use to be this way, for a few decades there anyway.

And not quite so bad in any other earlier-developed nation, although apparently London is trying its best in the UK and got Brexit through as a means to that end.
Simulating alternative Covid-19 futures


Marcel Salathé (epidemiologist) and Nicky Case (art/code) created this fun(?) way to visualize the spread of COVID-19 through a series of increasingly sophisticated playable simulations. The takeaway: "A lockdown isn't a cure, it's just a restart."
How S. Korea is 'Crushing the curve'

Stanford Research Lab was on the Local news yesterday,

At the present time they are the leaders in testing here in the U.S. they were saying . I think that they have tested more people in a local area than anywhere else in the U.S.

The results from their testing , as of this date , is that 0.3 of the people who are affected , carry the Covid-19 virus .... Die .

It will be interesting to see how much this figure changes in the upcomming months as more testing is done around the Country .

The Researcher was hinting that it would not change by much.

It will also be interesting on how the Figures will factor in what will be the policies regarding re-opening the Country to Business and in the Political Arena .

I have my Popcorn Ready , it's going to be fun to watch the different sides regarding Blame Gameing , and Policy differences .
is that 0.3 of the people who are affected , carry the Covid-19 virus .... Die

That is .3%, correct? If so that would be close to the 0.5% that has been reported - confirmed in many other countries. Cali, has a much more open social living (less confined, stale air) conditions than most of the older - colder cities that have had major out breaks, but this falls in the range. Assuming we all get it....

0.003 x 325,000,000 = 975,000 dead.
.005 x 325,000,000 = 1,625,000 Dead.
speedmd said:
is that 0.3 of the people who are affected , carry the Covid-19 virus .... Die

That is .3%, correct? If so that would be close to the 0.5% that has been reported - confirmed in many other countries.

Much has already been said about people dying in accidents while testing positive for Corona virus so they're listed as one of the casualties. Could that be up near half? Would that be including someone with a known bad heart, dying of a coronary, some attempt to justify getting sick brought it on? CORONAry virus.


Well acually I thought I heard the stanford researcher say 0.03 % , or 0.003 % ,
but I thought ... that low ??? Am I hearing her right ?
I wrote 0.3 % .

It could really be 0.03 % , or 0.003 % , I am now trying to find the news clip , but only came up with another one from the Local News Channel KTVU 2


speedmd said:
is that 0.3 of the people who are affected , carry the Covid-19 virus .... Die

That is .3%, correct? If so that would be close to the 0.5% that has been reported - confirmed in many other countries. Cali, has a much more open social living (less confined, stale air) conditions than most of the older - colder cities that have had major out breaks, but this falls in the range. Assuming we all get it....

0.003 x 325,000,000 = 975,000 dead.
.005 x 325,000,000 = 1,625,000 Dead.
.03% would put it near - no more dangerous than the flu. Most everyone of merit that has looked at this is showing clear multiples of increases in the novel infection death rates. And the various flu strains we do have vaccines. Simply not credible based on the numbers the past few months.

Based on .3% and half reach heard immunity, roughly A half million folks will perish in the US if no vaccine or treatment found. Rate Looks to be reasonable - in line with what is going on.
half a million for the US would be only 0.0143% if everyone gets it, lower by 20% if the herd effect actually works.
Testing stats https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104645/covid19-testing-rate-select-countries-worldwide/
Cannot believe how much leaving such critical jobs to the state level is causing incredible obstacles to effectively fighting this thing


April 13
Both the House and Senate have extended their recesses until May 4 due to the dangers of coronavirus, lengthening the break by two weeks.

The politicians really do care, really they do.
Good dataviz of Covid-19's death rate relative to other causes

US very likely already well over 100K COVID deaths

john61ct said:
Testing stats https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104645/covid19-testing-rate-select-countries-worldwide/

#12 and falling, the UK just passed us
ScooterMan101 said:

Well acually I thought I heard the stanford researcher say 0.03 % , or 0.003 % ,
but I thought ... that low ??? Am I hearing her right ?
I wrote 0.3 % .

It could really be 0.03 % , or 0.003 % , I am now trying to find the news clip , but only came up with another one from the Local News Channel KTVU 2
