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E-Scooters vs E-bikes

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...last time I tried "bouncing" w/a gal on a scooter it was a "mobility" scooter... She was steering and at some point her steering got too erratic and we had to pull over...

This pic illustrates well the concept of "cuddling while under way"... If you don't like cuddling... well, Gawds Bless You anyway!

Yah, you can ride tandem pedal bikes built for two, but this is not the same thing...

When Tania tagged along with Gwendal on their trip from the Land of Fire:

...one of her concerned expressed was Gwendals dietary habits and the smells she had to endure riding behind...

On (stand-up) scoots (as illustrated above) this is not a problem...

Sure, this young guy is happy now but wait `til after lunch...


This womans scooter is too small for her size.

*Edit: Also, footwear is not appropriate for scootering


Again, scooters are too small for body size.

These guyz appear to have ideal conditions for scooting but in the REAL WORLD of sudden stops (including impacts) ya need to give up the aero and raise the bars to keep the weight OFF the bars and keep it on yer feet... (see "penny-farthing"... see "header")...

These guyz combine two of my fav forms of transport, wind power(-assist) plus two wheels...

But where is the energy storage (see "re-gen")? How do they go to weather (see "Marconi rig")?
This is my kick-e-scooter. Used a Diggler FS model. I've currently got an X5303 on it, but will be swapping it out with an X5305 due to the hills I've got here in Ankara. I was also running it originally @ 48V, but upgraded my controller to 72V so will be building new packs for it as well. I'll also be swapping out the battery bags with some small Pelican cases.

With the 5303 @ 48V I had a top speed of 30 MPH with a full charge. I should achieve something similar with the 5305 @ 72V. It's a total blast to ride!



I also have a Goped ESR that I used to use quite a bit before I put together the Diggler.
Lock said:
This womans scooter is too small for her size.

that's an optical illusion from being set back so as to not crowd the foreground.

there used to be a local store, a short lived Princess Auto wanabee that imported primarily el-cheapo made in china tools & a selection of novelty items.
it's where i got a half dozen of the ubiquitous yellow-cased DMMs for 3 bucks apiece, & they also carried a small number of generic scooters.
shortly b4 they went under they had brought in some larger models, one of which the deck was a teeter-board that u straddled on opposite ends.
via a retro direct type arrangement each end would alternately engage a pair of opposite freewheeling cogs for continuous forward motion.
the mechanism reminded me of the cable driven ribbon winders on some old dot-matrix printers.
they only had the one display model which they refused to sell me & shortly after that were gone out of business & haven't seen the like since.
anyone ever seen these or know who carries them?
Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh said:
...generic scooters... one of which the deck was a teeter-board that u straddled on opposite ends...
...haven't seen the like since... anyone ever seen these or know who carries them?

Pump action like this?

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More like this, sounds like:
http://www.germes-online.com/catalog/46 ... king_.html

yep, the green one.
it's superficially different but looks like it's all there.
does this config have an official designation?
what i wonder is if it would be less tiring than asymmetric kicking which is what turns me off most scoots.
plus even with a motor i think it could argued that the teeterboard qualifies as continuously operable pedals under the ebike def.
maybe not but i'd be more willing to chance it.
Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh said:
yep, the green one. it's superficially different but looks like it's all there.
Pretty sure it has YongKang quality built in too :(

does this config have an official designation?

lots of ideas and tradenames for scoots that can be "pumped" or whatever... They've been around for a while
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what i wonder is if it would be less tiring than asymmetric kicking which is what turns me off most scoots.

Pretty sure limited top speed... maybe a freewheel but how fast can ppl "pump" without a "mis-step" where foot slips?

plus even with a motor i think it could argued that the teeterboard qualifies as continuously operable pedals under the ebike def.
maybe not but i'd be more willing to chance it.

hehe... if it had gears, might make things interesting! (yah, and power-assist too of course...)

I expect my next scoot (gawd,`been whining about this "next scoot" for two years now!) will be more of a kick-friendly machine than the Curries, Go-peds et al... but even then it's not really how I have been riding... The kicks come in at slow speeds around pedestrians, at startups to save the initial load on the batts... that kinda thing... when "making time" at (electric) speed it's too fast to kick effectively!
so Lock,
you say you ride 20km on your scooter standing uop?

how comfy its on that long ride..seems to me that standing still on a long 20k ride would suck...
tartosuc said:
so Lock,you say you ride 20km on your scooter standing uop?
how comfy its on that long ride..seems to me that standing still on a long 20k ride would suck...
Hehe... Hi tartosuc

I am urban. I surf roads and sidewalks. My travels are stop-and-go... A mix of walking and kicking and motoring. Often with faster trip times than public transit or car... Maybe not as fast as a pedal bike, but much safer than on a pedal bike in our traffic IMHO. I "survive" the sidewalks w/just two simple rules. 1)I) I have no rights versus peds or others on wheels. 2) Nobuddy around me looks nervous.
Regarding 2), ppl respond to this. They recognize that when I slow down and kick and even walk past them (whatever it takes so they look relaxed) they smile and say thank you. Often they stop me and ask about the scoot (they are illegal in my hood.) How fast does it go? How far does it go? Where can I get one?
Then I am back up to speed again away from them in a couple of seconds (see "power-assist".)
Commutes and travels are my exercise and a form of entertainment for me and a great way to promo power-assist.
Because I am only used to (short-range) PbA, limited to 10-20km on one charge, I am used to opportunity charging which usually means a meal and newspaper on a patio. I expect to have lithium to play with this summer (FINALLY) which will mean I will not need to opportunity charge so much but I probably still will anyway... Not for the pack as much as for the breaks... and the conversations about EVs that so often result when I pull up somewhere and plug in.

Little EVs in my hood are like having a puppy or a baby... ppl come over and oooh and awwwww <hehe> It's like travelling under sail. It's not how *fast* you get there, it's all about *how* you get there. Just works for me... But yah, I guess just standing up for hours at a time would be boring. Like sitting in a car or on a pedal bike.
I've seen one of those around...and I just don't "see"it... No way to shift your stance over long trips... Too easy(?) for a foot to slip off (maybe.) No passenger unless piggyback... Not sure if you can hang a basket/bag anywhere?
Haha... funny about the pennyfarthing... hard to believe the ppl still playing with wheels not round. Thought everybuddy had agreed by now round is the way to go
Anyway... back to scoots vs bikes...

learned a new word today. TROTTI Bike!

German/Swiss/etc name for foot bikes aka kick scooters especially downhill varients used esp alpine (if I understand correctly.)
BrendaEM said:
I think that aerodynamically, the rider is more of an issue than the vehicle.

Ebikes generally have taller tires for less rolling resistance.

Scooters generally have smaller tires with more rolling resistance, but have lower centers of gravity, and can carry more weight.

In Trice's tire study, they found that air pressure also has a great affect on rolling resistance.

Though, AFAIK, no current ebike frame allows you to carry as much battery and cargo as I would like. I used to carry 88lbs of batteries ~40kg, and another 40LBS of groceries, and it wasn't scary to ride.

Brenda, This little girl hauls my wife and I all over Yichang every day rain or shine, groceries, school supplies and the occasional big '5 liter' jug of cooking oil stuffed in the duffel bag in the front to boot.

I'm 180lbs., my wife is 115lbs and the long silver and gray box on the downtube is packed with 5 12v 10ah sla's. The rest of the bike is just heavy welded steel tube. The picture here is when I was about to rewire everything with bigger gauge including inside the motor.

She'll do over 35mph downhill with everybody aboard, 30 on the flats with just me and about 25 or so with the wife on and flat ground, no headwind. No scaryness here, I just drive it like we stole it everyday.
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Here is a hydraulic treadle scooter I designed. Except I can't understand the hydraulic system :).
The idea is for a short range vehicle that you can pick up and carry into where you are going. (folding handle bar and pedals not shown) Also it would replace running as an exercise platform for those who hate tread mills.

Obviously the head tube angle should be higher :)
Joepostal said:
Here is a hydraulic treadle scooter I designed.
Hi Joe. Yah, where to stuff the energy storage & transmission. (smile)

I'd be a little concerned about an overly-short wheelbase? From Wiki:
"Wheelbase has a major influence on the longitudinal stability of a bike"

Haha... like I know what the implications of "longitudinal stability" are... hehe.. OK, read all this stuff for me and give me the Executive Summary about wheelbase length wouldya?:

I'll guess, the longer the better, except that there are practical limits?

With the (Currie) scoots I'm familiar with, even though the wheel diameters are small the wheelbase is actually pretty close to pedal bikes. Only the overall length of the vehicle shrinks... which is what I found so handy for getting through doors and around indoors and stairwells and elevators, stuffing into shoulder bags and hiding behind potted plants etc!

...skateboards have a very short wheelbase and seem to do ok... but they are four wheeled. Perhaps makes a big diff. Even those guyz... some of `em, prefer their "long boards"...
Well it is supposed to be hard to ride! Turning is over rated. :D

Really it would be simple to change the angle below the head tube with curved forks. I imagine that two pistons drive the fluid into the rear, a piston in each tube.

Batteries and a pump to drive the wheel can be added to the aframe! Still under 20lbs.
I can attest to short wheel bases being more unstable. As the WB shortens it limits top speed and increases rider taxation
