Kicad Workshop


1 TW
Apr 26, 2009
Post edited.

So I want to continue this as a on going Kicad problem/ how to thread.
I also found at the bottom of the freerouter screen it says "writing session file failed" when I try to save no mater what I do.
Ok So I just lernt the hard way to do a DRC check first. I had power traces coming off the fets before trying to run the autorouter which you would think would be a good thing.... Anyways I got it now.


  • ! H bridge.JPG
    ! H bridge.JPG
    68.1 KB · Views: 2,716
OK so here is my first thing I would like to change... How do you move a component too 45deg? it only lets you rotate 90 deg at a time. I tried to design things as 45 deg moduals but getting it drawn is very hard. Anyone have any ideas?
Arlo1 said:
OK so here is my first thing I would like to change... How do you move a component too 45deg? it only lets you rotate 90 deg at a time. I tried to design things as 45 deg moduals but getting it drawn is very hard. Anyone have any ideas?
Lol a quick google search and here it is
Anyone know how to make the DRC warnings go away when you add traces and pins manualy???
Anyone know how to omit solder mask on select traces??
yep, it's one of those layers :mrgreen:

if you look at my post for the top of the PCB it's this purpelish layer. For the bottom this light brownish one.

Maybe the names are mask_front and mask_back ? You have to draw a polygon in this layer over the metal
trace you want to expose. If you look closely, all the solder islands of the components also have this masking layer...
Ok next question how do I add components to the kicad data base and how do I update the data base on my computer?
Lebowski said:
There's a tutorial explaining all this:

Nope. I can not find how to update the library in the link you posted.
It's probably better to create your own library, otherwise you may loose your symbols and footprints on next KiCAD update :)

For symbols there's a library editor button in the bar. Curiously I can't find how to create a new library in the version I have and I don't remember what I did to create my own, but I would just go the library directory and made a copy of the smallest file library in there, then change name to my own. Then just edit that lib, remove existing components and add my own ones. New lib has to be added to your project (go Preferences -> Library), and you may remove the ones you're not using.
Similar thing for the modules (footprint).
That is 1 of two things I need to do. the second is I need to update my Kicad library whit what is online and I can't find a update option in the Kicad program it self.
So do I have to download Kicad? I need to be careful I don't want to loose all my work.
If you didn't change the "default" libraries, you can just override the files with the new ones.
Otherwise you'll have export all of your components from the default libs before overriding them so that you won't loose them (and then put the exported components in a lib of your own).
Now I stumped. I am trying to use the auto router but It will no open. I just get a warning when trying to open it saying.
"Unable to launch the application"
then when I click details it says>
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.checkUpdateAvailable(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.isUpdateAvailable(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.updateFinalLaunchDesc(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Main.access$000(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Main$ Source)
at Source)
GAWD I have about 6 hours into trying to solve this. I can't believe how much of a PITA a laptop can be for such a simple task.
I just opened up Alro1's last Brain.Zip
and found the dsPIC 40pin with 20x2 style pin numbering.
That's when the opposite pin to PIN1 is PIN2 not PIN40.
The previous version pdf has DIL40 style numbering... so looks like your computer has the footprint modified.

Wondering if you have edited your KiCAD Library part for CONN_20x2 as when the file loads it looks in my library ...perhaps .. to get the schematic library data for CONN_20x2 rather than a part with in the project/sch file its self.

Your PCB netlist and footprint/module looks okay.

So this may have shown up a challenge with KiCAD in sharing schematics that rely on the local drives generics KiCAD parts.

If your making your own pinouts you will need to include a local project library with the ZIP file.

Or find the suitable Generic Part ( use the DIL40 not the CONN_20x2)

Does this problem with Parts and Library FIles ring true for others.
riba2233 said:
Here is the way to enable auto router:
That does not work anymore. The owner of the Auto router got threatened with lawyers so he took it off the web.
I know :D Now I see that I linked the wrong site (sorry :oops: ), here is the right link:

If you read the comments, you will find the link to download auto router data. I followed instructions and it works. If download link is broken, I will re-upload it.