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Question About Thermodynamics


100 W
Nov 26, 2013
This question came to mind when thinking about heated battery packs...

Let's say you had extremely good insulation that let out virtually no heat. You also have a heating pad that heats up to 30°c. From what I understand you can never heat an object hotter than the source, meaning the battery can't go above 30°c from the heater alone...

If the heat can't escape the insulation, and the battery can't be heated above 30°c, and the heater stays on constantly, where is the energy going?
Username1 said:
extremely good insulation that let out virtually no heat.
AFAIK does not exist.

Insulation does not "stop" energy transfer, best is just slowing it down a lot.

The insulation material on the heated side is absorbing that energy it's just how non-conductive it is in transferring to the cooler side.

The temperature **difference** between the two sides is a major factor

You said the heat source can not go above 30c so it is controlled and cycles on off to maintain that temp, so there is no extra energy to go somewere. Now if you had a heat source that put out a specific btu the temp would rise until the input equaled the thermal loss.
machanic said:
You said the heat source can not go above 30c so it is controlled and cycles on off to maintain that temp, so there is no extra energy to go somewere. Now if you had a heat source that put out a specific btu the temp would rise until the input equaled the thermal loss.

I didn't mean a heater that electronically cycles.

I mean an electric heater where the element itself only reaches 30°c. It has an on/off switch and you leave it on. Eventually the air/battery inside the box reaches 30°c. The heater is still on, so where is the energy going?
It would have a thermal switch built in the pad or in some cases the resistance of the heater goes high as temp approaches temp upper limit. Even though you don't see the temp controller it is there!
Username1 said:
This question came to mind when thinking about heated battery packs...

Let's say you had extremely good insulation that let out virtually no heat. You also have a heating pad that heats up to 30°c. From what I understand you can never heat an object hotter than the source, meaning the battery can't go above 30°c from the heater alone...

If the heat can't escape the insulation, and the battery can't be heated above 30°c, and the heater stays on constantly, where is the energy going?
The heater can't stay on constantly if it only reaches a specific temperature within a space that lets no heat out.

It must have a thermostat that shuts off power to the heater once it reaches that specific temperature. (whcih will then never reengage if it's that well insulated).

Username1 said:
I didn't mean a heater that electronically cycles.

I mean an electric heater where the element itself only reaches 30°c.
I'm not aware of anything that can do this, without some form of sensing and feedback control, within an insulated environment where there is no energy loss.

There are certain alloys of elements that increase resistance with temperature (PTC's) so that they automatically use less power the hotter they get because the (average, if AC) voltage on them is constant, but their resistance increases, so their current decreases, and so watts used (power) decreases, and so does power dissipation (heat created). But there is a limit to the resistance they'll create, and if current continues to flow and heat continues to be generated, temperature will continue to increase if in an insulated environment with no energy loss.

If they're in a normal environment (even well-insulated) they'll probably maintain a temperature as designed, but not in a hypothetical near-perfectly insulated environment.

It has an on/off switch and you leave it on. Eventually the air/battery inside the box reaches 30°c. The heater is still on, so where is the energy going?

There's no way for this to occur, within a system that lets no energy out of the insulated area. If the heater is still on, it's going to reach a temeprature above that point, becuase the energy isnt' going anywhere if it's that well insulated. So will everything else within the insulation.

If the heater has a thermal control that rolls pack power (like a PWM circuit, etc) rather than simply shutting off, it will cycle power to the heater that way, and could in theory (depending on the temperature sensing, and the feedback control mechanism) maintain a nearly constant temperature at the sensor itself (or sensors, if there are multiple), based on however much energy loss there is...but it is still "cycling power", just not in the usual completely on/off method.

If you monitor power usage of the heater, you would see the change in power usage as temperature is reached, regardless of method used to control power usage.

If you have a heater with no thermal control at all, and it always runs at a specific power level, and is insulated so there is effectively no energy loss, then it will continue to heat up until the point of failure of either it's electrical insulation is reached, or of the electrical connections, or eventually of the actual heating elements themselves (most likely there would be a fire in progress by this point).

You can test this yourself even with pretty imperfect insulation, as long as it is good enough to make heat loss significantly less than heat input. Just setup a thermal sensor inside the insulated space with the heater that claims to maintain only a specific temperature, while monitoring power usage of the heater, and let it run.

Either the temperature will continue to increase until sensor failure, connection failure, or fire occurs, or else power input will decrease. (or both, depending on the heater's design).
Dont waste your time AW..
This is little short of a troll question,..at the very least a poorly thought out idea.
Best to ignore, and allow the OP to think it through themself...they will be better prepared for their next thought bubble !
@amberwolf Thanks for the detailed response, I think I understand now. A constant power heater would simply continue to climb in temperature. With constant power, even a material that increases resistance the hotter it gets would never reach 100% resistance, meaning it would also continue to climb in heat, just slower. A heater that only reached a certain temperature would inherently need to be switched in some way, whether by PWM or a simple temperature-sensing on/off switch.

I'll continue reading/thinking it over a few more times to try to cement it in my understanding.

Hillhater said:
Dont waste your time AW..
This is little short of a troll question,..at the very least a poorly thought out idea.
Best to ignore, and allow the OP to think it through themself...they will be better prepared for their next thought bubble !

You heard the man, shut down the thread. Asking questions is trolling, especially when it comes from a 2013 account which has never trolled a single time. The only troll is you with your useless concern trolling comment.
Username1 said:
You heard the man, shut down the thread. Asking questions is trolling, especially when it comes from a 2013 account which has never trolled a single time. The only troll is you with your useless concern trolling comment.
No, i said it was “ little short of a troll question”,..
My concern is for valuable experienced contributors spending time on trivial questions that are obviously not thought through before being posted.
If you had any understanding of Thermodynamics you would have realised what you were thinking was fundamentally wrong. :roll:
Hillhater said:
My concern is for valuable experienced contributors spending time on trivial questions that are obviously not thought through before being posted.

Literal concern trolling. How about you mind your own business and stop white knighting for no reason? By the way I did think it through and was stumped so I asked a question.
The moderation rules in the biker bar are less stringent, and lean more on self-policing.

However, I would request that we please avoid un-necessary conflict voluntarily.
Hillhater said:
My concern is for valuable experienced contributors spending time on trivial questions that are obviously not thought through before being posted.

We're all here to learn from each other, aren't we?

If those that know something don't teach those that don't, what good is knowing that something?

If you had any understanding of Thermodynamics you would have realised what you were thinking was fundamentally wrong. :roll:
And learning is done by asking questions, isn't it? ;)

How do you think I learned the stuff I can now "teach" to others? :D
Reading the part about constant power constantly raising the temperature until failure (with perfect insulation) was what made it click for me.

For some reason I was thinking that a certain power level would produce a certain temperature in the element. In reality it simply continues raising the temperature. This makes sense because as time moves on, you're applying the same power level to an increasingly hot element.

In reality there is no perfect insulation. I believe the hotter it gets the more heat leaks out. So you'll naturally reach an equilibrium point at a certain temperature where it can't get any hotter using constant power.
Thermodynamics are just about the energy in a system.

Energy in = energy out. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Username1 said:
I believe the hotter it gets the more heat leaks out.
Dunno about that. But:

So you'll naturally reach an equilibrium point at a certain temperature where it can't get any hotter using constant power.
The catch is that usually that point is well above the point at which important things no longer do what they were intended/designed to. ;)

(Unless the system is specifically designed with insulation level to just dissipate the power sufficiently to only maintain just that temperature it needs to...but this only works within an extremely narrow (few degrees) *environmental* temperature range, outside the insulation. For a "real" environment where temperature varies significantly, you'd need either adjustable insulation (probably not practical) or adjustable input power along with temperature sensing (which is how it's typically done)).
Reading about PTCs is fascinating. They seem like an ideal heat source for batteries, specifically the thin flexible PTC rubber variety.