Romanian Go Kart with Turnigy


100 TW
May 28, 2010
Coordinates: 33°52′48″N 117°55′43″W
Assuming he's not around here already, it might be fun to lure this guy in. The video is a bit out of focus but you still see some things. He's apparently using this motor, the controller in the video I'm guessing is off the market, having been replaced by this one. On his blog he mentions building a controller for the Kart at some point.

he needs a romanian rear view mirror to drive it since he has it going in reverse.

a friend bot a used car with only reverse gear in the automatic so he drove it across town, about 80 blocks, in reverse!!. across two major arterials too!!

he said some guy saw him and berated him for driving down the neighborhood streets in reverse as though my friend did it for a lark and not because he had to get the car home to work on it. true story. 80 blocks.
Engineering genius he isnt !
Its been a while since i saw such a poorly thought out motor mount.. or motor choice,...or choice of controllers,.. etc etc
If he realizes its in reverse, and can change it, i would love to see the video of its first run with a driver on board ! :roll:
Hillhater said:
Engineering genius he isnt !
Its been a while since i saw such a poorly thought out motor mount.. or motor choice,...or choice of controllers,.. etc etc
If he realizes its in reverse, and can change it, i would love to see the video of its first run with a driver on board ! :roll:
Maybe not a first run, since he is not going in reverse, but he can beet human powered bicycle in long run, it says 42km/h. :lol: That cyclist is a beast!
When he posted the video he mentioned he saw it was wired wrong and going backward so nobody needed to point that out; guess what got a huge number of comments even AFTER there were so many up there. Funny how people demonstrate their LACK of command of the obvious in trying to pretend they're geniuses at catching things. He has video of himself riding it FORWARD. If the long time since you've seen something like it was 2006, yeah that's when he built it. Went on to convert his own electric car, as well as other things.
Dauntless said:
.. Went on to convert his own electric car, as well as other things.
That should be fun to see also then !
What motor did he put in the car ?..a Turnigy 160 maybe ? :shock:
I sure hope he learned something from the kart build with regards to drive train choice, controller selection, and some simple engineering basics ! :lol:
Hillhater said:
What motor did he put in the car ?..a Turnigy 160 maybe ? :shock:

If he did, you'd sure have your foot in your mouth about 'Engineering genius he isn't.'

Hillhater said:
I sure hope he learned something from the kart build with regards to drive train choice, controller selection, and some simple engineering basics ! :lol:

Well, that WOULD be the point in taking on starting projects, now wouldn't it?

Must be something special in the koolaid tonight.

Coach Will Bochkay said:
The other day, my friend Diann sent me “proverbs 9:8 haters gonna hate. It’s in the bible”. And I love how just a little offhanded comment can take root and mean so much.

Just to be clear, proverbs 9:8 is “So don’t bother correcting mockers; they will only hate you. But correct the wise, and they will love you.”

Sometimes it has to be said like it is.. know .."the Emperors new clothes" syndrome ?
That kart conversion was a piece of crap and would be an embarrassment to any realistic EV enthusiast !
If the crap motor mount, useless controller, and reverse running ..was not enough to force him to stop filming his mistakes... then the obviously lousy performance on the "road test" should have sealed it in his mind that something was seriously wrong.
But maybe he thought he had just produced a Tesla challenger ?
The guy may well have gone on to build the Starship Enterprise.. but he should never have YouTube'd that Kart !
And why did you think it was worthy of posting here ?.. were you so impressed with the build ??
There are hundreds of electric kart conversions on YT,..most of them far better than this.

To me it simply demonstrates someone who is completely out of his depth.
Maybe some directed notes will work. A teaching technique to help kids learn to learn. You can go ahead and say it out loud.

Hillhater said:
Sometimes it has to be said like it is.. know .."the Emperors new clothes" syndrome ?

That story is about ME. I'M the one that gets it RIGHT when I tell it like it is, rather that the pushing some personal agenda the way that y. . . .

Hillhater said:
That kart conversion was a piece of crap and would be an embarrassment to any realistic EV enthusiast !
If the crap motor mount, uselezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........

. . . .(SNORK!) I guess I could use the phrase 'Gross Exaggeration.' As though people are seriously cranking out these highly evolved creations. Mostly what is discussed here is how to avoid problems, or solve them once they're there. This is an active hobbyist and trained electrical engineer, marvelous to have someone like that putting his work up here. Especially someone using a motor that there's been great interest in here but little done with it, such as with that gokart. You're simply outdoing yourself, working overtime to ignore the whole purpose of this community and instead simply be a h. . . .

Hillhater said:
To me it simply demonstrates someone who is completely out of his depth.

IS there some reason you provided THAT particular piece of information? ??? By what stretch of the imagination are you assuming this is about YOU? Perhaps you're of a mind to drive him away, organize a lynchmob with figurative torches and . . . .

(Found it easy to finish that last one, eh?) Now if you'll excuse me, Captian Hook just put one hell of an exhibition on with his Cutlass, gotta get back to 'O. . . .
Dauntless said:
Hillhater said:
To me it simply demonstrates someone who is completely out of his depth.

IS there some reason you provided THAT particular piece of information? ??? By what stretch of the imagination are you assuming this is about YOU? Perhaps you're of a mind to drive him away, organize a lynchmob with figurative torches and . . . . . . .

Now who's exaggerating !
I posted that information just incase you were still thinking that there was anything good about his kart conversion but perhaps you are happy to be guided by such poor examples of EV engineering ?
Have you ever thought why there has not been much done with that motor ?.. or why HK dropped it from their line up ?
Hillhater said:
Now who's exaggerating !.

Umm, you, same as always.

Hillhater said:
I posted that information just incase you were still thinking that there was anything good about his kart conversion but perhaps you are happy to be guided by such poor examples of EV engineering ?

There's plenty good about it, he went off by himself and got it done. All the better if he could have some help. Who says anything about him guiding people? (Oh, wait, YOU did.) Though he built a controller, he would do some. But he can get guidance, too. Have you ever read this board? It's called 'Endless Sphere.' All sorts of people post their ideas, others suggest things, actually if you look at this guys blog you see the sort of things that go on here, except he hasn't known he could get all the suggestions here. Although there are SOME people who insist on making the place look bad. . . .

Hillhater said:
Have you ever thought why there has not been much done with that motor ?

Haven't had to, they always state it's the cost. Mostly they don't want to invest in it without knowing they can use it. They haven't been seeing someone else finish a project with one.

Hillhater said:
.. or why HK dropped it from their line up ?

Again, haven't had to, because they didn't. They even came out with more in the line.