On/Off switch for 22S


1 kW
Jul 11, 2018
I am looking for an on/off switch which can handle up to 100V. The Chinese on/off switch for the handlebar did not survive a week with 22S.
I always use Grin Ebikes.ca switches. I run at 89.1 .. Its a nice small one with waterproof housing cap/plug. :thumb:
Are you just switching the "ignition" or "keyswitch" line on the controller?

Or are you switching the main battery leads to the controller?
For the Sabvoton to switch it on, the orange cable is connected to B+ (up to +92.4V for my setup).
The switch is connecting/disconnecting the orange cable to B+

It‘s just the ignition line, but probably the voltage was too high for the Chinese handlebar switch.