28,000 watt Motoped with 3kwh of nano-tech

recumpence said:
Well define "legal". If I stay under 20mph I could argue that it is legal. It already looks like a motorcycle though. I rarely take it on the road for fear of being pulled over.


I figured that was the case in one of your latest video's where you drove road side ;)
Animalector said:
I find the differences in law interesting. Roadside or not 20mph or not. In Australia if cops see.you riding that thing it's a fine at the very least.


Only if they catch you ;)
macribs said:
Animalector said:
I find the differences in law interesting. Roadside or not 20mph or not. In Australia if cops see.you riding that thing it's a fine at the very least.


Only if they catch you ;)

We don't have as much crime as the 'Merican's....so our cops have time to chase down poor lil ebikers......Doesn't mean we cant give evasion a good hot go though! :twisted:

Hey Animalector....how do the north Queensland cops treat you...they were a pack of pricks to me when I lived there!
Never been down under but back in the days when I was a teen and rode dirt bikes places where dirt bikes had no business being, the trick to not get a prolonged chase was to know of every tight spots cars will not fit. Tease em for a few blocks then go someplace cop cars can't go and disappear. Don't know if you got loads of cops motorcycles down under but if you don't get to know you local "sweet spots" where you can ditch the coppers.

I must say cops spending tax dollars chasing e-bikers is crazy. They should be looking for real criminals, gangs,killers, rapists, thieves,drug dealers and those pesky white collar criminals rather then bothering peaceful e-bikers. :evil:
macribs said:
Never been down under but back in the days when I was a teen and rode dirt bikes places where dirt bikes had no business being, the trick to not get a prolonged chase was to know of every tight spots cars will not fit. Tease em for a few blocks then go someplace cop cars can't go and disappear. Don't know if you got loads of cops motorcycles down under but if you don't get to know you local "sweet spots" where you can ditch the coppers.

I must say cops spending tax dollars chasing e-bikers is crazy. They should be looking for real criminals, gangs,killers, rapists, thieves,drug dealers and those pesky white collar criminals rather then bothering peaceful e-bikers. :evil:

KTM's are the police dirt bike of choice around my area. Sadly they would be alllllll over me. However I Rarely see them and you can here them miles away. If your breaking road rules or endangering people, then Im fine with the cops fining people. If Im out in the middle of the bush and my biggest risk is sunburn, I don't think they should be fining people.
Ive yet to use my 'Evade' mode.......Looking forward to the opportunity

Warren wrote: Slammed the side of my helmet too. The styrofoam broke into three pieces, held together by the polyester shell. Remember the energy goes up as the square of the velocity. At 35-45 mph a bicycle helmet is not adequate.
Matt wrote:

The issue I have is a motorcycle helmet says "Pull me over".
IMO protecting your head from potential damage should be a much higher priority than a potential ticket. How would you feel about your sons doing that?
MitchJi said:

Warren wrote: Slammed the side of my helmet too. The styrofoam broke into three pieces, held together by the polyester shell. Remember the energy goes up as the square of the velocity. At 35-45 mph a bicycle helmet is not adequate.
Matt wrote:

The issue I have is a motorcycle helmet says "Pull me over".
IMO protecting your head from potential damage should be a much higher priority than a potential ticket. How would you feel about your sons doing that?

Wow, I find it amazing that I'm getting hassled even though I am wearing a helmet! Good grief, if someone doesn't wear a helmet they get grief, if you wear a helmet you get grief for wearing "the wrong helmet".


You know what I tell my son's? Ignore people who give you grief for no reason.


Back in the 1960's-1970's, I had three motorcycle wrecks. My Bell helmets saved my life. I don't know about Illinois, but Wisconsin went back and forth about requiring helmets. Harley being there meant business interests were taken into account. They don't call motorcyclists "organ donors" for nothing.
I have gone down on the pavement twice as well. I have been riding dirt bikes, Street bikes, and sport bikes all my life. I have had my share of crashes. I understand this subject thoroughly.

I am done talking about this. Go hassle someone who is not wearing a helmet at all.

I cannot talk about it. I am in the middle of a consulting project that may become a full time partnership with us at DaVinci Drives. Once I am free to post on it I will.

We have nearly 16 inches of snow on the ground. I made a simple rear fender out of a piece of fiberglass and went for a ride. How was it? AWESOME!

This thing just trucks right on through the snow without any problems at all! The only issue is the openings at the sides of the bike. So, I am making simple fiberglass side panels that will be fastened to the bike. This will snow-proof the bike.

I cannot believe how well this thing rides through the snow. One thing, though. It is a darn good thing this bike has sooo much power. The power is excellent. But, admittedly, it is not overpowered. I thought it would be. After all, in the trails, it has too much power. But, in the snow, the power is about 15 or 20% more than is needed. That makes it really easy to ride in the snow without feeling like a top fueler. It is really great to ride. The bike handles very well. In fact, the snow is so deep that the bottom of the bike was bottomed out in the snow. My feet were being dragged through the snow. Yet, even with the bottom of the frame and my feet plowing through the snow, the bike just accellerated and ran awesome! I went through drifts and ditches without any problems and without getting stuck at all. I am a happy camper. :D



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OK, well, I added side panels to the Snow-Mo-Ped and went for a longer ride (6 minutes). The panels do, indeed, keep the snow out of the system. What I found is interesting;

First, powder snow up to 18 inches deep does not stop the bike.
Second, hard pack snow (snowmobile trails) are awesome on this thing!
Third, powder snow uses up HUGE power. In 5 minutes of full throttle riding in 13 inch deep powder, I used 16ah from my 64 ah pack! So, it looks like 20 minute run time is what I could expect if riding in very deep powder.
Fourth, the motors run at around 100 degrees F when run super hard like this. Perfect!
Lastly, I found that full throttle nets around 10mph in the powder due to massive, continuous, wheelspin. However, half throttle gave around 15mph. This was consistant performance. So, next ride I will deal with lower throttle setting for more speed and longer range.

I am actually quite surprised how well this thing runs. It is one thing to have huge acceleration for 4 seconds, then cruising around at much lower power. It is, entirely, another thing to pull high power for extended periods. In the snow, I was pulling over 13,000 watts for 2 to 3 minutes continuously without a hiccup.

I am a happy camper. Now all I need to do is install the headlights and wait for more snowmobiles to pack down good trails for me. :D

I sure am glad I have a 2.5kw charger for this thing!

super sick. I love it.
Seems like good fun. Try to change seating position and place more of your body further up front. When riding mx on snowy conditions the more I sat "in the frame" the better control and handling I got - a tiny fee to pay for less traction. But overall handling was much better not sitting as far back as you do here.

Hm I hope your lawn was frozen solid before the snow came, or you might be in for a nasty surprise next spring :)
macribs said:
Seems like good fun. Try to change seating position and place more of your body further up front. When riding mx on snowy conditions the more I sat "in the frame" the better control and handling I got - a tiny fee to pay for less traction. But overall handling was much better not sitting as far back as you do here.

Hm I hope your lawn was frozen solid before the snow came, or you might be in for a nasty surprise next spring :)
I had to sit back to get any traction. In fact, sitting almost on the rear fender worked best. That is in powder. It is different on hard pack.
Looks like a ton of fun! Gets around almost snowmobile well, nice work!!