Any thoughts on investing in this start-up company?


10 MW
Jan 10, 2012
Any Los Angeles area beach I am at. Or Santa Monic
Don't invest in startup companies, invest in yourself.

I think there is a big opportunity to convert school buses to electric. Remove the diesel engines.
Kids don't need to breath diesel exhaust.

There is a company in Sacramento that does this, and our district bought a dozen of their school buses.
There use case is well suited to electric charging, as they only run a short time a day and otherwise are parked.
I like the idea, but i don't know how much experience they have. Their business is extremely young and they have little proof of concept. Also, developing standardized components for vehicles is going to be expensive as hell.

What i want to see: finished conversions, drive units or concept drive units, not a dream and a lot of analysis.
I want to know real numbers on conversion costs. As an investor, i'd want to see a company that is primarily interested in making money and can prove that it can. I don't see that here. I see a lot of talk about saving the planet - not as much about business fundamentals.

As they say on shark tank.. 'i'm out!'
JackB said:
I think there is a big opportunity to convert school buses to electric. Remove the diesel engines.
Kids don't need to breath diesel exhaust..

There is a company near me that converts long haul trucks to Electric useing swapable batteries.
They had to stop and rethink battery options when one truck went up in flames,..big time !
Truck full of beer going up un flames is a sad sight,..
But a Bus full off school kids ..??
Lets start by electrifying the Garbage trucks etc.
Diesel exhaust is OK, but some rare case of a fire in a EV we should be more careful?
All those soccer moms better not have EVs then right? :roll:
Garbage trucks are good too because they are stop-n-go-stop-n-go-stop-n-go, so you can regen, but they run all day,
and then have long drives to the landfill. A hybrid might work.