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Aussie Role Call


After this drink driving scandal it looks like Abbott is doing everything to cover-up his road crimes. Such corruption.

Look at the great lengths they've gone to photoshop out your motor. If you look closely at the body of the neck tie you can see it is a slightly different hue than the part protruding beneath the frame. Otherwise the image is flawless- whoever did this was a professional.


ManoisEscobar said:
Look at the great lengths they've gone to photoshop out your motor. If you look closely at the body of the neck tie you can see it is a slightly different hue than the part protruding beneath the frame. Otherwise the image is flawless- whoever did this was a professional.

Wow, you're right. Who ever did that is truely photoshop master.
I can't believe Tony has turned his back on me now that he's PM! What treachery...

If you want proper NBN fibre to the home then sign the petition.


Abbot and Turnbull want to make us use copper wire from home to node(/telephone exchange) to save $50B .
Turnbull tweeted "didn't we just have an election?"
Mermaid Beach on the Gold Coast here, QLD.

Scored a Specialized Demo 9 for a great price (owner moved to the UK) and planning my first build based on it. Drop-outs will be the biggest challenge, of course. :?

It rides really well as-is.

Just a heads up guys!

ALDI has a special on bike tool kits today. It's not the best quality but it's definitely worth the $30.

Marrickville Metro is sold out
Eastgardens still has a few
Bike lanes that aren't bike lanes...

Bike lanes are only bike lanes if they are signposted, as described by the Australian Road rules. They are either signposted as all day, or for specific times (eg peak hour).

Unfortunately, some policemen don't know the Australian Road rules and book cyclists anyway.

The man in question wrote in to the expiation branch, but they refused to acknowledge that it was not an actual bicycle lane, but a 'bicycle holding area'


Naturally it would be sorted out in court according the Australian Road rules, but it really sucks that someone would have to go through that because a cop doesn't know the law.
Architectonic said:
Bike lanes that aren't bike lanes...

Bike lanes are only bike lanes if they are signposted, as described by the Australian Road rules. They are either signposted as all day, or for specific times (eg peak hour).

Unfortunately, some policemen don't know the Australian Road rules and book cyclists anyway.

The man in question wrote in to the expiation branch, but they refused to acknowledge that it was not an actual bicycle lane, but a 'bicycle holding area'


Naturally it would be sorted out in court according the Australian Road rules, but it really sucks that someone would have to go through that because a cop doesn't know the law.
thats a bit of a worry. although lucky about the rule its only when its a "clearway".
just wondering whats the deal if you want to turn right and there are 2 lanes, no slip lane...
One time there were no cars around but one turning right where i wanted to go so i went out to the right lane and stoped behind the car. we waited for a break in traffic, there was a gap only enough for the car so, there i was stuck out on the right hand lane with no slip lane waiting to turn right now with cars aproching and merging into the left lane. i think someone beeped. usual scenario if i was a car it wouldnt be an issue if i block the lane, "but a bike has no right" :roll: so yeah shit scenario but what is legal? its obviously unsafe but just as unsafe as a motor bike or scooter i guess. thing is if a car swerves at the last second and the car tailgateing them is checking there mirror and phone they will likely hit the bike and rider.
Even if there is a clearway and a painted line, it is still not a bike lane according to the law.


Division 6 Driving in marked lanes designated
for special purposes
153 Bicycle lanes

(4) A bicycle lane is a marked lane, or the part of a marked
(a) beginning at a bicycle lane sign applying to the lane;
(b) ending at the nearest of the following:
(i) an end bicycle lane sign applying to the lane;
(ii) an intersection (unless the lane is at the unbroken
side of the continuing road at a T–intersection or
continued across the intersection by broken
(iii) if the road ends at a dead end — the end of the


As far as your second question go, it is perfectly legal, although most people would be too scared to do it. Many people hook turn from the left (which is legal to do on a bicycle at all intersections unless there is a sign specifying otherwise)

I like the interpretations on the Amy Gillett website as they are much more straightforward than the technical descriptions in the road rules.


Cyclists must ride as near as is safely possible to the far left side of the road — on a multi-lane road or a road with two or more lines of traffic travelling in the same direction as you, you can occupy a lane and travel in the right hand lane when necessary (for example, to make a right turn) (Rules 129, 130)

That is the closed I could find.
Geoff here.
Can be found around Melbourne's numerous bike trails trying to work off last night's wine/beer.
3 wheels good, 2 wheels bad (can't fall off trike, but have flipped it going too fast).
Top speed PB 70km/h (downhill, of course).
Electric-assist top speed PB 43km/h @7Amps/24V (on the flat, no wind).
Had a WTF moment today, went though an amber light today at about 56km/h (it was still amber when I had exited the intersection, so it had not been amber for long). I'm pretty sure my speedometer is accurate, or even over reads by 1 km/h.

But it triggered the red light/speed camera to flash?

I have had the same camera flash once before in my car when I was turning right at about 40 km/h on green, is it possible that I somehow appeared to be an 'unusual event' to it, hence the trigger?
I could have worded that a bit more carefully, I'm pretty sure it flashed twice on both occasions (tonight and a few years ago - I never received a fine of course, because I wasn't doing anything wrong then).

This is on Anzac Hwy where Cross road ends.

I was riding on the edge of the bike lane, I'm thinking it is some sort of quirk with how the inductive loops are arranged on the road and the difference in spacing versus where cars go over it...
pendragon8000 said:
I think Richmond rd south rd used to flash sllot like that. Sometime 1 flash would occur and I believe that the system was taking the first of two for a positive trigger. Ie 1 is false trigger.

I think the old wet films had single flash but the newer digital double flash. It's common to see single flash calibration randomly happen....But it really throws you off, check plates online they update that quickly if you are issued :-x
Thought i might put a shameless plug in here :mrgreen: ...OK, i did an
interview with Jessica from Channel Seven Nightly News last Friday
at the scene of my accident, was an hour of filming and talking
Jessica's story is on speeding Motorcyclists...im the "this is what
could happen if it goes wrong" part of the story
aaaanywayz... the story airs this Sunday on 7 News at 6pm

Promos will start appearing from tonight, i'm not on the promo for more than a second
LoL My interview etc airs in full on Sunday
check it out fellas...


p.s for those that are unaware im a paraplegic due to a motorcycle accident..and now work for
the Paraplegic Benefit Fund traveling to schools speaking to students aged 15-17 about
spinal chord injury and motor-vehicle safety...
Nice one Kim. I'll tune in if I'm hope and tape/upload it if I can for others who may be interested.
Any mention of ebikes and how that's now how you now get around or is it all about the speeding thing ?

Did you use the opportunity to advertise yourself as a very gay man openly looking for a good time ? :p
Thanks Kim, will have a look in, at first I thought you crashed your new Custom Cruizer and thought Oh Nooo! until I re-read :roll:
Hyena said:
Nice one Kim. I'll tune in if I'm hope and tape/upload it if I can for others who may be interested.
Any mention of ebikes and how that's now how you now get around or is it all about the speeding thing ?

Did you use the opportunity to advertise yourself as a very gay man openly looking for a good time ? :p

Nothing about e-bikes im afraid, wore my 'work shirt' Had to be a lil professional as i was representing the PBF
I did manage to get a plug in for Hyena Gay Hook Ups :p

I doubt the message will get through to the masses maybe it will save one or two which is better than nothing...

HAHA@DingoMaN nagh cruisers safe and sound, bought a pair of forks of Timma on the weekend
he came up for Saturday night drinks, we ended up crashing around 3-4am haha was excellent to catch up with Paul
So yeah nice set of brand new looking '888's" for da cruiser

I been tossing up what i am doing electric wise with the cruiser only now needing paint
I amd tossing up between a freeride para capable two wheeler OR buying a guttered ATV and going
4 wheel electric buch pig for roo shooting on the farm... decisions decisions there is a enginless Yamaha
4 wheeler sitting rusting up the farm so i have a chassis alread just need to get it down here to
electrify with a big ass brushed setup KISS principle bush pig bike with gun racks and spotties tehehe
Applying for my gun license have letter from Karans father owner of 3500acres East Dandaragan
stating i need a rifle for eradicating roos foxes emooos (dingos if i find one teehehe) and rabbits
also have a gun club 2 clicks down the road from home i will be joining so i can styart work on getting a
competition .22 tagret pistol..

Anyhoot keep an eyez out fellas hope you enjoy the story

Damn... Prolly the one time in my life where I regret not having Free to Air television...

Onya Kim :D You Big TV Star!

AussieJester said:
there is a enginless Yamaha
4 wheeler sitting rusting up the farm so i have a chassis alread just need to get it down here to electrify with a big ass brushed setup

That'd be good, or even a "mid drive" type set up with a hub motor will be nice and quiet if you need to sneak up. I'm looking around for something similar myself to make a lil race around buggy for my kids. By the time I priced up buying wheels and tyres and what not and then mess around making steering linkages and suspension it's cheaper to just buy a cheap chinese quad and cut and shut it.

Hey that story, is it actually the local news or the sunday night program that's on after it ? Seems like it'd be more of a sunday night type thing, if it's the local news probably only the Perthians will see it.
Search A TV chassis on eBay Jay, STACKS of them, would make a perfect chassis for a kids
Go kart, allot come with front swing arms too, under$200 bucks..
Mid drive frock would work, would need one out Johns though which our my price range this
Project, I'm looking at something like a brushed etek clone for reliability, the bike will
at most one twice a month, all at low speed, I would need more than 40km/hr
It's primarily a shooting platform, will fit with gun rest and spotlight rear rack small winch perhaps
assist getting the dead Roos stacked the back...alternatively GPS way point each kill come with the it's
collect them...need to have a chat with the missus father about securing the
Atv as its not his, been there for years mind , so I it shouldn't be too much of an issue having it if let him know what I want it for...

The story is on the nightly news mate, not today tonight that followed news

dingos if i find one teehehe)

Yeah! pesky little creatures , nice interview, a lot of guys do have a death wish so good advise to the overconfident and you are a natural in front of the camera, movie star material