Bafang BPM - to low top-speed?


1 mW
Sep 25, 2013
Kristiansand, Norway
I recently installed a Bafang BPM RWD 48v500w engine in a 700c wheel on my hybrid bike. Selected 328 RPM - version when I mostly bikes on flat or slightly hilly areas .

Has set up a clean PAS operation - with S12S controller from and 12 pole magnet. The battery is a 48v10ah LiFePO4 with 15 amp and 30 amp CDR MCDR .
All components are purchased from

I had expected that this setup would give me speeds of up to 45/50 km / h when the bike is used as normal (loaded with me , battery etc ) .

Unloaded (bike upside down ) fails to supply the engine speed higher than 41 km / h ( I have set up the LCD s -led so that the maximum speed is 60 km / h ) .
Loaded (normal use of the bicycle ) manages the engine 34/35 km / h as maximum speed.

I have not connected any throttle normally , but use the throttle to test speeds. In addition to the motor , controller and battery , I mounted PAS ( 12 pole) , speedometer , s lcd ( dispaly ) and two brake sensors.

Have no 3 -level switch or cruise controller ...

Anyone have suggestions / theories about why I do not achieve higher speeds than I do ? What am I doing wrong ?

Hope someone has a simple and straightforward solution to this .. Thank you in advance for your help.

The controllers that usually come with a BPM will default to "medium" speed without a three way switch. You need to use one or short the correct wires.
rp3 said:
The controllers that usually come with a BPM will default to "medium" speed without a three way switch. You need to use one or short the correct wires.

Ok. Thanks for your reply.
Can I mount "any" switch I like - or do I have to order the spesific one from ?
The S12S controller from has no indication on either the contacts or connections diagram for it to be connected to a switch ... are you sure S12S be used with 3-pole switch?

Link controller:
Link three-speed switch: (according to to be used with three other controllers...)

According to my calculation, A code 10 BPM will do about 46km/h no-load. Which code number has yours? It's the number in brackets.

You cannot use a three-speed switch with your controller.

The controller isn't restricted in it's default settings, but if you've changed something, you might have changed the max speed.

The only other thing you can try is to short the red and signal wire on the controller to ensure that it sees maximum throttle. You have to short it after you switch on.
Sorry... Can't find the code number anywhere.. You have a picture ofwhere iit's supposed to be?

I changed the max speed from the factory yes. First to 40 km/h, later to 60 km/h.

The p1 value is still 214 (factory default)

I have two different throttles and pas. Max speed is the same from all of them.


Some info here with pictures.
That's the cause of your problem then. Code 14 is about 220 rpm. I'm surprised that it goes as fast as it does. Did you tick the 328 rpm box when you ordered it?
Yes, I thicked the 328 box... And BMSBattery claims through chat that they sent me the 328...

I will test the bikes top speed (motor only) when we get a nice no wind day...
But I'm pretty sure that it's close to 34 km/h.

In a way I'm quite happy with the motor. Miss a little bit on the top speed (+5 km/h), but the torque and everything else is very nice...
Is there any point in arguing with BMSBattery on this thing?

Thanks again!
If it's got (14) written on it, it's a code 14, and absolutely not 328 rpm, for which they normally send a code 10, which will have (10) written on it. You should take a photo of the marking and send it to them with a copy of this table:

There's probably little that they can do because of the cost of sending it back, but you should at least register a complaint and tell them how disappointed you are.

There's a thread somewhere about why you shouldn't buy from BMSB. Maybe you should add your case if they can't/won't do anything.
Hi Agiator
I just checked my motor & it's a code 10 (number stamped on hub motor in brackets)
I would contact BMS Battery & complain
At the very least they should credit your account a few dollars for your next order
Good luck
Thanks again.

I've sent an email to bmsbattery, and will post their reply here.

Top speed is 34/35 km/h. Tested several times today. I'm only measuring speed with the speed sensor from bmsbattery, so I don't know how accurate it is.
Have changed my preferred commute a bit to suit the bike better. It's about 1 km shorter each way, with some steeper hills to climb. The travel time is probably shorter than it would have been with the code 10 motor, so overall I think maybe the 328 rpm motor would have been to fast and to weak for me.

Have had A LOT of problems with the spokes and flat tire, but should be a decent wheel-builder somewheredown the line... :D
Quick update:
BMSBattery first replied that they had sent me the correct motor (328 RPM) and that the code i was refering to means nothing... I then sent the link to the thread d8veh reffered to (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=43106) and made it clear I was not satisfied with this reply, and pointed out that the motor is by no means the one I ordered. BMSBattery then offered me first a discount on my next order or a refund if I prefer that.

Overall I am ofcourse a bit disapointed that they did not send the correct motor, but Im happy with all other aspects of dealing with them. If they only could get a better internal controll on this motor-code-nonsense... when it comes to knowing their products, describe them properly to customers and above all - deliver the actual product the customer have ordered...

I might order the Bafang CST motor... if BMSBattery can make me a nice deal..... :lol:

Thanks for all help!
Thete's loads of people that have communicated with them regarding the codes. There's no doubt in my mind that they know exactly what they are.
I would 'strike while the iron is hot' & get a cracking discounted deal on another kit straight away.
Good luck, Dylan
Another thing you can do is try the KU123 controller if you only use the throttle (the PAS is useless). It has the three-speed switch connector, so you can boost the speed by about 10%. That'll take you to about 38 km/h. It's a 30 amp controller, so will give your bike a lot more torque than the 23 amps from the S12S. If you're happy with your present torque, then maybe the KU93 at 22 amps would be better.