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Common sense things to do to get ready for Coronavirus

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Dauntless said:
formula101 said:
But then you pick up the virus by touching the doorknob on your way out lol.

No no, it's on the doorknob going IN. So you catch it going to wash your hands, but get it off before you leave, then the exit doorknob is safe. As safe as you believe washing your hands will really make you.

Not everyone washes their hands after using the bathroom.

Also, this virus is supposedly airborne so washing your hands won't even make a difference.
Use paper towel to use on the door handle, though not every washroom has that with air drying.
Bring in napkins to use on the door handles, restaraunt, fast food joint.
Use your coat
Use your pinky to open the door
Wipe your hands on your coat
You never know what will work to avoid the flu and corona beer virus
formula101 said:
Also, this virus is supposedly airborne so washing your hands won't even make a difference.
You are most likely to catch it from something on your hands that gets in your mouth or eyes. So you can greatly reduce the odds of you getting it by washing your hands. Yes, if someone sneezes in your face washing your hands won't help - but fortunately that's rare.
JackFlorey said:
formula101 said:
Also, this virus is supposedly airborne so washing your hands won't even make a difference.
You are most likely to catch it from something on your hands that gets in your mouth or eyes. So you can greatly reduce the odds of you getting it by washing your hands. Yes, if someone sneezes in your face washing your hands won't help - but fortunately that's rare.

Coronavirus can remain as a live, airborne virus for up to 3 hours. Washing your hands won't help you, nor will wearing a mask covering nose and mouth only.
formula101 said:
JackFlorey said:
formula101 said:
Also, this virus is supposedly airborne so washing your hands won't even make a difference.
You are most likely to catch it from something on your hands that gets in your mouth or eyes. So you can greatly reduce the odds of you getting it by washing your hands. Yes, if someone sneezes in your face washing your hands won't help - but fortunately that's rare.

Coronavirus can remain as a live, airborne virus for up to 3 hours. Washing your hands won't help you, nor will wearing a mask covering nose and mouth only.

Where do you get your info that it's airborne? I've only found info from responsible sources that it "may be airborne". They do however all say that it spreads from close contact with infected individuals and via "respiratory droplets" which is not the same thing as airborne. All credible sources say good hand hygiene practices are warranted as those droplets and other secretions from infected individuals end up on surfaces and survive there for a significant period of time, so it's pretty irresponsible to discourage hand washing.
John in CR said:
formula101 said:
JackFlorey said:
formula101 said:
Also, this virus is supposedly airborne so washing your hands won't even make a difference.
You are most likely to catch it from something on your hands that gets in your mouth or eyes. So you can greatly reduce the odds of you getting it by washing your hands. Yes, if someone sneezes in your face washing your hands won't help - but fortunately that's rare.

Coronavirus can remain as a live, airborne virus for up to 3 hours. Washing your hands won't help you, nor will wearing a mask covering nose and mouth only.

Where do you get your info that it's airborne? I've only found info from responsible sources that it "may be airborne". They do however all say that it spreads from close contact with infected individuals and via "respiratory droplets" which is not the same thing as airborne. All credible sources say good hand hygiene practices are warranted as those droplets and other secretions from infected individuals end up on surfaces and survive there for a significant period of time, so it's pretty irresponsible to discourage hand washing.

Not just irresponsible, inane mostly.

Please let us know how/what CR is doing. What is really curious to me is that in Orange County, CA, there were two cases about a week ago (one an individual I know who had been on vacation in Italy), but only five a week later. I'm not complaining, just surprised especially after your report about how fast it spread in CR.

I just wonder how working at much of anything will continue. The NBA game and then season being cancelled was after a player tested positive but wasn't there, but a referee had officiated a game he was in(??)

So there's this retirement age guy I've been working around, he's getting tense about his high blood pressure, etc. Makes him higher risk. No cases of it near us but by the time anyone learns about it, you're all exposed. But you can't just have everyone stay home a month or two. If I just turned down anything for a stretch, didn't go to school. . .YIKES! Nobody is stocking up enough groceries to wall themselves off for the duration. It won't work.

But everything I hear people saying is unrealistic. "People should just not work for 6 months and get paid." Oh, right, that can happen.
My backwards town wants to act like nothing is happening. They are flying in hundreds of exposed people and release them in to the city. One that tested positive went to a mall for a few hours, don't even know the fall out of that yet. Fiesta down town will be packed, hundreds of thousands will attend we will see how that turns out. No common sense and not getting ready.
formula101 said:
Coronavirus can remain as a live, airborne virus for up to 3 hours.
Well, viruses aren't live, but yes they can stay active for a while. But they have to be wet; once they dry out they are inactivated. So you could imagine some scenario where someone sneezes and a piece of snot hits the wall and falls off 3 hours later still wet (because it's super humid out) but that's going to be very unusual. It's not like the air in a room stays "infectious" or something for three hours.
Washing your hands won't help you
People like you are why we have pandemics.
Washing your hands won't help you if an infected person hasn't washed theirs prior to your visit. All it takes is a sneeze or a cough from a prior visitor and you will be infected regardless.

Also, very few people who do wash their hands wash sufficiently. 20 seconds is recommended, with a thorough scrubbing of the entire surface front and back and in between the fingers. Add to that are people who wash their hands but dont dry because they are in a rush or are simply too lazy to do so.
It isn't complicated: if someone else doesn't wash their hands and so leaves virus on a surface that you touch, then you remove it by washing your hands. Or if you don't believe this will help just go ahead and rub your eyeballs. But not before panic buying 6 month's worth of toilet paper.

Imperfect washing is also far better than no washing.

Please heed the advice of the experts - the people who actually know about this stuff. Don't just make stuff up. There are potentially a lot of people's lives at stake here. Possibly even that of someone you care about.
formula101 said:
Washing your hands won't help you if an infected person hasn't washed theirs prior to your visit. All it takes is a sneeze or a cough from a prior visitor and you will be infected regardless.

You must also believe the myth that lower Kv models of the same motor are higher in torque than high Kv winds.

The respiratory droplets don't just hang around in the air waiting for you to breathe them in, so the mist of sick prior visitors lands on surfaces as survives there a while. Add in what they manually put with their own dirty hands and there's plenty to pick up with our hands. This make good hand hygiene a primary line of defense, along with avoiding close proximate to those infected and a conscious effort to keep our own hands away from entry points of eyes, nose and mouth. Our skin is a barrier from such diseases, it doesn't soak in through the skin, and it's not airborne, so it doesn't linger in the air, so it's silly to say that a cough or a sneeze in an area by someone infected means that everyone passing that area afterward will be infected regardless of hand washing.
I don't trust the numbers coming out of China, and had a wait and see attitude. But Italy is western, with western medicine, and the virus is ravaging Italy. I could post a description of the planning for medical rationing and triage of patients based on age and complications in Italy, but it is too depressing. I would be put in the go outside and die pile due to my age and other medical issues.

I am taking this very seriously until we have data to prove otherwise. Hand washing with soap and water is more effective than hand sanitizer. The virus has a lipid shell land the soap breaks it down, then the rest of the virus sort of "self disassembles." What we are reading is good advice. Minimize contact with people. Stay 6 feet apart. If someone is coughing or sneezing, get out. No need for pleasantries, just leave the area. You don't want to be packed in a plane, train, or bus if possible. Don't touch your face or eyes. Don't eat finger foods. Use knife and fork and the hygiene and etiquette your Mom taught you.

Be kind to people that are scared. I am starting to see a lot of folks, especially momma-bears with little kids, ramp up in panic-protection. If we pull together, we have a better chance of getting through this.

Finally if this is a viral escape from a biological war lab...
formula101 said:
Washing your hands won't help you if an infected person hasn't washed theirs prior to your visit. All it takes is a sneeze or a cough from a prior visitor and you will be infected regardless.
It helps you hugely.

Viruses can't generally penetrate your skin. So you touch a wet door handle with active virus on it. You are not infected. Then you rub your eyes. Now you are infected, because viruses can enter through your eyes (or nose, or mouth.)

How to prevent that? Wash your hands. Works like this - you touch a wet door handle with active virus on it. You are not infected. Then you wash your hands. The virus is inactivated. Then you rub your eyes. Now you are still not infected.

Also, very few people who do wash their hands wash sufficiently. 20 seconds is recommended, with a thorough scrubbing of the entire surface front and back and in between the fingers.
Agreed; that's a good way to do it.
NBA games are now all cancelled.
NHL is eye'ing the same.

Tom Hanks got the chinese virus along with his wife. International travelers they are.
markz said:
NBA games are now all cancelled.
NHL is eye'ing the same.

Tom Hanks got the chinese virus along with his wife. International travelers they are.

Trudeau's wife too. She and JT are both quarantined.
HK12K said:
markz said:
NBA games are now all cancelled.
NHL is eye'ing the same.

Tom Hanks got the chinese virus along with his wife. International travelers they are.

Trudeau's wife too. She and JT are both quarantined.

You serious?
I gotta search that.
Gosh you are right. https://hollywoodlife.com/2020/03/12/justin-trudeau-wife-quarantine-coronavirus-symptoms-sophie/
Mexicanbeervirus can definitely be transmitted without human contact as an airborne contagion. In these cases, washing your hands won't make the slightest bit of difference. Also, washing your hands and then touching a surface that has been infected means washing your hands won't make a difference.


Health officials in China are conflicted as to whether the deadly new coronavirus can spread through the air, with one expert saying 2019-nCoV could "in theory" be airborne.

Zeng Qun, the deputy head of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, told a press briefing on Saturday that the virus can be spread via direct transmission, which involves contact with the infected person. However, the China Daily newspaper reported Zeng also suggested the new member of the large coronavirus family—which includes infections like the common cold as well as SARS—is capable of aerosol transmission.

At a briefing held by the municipal government on the bug which has killed over 900 people, Zeng said: "Aerosol transmission refers to the mixing of the virus with droplets in the air to form aerosols, which causes infection after inhalation, according to medical experts."

As such, these types of diseases can linger in the air for long periods of time. Only a few diseases spread this way, including tuberculosis and measles.


Federally funded tests conducted by scientists from several major institutions indicated that the novel form of coronavirus behind a worldwide outbreak can survive in the air for several hours.

A study awaiting peer review from scientists at Princeton University, the University of California-Los Angeles and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) posted online Wednesday indicated that the COVID-19 virus could remain viable in the air "up to 3 hours post aerosolization," while remaining alive on plastic and other surfaces for up to three days.

"Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite transmission of HCoV-19 is plausible, as the virus can remain viable in aerosols for multiple hours and on surfaces up to days," reads the study's abstract.

The test results suggest that humans could be infected by the disease simply carried through the air or on a solid surface, even if direct contact with an infected person does not occur. That finding, if accepted, would come in stark contrast to previous media reports that suggested the virus was not easily transmittable outside of direct human contact.
No shit, one wrong move and they themselves are just gone.
"A victim of the Coronavirus" after they speak out against Mao's direction.
How convenient.

formula101 said:
Health officials in China are conflicted
As the research indicates, Mexicanbeervirus can remain active in the air for 3 hours and is capable of infection on surfaces for 3 days.

Washing your hands is no protection.
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