Controller to work with Sempu BB Torque Sensor


10 µW
Feb 9, 2019
I'm going to be using the following torque sensor with my q100h and 14s2p 30q batter pack. Looking for a controller that will work with it, but don't want to break the bank and spend a ton through Grin on their controllers. Has a higo and CA3 connector.

Any controller (that will work with your motor and meet your other system requirements) can be used, if you use the Cycle Analyst v3 to read the torque sensor and convert it's output to a throttle voltage. (that's what I do with a TDCM BB).

If you don't want to use a CAv3, then you'd have to find a controller that actually reads torque sensor inputs directly; I don't know of many that can, and those that do are generally designed specifically to work with just one brand/model of sensor, usually either part of a "kit" like TSDZ* (IIRC), or OEM bikes.

Hopefully someone else here can help you with a list of torque-sensor-specific controllers.