Crystalyte 408 side cover search.


1 kW
Dec 16, 2012
Northern California

I hope someone can help me. I am searching for replacement side covers for my crystalyte 408. Specifically, I am looking for the generation #2 covers. From reading here I gather that crystalyte made a second attempt at this specific casting that included a steel sleeve at the center to prevent some instances of the center section shearing off. I have also heard that the newer style cover had six perimeter mounting holes rather than eight. Now, I know that they made one like this with the threaded hub for the freewheel. Also I suspect but have not confirmed that they also made a disc style cover with the same steel insert arrangement for the center section of the hub.
The above is a PDF that I found on that shows a picture of the disc style side cover. Here is my question for the group; does anyone know for sure if the disc style cover has steel at the center? And more importantly does anybody have some or know where I can get some? I am currently getting ready to do some pretty agressive venting of the side covers on my 408 and I thought I would like to try it on some of the heftier generation 2 covers. I can handle the machining for the disparity in holes so if anyone has some of these lying around or know where to get them I would sure be interested. My preference would be to acquire one of the disc style and one of the treaded style. If i can't find the disc style i would then use the threaded style (with steel inserts) on both sides and then use my current disc adapter on the threaded portion. I already have a source for replacement cast aluminum threaded ones and will use those if I come up empty. Please help if you can.
Does anyone know the straight skinny?
