Did Donald Trump Rape a 13 year old Girl?


10 MW
Jan 10, 2012
Any Los Angeles area beach I am at. Or Santa Monic
So how will this story play out since the "lame-stream" media is mostly ignoring it.

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

A civil suit against Donald Trump alleging he raped a 13-year-old girl was dismissed in California in May 2016 and refiled in New York in June 2016.
David Mikkelson

Jun 23, 2016

In late April 2016, rumors began to circulate online holding that Republican presidential Donald Trump had either been sued over, or arrested for, raping a teenaged girl. One of the earliest versions of the rumor was published on 2 May 2016 by the Winning Democrats web site, which reported that woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old):

The first major scandal to hit the Trump campaign besides the typical “what a racist, such a sexist, yada yada yada,” came from a lawsuit stemming from the infamous sex parties held by billionaire and known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The woman named in the suit is Katie Johnson, who says Trump took her virginity in 1994 when she was only 13 and being held by Epstein as a slave.

Johnson says in the complaint that Trump and Epstein threatened her and her family with bodily harm if she didn’t comply with all of their disgusting demands. The Trump campaign has been on this immediately, calling it absolute nonsense and not even remotely true or possible.

Many aggregated reports cited a 28 April 2016 article that described the circumstances under which the lawsuit had been filed:

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is fighting what could be the biggest election season bombshell yet — explosive court claims that he raped a woman when she was a teen.

The woman — identified as Katie Johnson — filed documents in a California court on April 26, accusing Trump and billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein of “sexual abuse under threat of harm” and “conspiracy to deprive civil rights,” RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned.

She filed the lawsuit herself — without legal representation — and is suing for $100 million.

A copy of the California lawsuit (filed on 26 April 2016) shared via the Scribd web site outlined the allegations, which included the accusation that Trump and Epstein had (over 20 years earlier) "sexually and physically" abused the then 13-year-old plaintiff and forced her "to engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts" — including being “forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with the use of her hand upon Defendant Trump’s erect penis until he reached sexual orgasm,” and being “forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe, age 12, for the sexual enjoyment of Defendant Trump” — after luring her to a "series of underage sex parties" by promising her "money and a modeling career":
Trump Lawsuit.JPG

According to RadarOnline's initial reporting, the lawsuit filed in California on 26 April 2016 was dismissed over technical filing errors (the address listed in court documents was a foreclosed home that has been vacant since its owner died), with the plaintiff failing in her attempt to avoid incurring the cost of the litigation:

A judge recommended on April 29 that “Katie Johnson” should have to pay her own attorneys’ fees and court costs related to the $100 million lawsuit she brought against Trump and billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein over alleged sexual assault charges. Then on May 2, a U.S. District judge ordered the entire lawsuit thrown out.

“Johnson” had previously filed forms asking to be let off the hook for the costs of the lawsuit, claiming she had only $300 to her name ... such an allowance — known as in forma paupers — is only given in civil rights cases in California, and the judge ruled that she “failed to state a claim for relief” on a civil rights basis, even though she “utilized the form provided by the Central District of California for civil actions.”

“Even construing the ... pleading liberally, Plaintiff has not alleged any race-based or class-based animus against her, and consequently, her ... allegations fail to state a claim upon which relief may be granted,” the judge wrote ... the address listed on the paperwork leads to an abandoned property, and the phone number goes straight to voicemail.

For his part, Trump asserted that the charges were“not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, perhaps, are simply politically motivated,” adding that “There is absolutely no merit to these allegations. Period."

On 20 June 2016, New York City-based blog Gothamist reported that the plaintiff had refiled a similar complaint in a New York State federal court:

A federal lawsuit filed in New York accuses Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of repeatedly raping a 13-year-old girl more than 20 years ago, at several Upper East Side parties hosted by convicted sex offender and notorious billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein.

The suit, first reported by the Real Deal, accuses Trump and Epstein of luring the anonymous plaintiff and other young women to four parties at Epstein's so-called Wexner Mansion at 9 East 71st Street. Epstein allegedly lured the plaintiff, identified in the suit only as Jane Doe, with promises of a modeling career and cash.

Another anonymous woman, identified in additional testimony as Tiffany Doe, corroborates Jane's allegations, testifying that she met Epstein at Port Authority, where he hired her to recruit other young girls for his parties. Trump had known Epstein for seven years in 1994 when he attended the parties at Wexner, according to the suit. He also allegedly knew that the plaintiff was 13 years old.

Jane Doe filed a similar suit in California in April, under the name Katie Johnson, also accusing Trump and Epstein of rape. That suit was dismissed on the grounds of improper paperwork — the address affiliated with her name was found to be abandoned. Today's suit confirms that the plaintiffs are one and the same.

The online outlet that first reported the second filing in New York explained that the lawsuit might be allowed to proceed even though the statute of limitations for bringing suit has expired, because (according to plaintiff's lawyer) the plaintiff lacked the "freedom of will to institute suit earlier in time" due to her having been threatened by Trump:

It should be noted that anyone can file a civil complaint in federal court. The statute of limitations in New York for civil rape cases is five years, but [the] complaint argues that the time limit should be waived, noting that the plaintiff was too frightened to report the abuse because Trump had threatened that if she did “her family would be physically harmed if not killed.”

“Both defendants let plaintiff know that each was a very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability and means to carry out their threats,” the complaint claims.

A copy of the New York-based suit was also uploaded to Scribd, https://www.scribd.com/doc/31634105...pstein-Rape-Lawsuit-and-Affidavits#fullscreenand in the second filing (which asked for no specific amount of monetary damages) the plaintiff was represented by Thomas Francis Meagher, a New Jersey patent lawyer who learned of her allegations via an article published on the GossipExtra web site advertising that she was "shopping for an attorney."
Trump Lawsuit 2.JPG

In a statement attached to her filing, the plaintiff (aka "Jane Doe") asserted:

I traveled by bus to New York City in June 1994 in the hope of starting a modeling career. I went to several modeling agencies but was told that I needed to put together a modeling portfolio before I would be considered. I then went to the Port Authority in New York City to start to make my way back home. There I met a woman who introduced herself to me as Tiffany. She told me about the parties and said that, if I would join her at the parties, I would be introduced to people who could get me into the modeling profession. Tiffany also told me I would be paid for attending.

The parties were held at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Jeffrey Epstein. Each of the parties had other minor females and a number of guests of Mr. Epstein, including Defendant Donald Trump at four of the parties I attended. I understood that both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew I was 13 years old.

Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and fnial sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted,

Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump's sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I wold be physically harmed if not killed.

The filing also included a statement from "Tiffany Doe" (i.e., the woman referenced in plaintiff's statement above who brought her to the parties) attesting that:

I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop.

I personally witnessed the one occasion where Mr. Trump forced the Plaintiff and a 12-year-old female named Maria [to] perform oral sex on Mr. Trump and witnessed his physical abuse of both minors when they finished the act.

It was my job to personally witness and supervise encounters between the underage girls that Mr. Epstein hired and his guests.

A video reportedly featuring "Katie Johnson" (her identity hidden through the use of facial pixillation, a long blonde wig, and an electronic voice distorter) appeared online, in which she graphically described giving Donald Trump a hand job and being raped by him:

There is little doubt that Donald Trump knows Jeffrey Epstein, as Trump acknowledged in a 2014 New York magazine profile of Epstein:

Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Epstein has been named in multiple similar lawsuits over the last several years, served 13 months in jail, and is registered as a sex offender for life:

Billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has paid another accuser.

The 56-year-old money manager has quietly settled with Jane Doe 102, an unnamed woman who alleged in federal court in Florida that Epstein had induced her to "serve his every sexual whim" from the time she was 15 until she was 19. The woman also claimed Epstein had flown her around the world, paying her "to be sexually exploited by [his friends] ... including royalty, politicians, academicians [and] businessmen."

Epstein flatly denied those charges. But a source close to the financier confirms "the matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties." The woman's lawyer, Robert Josefsberg, wouldn't say how much she's getting. Epstein had in the past offered accusers a minimum of $150,000.

Epstein has settled at least two other civil suits but still faces more than a dozen from women who claim he sexually abused them as minors at his Palm Beach mansion.

As of now, all of the information about this lawsuit comes solely from the complaint filed by "Katie Johnson," and no one has as yet located, identified, or interviewed her.

Also see this one it you are interested:
Snip.....For Jeffrey Epstein and his famous friends, the Aughts were a simpler time, when the businessmen, academics, and celebrities who counted themselves among the playboy philanthropist’s inner circle could freely enjoy the fruits of his extreme wealth and connections.

Epstein’s little black book and flight logs read like a virtual Who’s Who: Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Larry Summers, Kevin Spacey, Prince Andrew, and Naomi Campbell all hitched rides on Epstein’s private planes. Socialites and distinguished scientists went to visit Epstein’s island in St. Thomas, and cavorted at epic dinner parties at his palatial townhouse—then the largest privately owned residence in New York, as he liked to brag. There, they picked at elaborate meals catered by celebrity chefs like Rocco DiSpirito, marvelled at Epstein’s opulent decor, and noted the pack of very, very young model-types with whom Epstein always seemed to surround himself.

But a darker story was going on underneath the glamour. In 2008, Epstein was convicted of soliciting sex from an underage girl and quietly paid settlements to scores of alleged victims who said he serially molested them. But the girls kept coming out of the woodwork—in 2014, another young woman filed a lawsuit claiming that Epstein used her as a sex slave for his powerful friends—and that she’d been at parties on his private island with former President Clinton.....snip

Oh my :(

"Had sex with" or 'RAPED', is actually an important character difference to me, even if not politically.

Also, where's the statute of limitations on wild sexual charges that come so much time after?

For crying out loud, if you're raped (or illegally sexed), don't be a silly billy and wait a decade or two to seek justice.

PS, let me add another thing: these presidents (or candidates) always seem to have something the media can turn on in an instant. Perhaps a not-so-subtle tool of the powers-that-be. Think about the stuff about obama, etc etc.
No he did not. This is just plain democratic politics, especially Chicago tactics. Shop it around until something bites. Called fishing. We do know that Bill Clinton was on fantasy rape island with convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein.
D-lo said:
We do know that Bill Clinton was on fantasy rape island with convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein.

So let's ask Clinton if he ever saw Trump there. But isn't this report merely putting Trump's name in where it originally said. . . .CLINTON?
Donald Trump, Courtney Love, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and uber-lawyer Alan Dershowitz may have been identified by a butler as potential "material witnesses" to pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's crimes against young girls, according to a copy of Epstein's little black book obtained by Gawker.little blackbook.JPG



5. Epstein admitted to knowing Trump under oath, and curiously pled the fifth to Trump attending sex parties with underage girls.

Back in 2010, Epstein admitted to “socializing” with Trump, but when a lawyer representing an under-aged victim of Epstein’s asked if he has “ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18,” Epstein curiously pled the Fifth. Per Vice News:

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.....snip.
No, this has already been thrown out of court. Nice try. The clintons play the game of no I'm not you are- effin literally.
D-lo said:
No, this has already been thrown out of court. Nice try. The clintons play the game of no I'm not you are- effin literally.

Show your proof please.

e-beach said:
D-lo said:
No, this has already been thrown out of court. Nice try. The clintons play the game of no I'm not you are- effin literally.

Show your proof please.


Yes, exactly. They were told "Show your PROOF" (WITHOUT the please) but they couldn't, so it was thrown out.

Time to move on to more pressing matters. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2655298-usain-bolts-agent-confirms-the-sprinter-has-never-run-a-mile?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
Dauntless said:
Yes, exactly. They were told "Show your PROOF" (WITHOUT the please) but they couldn't, so it was thrown out.

Actually, according to the link and this later article below, the California suit was tossed out, but there is a new suit filed in New York. Has the NY suit been tossed yet?

anoNY42 said:
Dauntless said:
Yes, exactly. They were told "Show your PROOF" (WITHOUT the please) but they couldn't, so it was thrown out.

Actually, according to the link and this later article below, the California suit was tossed out, but there is a new suit filed in New York. Has the NY suit been tossed yet?


The New York lawsuit still stands and still asking for a jury trial.

One thing that is proven and documented is that his buddy (Epstein) is a registered sex offender and as recently as 2014 was still being praised by Trump as a great guy. I have a feeling that there is a lot of really dark history there.

On a different note, the only First Lady born outside the United States was born in 1775, before he United States was a nation. Every single other First Lady was born in the U.S.

Trump's current wife (his third) is from Putin's region.

She would also be the only First Lady in U.S. history to have posed nude.

I have no clue how people have any assumption that he and his wife are conservatives.
if this happened (and i have no clue ether way)

why did it take 20+ years for her to file? AND why wait till Trump becomes the candidate

Did it just slip her mind till she saw him 100 times on TV??
This story is only on the most dodgiest news websites I have ever seen.. Even that youtube interview video is a joke as the accuser is completely masked to the point it could be your mum doing some acting work..
I think its important to go with more reputable web-sites.. I think almost none are perfect but the biggest ones are leaps and bounds better then what you got here.. remember that every single tiny web click is important to news sites so making complete crap up isn't a stretch..

This is pretty different situation to say the Bill Shorten rape claims as the accuser is out in the open a some what well-known person that anyone can chase up and look into their past history and interview.
Bill Shorten lost the Australian federal election to be Prime Minister by only a tiny margin.. No one really cared about the fact it's pretty clear he committed rape in back in 1986 clearly..

The claimed rape happened at a Labor youth camp which would be the US equivalent of a 'Democratic Party youth camp' where young people who want to get into politics for the democratic party would go camping together..
The night when she was raped she was seen crying and put into a car by other members of the youth camp party where she went home days earlier then when the camp was supposed to end, presumably because she was upset about being raped..

I can google up his rape story on every major news source in Australia.. including the government funded the ABC.

I think this is pretty different than the accusations against Trump considering dodgy those websites are and it also shows that since he only barely lost most people didn't care..
Australian media is going crazy about violence against women lately and it always reminds me of Bills rape accusations but the media has never ever even tried to make a connection between them.. Bill Shorten is still the running opposition leader of Australia.
Labor is the oldest Australian electoral party, most Australians have been brought up by their parents/family to virtually love Labor and I see it all the time in friends when they talk about Labor the talk about them with as much love in their eyes as their most favorite football team or sporting hero etc.
And I would expect that if there were more Australians on this forum a lot would jump on here to throw insults at me/the rape victim/unsupportive news sites and demand that rape victim be beaten to death for such accusations.. blah blah.. No room for discussion.
What--Gloria Allred or any other high-profile lawyers were too busy to take this case? It would seem to be a cake walk, many here already believing Trump's guilty on just the accusation alone, with a big payoff.

Rape lawsuits against Donald Trump linked to former TV producer
Norm Lubow, formerly a producer on the Jerry Springer show, apparently coordinated lawsuits accusing Donald Trump of raping a child in the 1990s
I've read her claims and I'm no particular Trump apologist, but her characterization of him seems way out of character for Trump. I'm smelling $$$ motives here, possibly paid for by some wealthy benefactor with political motives (supporting the opposing party). (And, we already know the Big Wall Street Banks are all for Hillary.)

Money and politics. Just like Peanut Butter and Jelly.
I believe politics is so corrupt it threats our very existance, I'm no trump supporter or the Clinton's both just want the power of the levers and switches of america and manipulation is key its strange how these accusations have grown in strength since in the second debate donald stared down bill and brought up the 15 year old girl he was convicted of having sex with and the large compensation he had to pay out, There's bill clintons and jimmy savilles all over the world and worse but some how it seams to remain swept under the carpet of major Establishment and propaganda put in its place.
I was a young 16 year old boy just left school and off to work in one of Sony's UK factorys in September 2001 and when I saw the devastation unfold that day it became clear that some questions will never be answered not through want of knowing or there's no answer but because the answer is too bad for the general public to know and anarchy will break out and the control of the levers will slip.
Most country's are debt based economy's so we are all slaves to the system even if you only use cash your still feeling it fluctuate, since the big crash of 2008 the UK government told us we have been enjoying the high life you have been living far too well and they are going to make cut bakcks and they were not lying everything has shut in my area all major factory's works so thin it would walk out of a concentration camp there's zero hour contracts on low paid work so there's no security anymore only those with privaliged positions get salary even as a qualified electrian I have the same problems if not worse as I'm contracting with zero hours and trained three and half years for the pleasure thats unreasonable.
Wages are low enough so i don't owe a penny but i dont own any true assets either ive never left the country on holiday or had the money to go and buy a decent car it takes the royal biscuit I did not ask for any of this hosterity 15 years I've worked and I got nothing to show for it and brexit will cause major civil tension soon, London is in another world to what's going on in the valleys and surrounding city's, heroin use is in epidemic around here vunrable kids and adults alike are having limbs being amputated amd absyss's from missing vains from injecting and living in fitlhy squat houses and were supposed to be like blind mice carrying on the systems cracking everywhere.
Ianhill said:
Wages are low enough so i don't owe a penny but i dont own any true assets either ive never left the country on holiday or had the money to go and buy a decent car it takes the royal biscuit I did not ask for any of this hosterity 15 years I've worked and I got nothing to show for it and brexit will cause major civil tension soon, London is in another world to what's going on in the valleys and surrounding city's, heroin use is in epidemic around here vunrable kids and adults alike are having limbs being amputated amd absyss's from missing vains from injecting and living in fitlhy squat houses and were supposed to be like blind mice carrying on the systems cracking everywhere.
Sounds pretty depressing.. Do you know of any Ross Kemp documentaries on the state of the UK being like that? Sounds like the kind of videos he makes would be good to watch.
At least on the plus side you got that massive new nuclear facility being built.
TheBeastie said:
Ianhill said:
Wages are low enough so i don't owe a penny but i dont own any true assets either ive never left the country on holiday or had the money to go and buy a decent car it takes the royal biscuit I did not ask for any of this hosterity 15 years I've worked and I got nothing to show for it and brexit will cause major civil tension soon, London is in another world to what's going on in the valleys and surrounding city's, heroin use is in epidemic around here vunrable kids and adults alike are having limbs being amputated amd absyss's from missing vains from injecting and living in fitlhy squat houses and were supposed to be like blind mice carrying on the systems cracking everywhere.
Sounds pretty depressing.. Do you know of any Ross Kemp documentaries on the state of the UK being like that? Sounds like the kind of videos he makes would be good to watch.
At least on the plus side you got that massive new nuclear facility being built.

My mother almost emigrated to Australia with my uncle back in the early 80's, life could have been a lot different but she stayed and picked the small straw.
Yes on the plus side we got Hinckley point c the worlds most expensive electric when complete and we have sellafield up north nuclear dump of europe in a very poor state needs investment asap there a pond thats leaking radioactive water into the ground table its been there since the 50s.
If I go to the top of my local mountain (the bwlch) I can see across the bristol channel and see the new nuke station 50miles or so in the distance so they best get it right.
BBC have 5 good documentarys on the drug issues of uk here a little read about swansea here.
You can still immigrate to Australia if you wanted to, right? I know that Americans /definitely/ can't (Need to apply for immigration, competing with every other nationality), but little-questions-asked immigration to Australia seems to be one of the exclusive privileges that limeys have. And, you also got Hong Kong, or at least you used to (Might be not so guaranteed now under Chinese control). For a while, you also had pretty good access to America, but I wonder when it started getting harder...

In contrast, Americans have access to nowhere. Canadians seem particularly keen to keep Americans out in recent years, which is odd, since it's one of the last places I'd want to immigrate to. [It's highly impractical to use a year-round pool in Canada; and the grown fruit is largely barren.]
Brits dont have any advantage over other nationalities for immigration into Australia..
The only folk who have an easy time getting in seems to be refugees !
However , most individuals with a skill and qualification considered useful,..Doctor, nurse, pilot, chef, Tradie ( electrician, plumber, etc). will have an easier time .
..but dont even bother trying if you are 50+ !
I bet most of the world would love to up sticks and ship off to better times far far away like elon musks trip to mars but what's the saying walk a mile in another mans shoes and I bet most of us will realize just how lucky we are.
I would love to visit aussie to see the manliness of it all, specially with family out in Brisbane. I should make a real effort to make it happen only live once.
If you have family already in Aus, you may have an advantage for gaining immigration status ..depending on the relationship.
But even if you just visit for a holiday, plan to see places outside the coastal cities, go to the outback, or tropical north.
IE....fly in to Darwin instead of Sydney or Brisbane, and drive overland down to the south.
I dont know why Musk wants to go to Mars...a week in the remote Red Center of Aus is just the same....but with air and warmth !
Step 1: Run for president
Step 2: Take a position that threatens the establishment and their way of doing things
Step 3: Be effective
Step 4: Experience a broad level of character assassination via allegations of rape and molestation never before experienced by another human being to discredit and prevent gaining more supporters
Step 5: ??? Guess we'll see.