Discussions aren't the same quality without Chalo

larsb said:
After 20 years driving motorbikes i always look two or three times before i turn or switch lane when i’m in a car. All car drivers should take a bike awareness course and spend some time on a bike in traffic.

Sounds like you have a problem with your mirrors or vision. Some things, like a tricky intersection with traffic coming both ways can be worth clearing that many times. A simple lane change with properly adjusted mirrors should take a single glance at the mirror only. A caveat to this is you need to look in your mirrors (or rear view, in a car) constantly so you know who is coming up from behind and where. That way surprises are a minimum.
Punx0r said:
Chalo also had a low opinion of car drivers, but if I was a cycling enthusiast living in Texas I probably would too.

Rix, I agree with you - an MC rim on a MX bike needs thicker spokes than a bicycle. The traditional trap that I thought Chalo must have been referring to was putting thick spokes in a bicycle rim, which is too weak to allow them to be sufficiently tensioned.

Holy crap, maybe thats what he meant? Its possible we have been talking about two different setup circumstances the whole time and didn't realize it. Now that you mention the bicycle rim with MC spokes, that may have been his point. Funny thing is, all this time I thought Chalo was lacking insight, when maybe, he was referencing bicycle rims where I was referencing MC rims. :?: :?: This would explain why I couldn't figure out how Chalo could be so smart and not see things my way. :flame:
i can't find the specific post atm, but what i got from him was that the spokes simply can't be so thick that the tensioned required for them will be greater than whatever the rim was designed to be tensioned to.

if they are, the rim will either deform or crack (assuming the hub flange is strong enough to not deform or crack first, and it usually is), loosening the tension, which then lets the spokes break (typically at the j-bend).

i've seen this happen in plenty of (regular bicycle) wheels over the decades, and several hubmotor wheels in the last decade, but until he explained it i didn't know why.

of course, spokes too thin to take the stresses of a specific load will also break, as can a rim that's insufficiently thick or not designed for that load. seen that one a lot, too, since my bikes are all cargo bikes. ;)

since mostly what people here deal with are bicycle wheels, specifically bicycle rims with spokes thicker than they're designed for (common hubmotor wheels mostly), that's mostly what he helped people with understanding, so most of his spoke/rim/wheel posts are about that specific combination.

sometimes people would get into the "spoke cold war" problem, of upgrading the spokes to be even thicker because they kept breaking, then the rim because it broke from the even-more-oversize spokes, so they end up with heavy motorcycle wheels (and tires), when all they really needed to do was to use *thinner* spokes that were suitable for their original rim (at least, as long as it wasn't already damaged). and he'd post about that, too (or i would, once i'd learned what caused the problem).
flat tire said:
larsb said:
After 20 years driving motorbikes i always look two or three times before i turn or switch lane when i’m in a car. All car drivers should take a bike awareness course and spend some time on a bike in traffic.

Sounds like you have a problem with your mirrors or vision. Some things, like a tricky intersection with traffic coming both ways can be worth clearing that many times. A simple lane change with properly adjusted mirrors should take a single glance at the mirror only. A caveat to this is you need to look in your mirrors (or rear view, in a car) constantly so you know who is coming up from behind and where. That way surprises are a minimum.

I would say that the vast majority of drivers have absolutely no idea how or where their side view mirrors should be adjusted. Most all of them have them aimed inward to the point of uselessness. They become a confusing redundant rear view mirror with no sidewards visibility past the side of their own vehicle and lane. That's why half the new cars on the road have gizmos to do the thinking looking and driving for them. They're oblivious.
HK12K said:
..... They're oblivious.

Mirrors are old fashioned. Besides, who need to look at a mirror while driving when one can look at a smart phone. besides that, with all those gizmos, they will become more oblivious. Lets just hope that the gizmos work.

:| :bolt:
flat tire said:
Sounds like you have a problem with your mirrors or vision. Some things, like a tricky intersection with traffic coming both ways can be worth clearing that many times. A simple lane change with properly adjusted mirrors should take a single glance at the mirror only. A caveat to this is you need to look in your mirrors (or rear view, in a car) constantly so you know who is coming up from behind and where. That way surprises are a minimum.

No problem with mirrors or vision, only caring for others. I’ve had motos coming quickly from the rear or adjoining roads. You blink, you miss them - that’s why you look twice.
larsb said:
After 20 years driving motorbikes i always look two or three times before i turn or switch lane when i’m in a car. All car drivers should take a bike awareness course and spend some time on a bike in traffic.

Down here car and truck drivers do give a bit more respect to those of us on 2 wheels, however, a majority have been trained through experience that using their ears is enough. We're so silent that too often it makes us invisible, and I've seen that's even more true for pedestrians. The bottom line is that we have to ride as if we are invisible to stay safe. The beauty of that is multi-fold.
First and foremost - we take the decision making out of the hands of others and put our safety square on our own shoulders.
Second- Our silence enables us to be so aware of our surroundings that the extra courtesy we extend to others does not go unnoticed. eg I very often yield and allow buses to merge into traffic. Because I am so polite to them I've noticed that they are far more courteous to me than they are to gas spewing noise making hogs on the road. I saw the same in the small town I moved from in 2018, and now in an area where I interact with 10X or 20X the number of buses I see the same thing. At first they treated me as the same minuscule road obstruction as common motos, but in a very short time I noticed much more courtesy. Whether it's the drivers wanting to see this silent electric vehicle zoom by or just allow that bit of space to someone they know gave them their big space, I don't know. The bottom line over the past decade is "be nice to others and they'll be nice to you" puts us way in the plus column as long as we ride with common courtesy.

As of today our incredibly loose legal definitions related to electric transportation are awesome. That is a 5kw cutoff, however ambiguously worded, means 5kw and up makes it legally a motorcyle, and under 5kw makes it a "motobici" that doesn't require registration, fees/taxes, or inspection, as well as no pedals, no weight limits or anything else. IOW I have true freedom to experiment with electric transportation in any way I can dream up that might benefit our planet without any red tape whatsoever.
Rix said:
grindz145 said:
I have long contended that he is a troll, nothing more. He takes much more than he gives.

At first I thought he was as well. I cant tell you how many discussion I had about the size of Spoke Diameters correlating with wheel strength and how Chalo would argue my comments saying spoke size had nothing to do with wheel strength because the strength of the wheel was based on spoke tension and how good the wheel builder built the wheel. Ironically, there was some factual basis for his comments even though in-accurate. Trolls usually have no facts or made up facts, Chalo didn't. The funny thing was I read an article about a bike shop in Austin many years ago that did some "free work" on trashed bikes and gave them away to people that lacked resources to buy a bike. I learned it was Chalo's shop. Anyways, even though Chalo has always been about as eloquent as a fart in church with his comments, I cut him more slack than I would have normally because I figured his heart was in the right place.

Glad to hear that. Sometimes it's hard to understand people through their disembodied comments in a forum. I'm going to unblock him and give him another shot.
unless you just want to read what he's already posted, and not reply, it'll be tough to do since he was banned some time back. :/ (which afaik is why this thread was revived)
I've personally never seen 'Google Groups' before, and only really randomly ran into 'reddit' once or twice but I know more about that then GG's.

Can you pass me the salt :wink:
John in CR said:
Chalo is banned? For what? He and I may be on opposite sides of the universe regarding what should be an ebike from a legal perspective, but I never saw him post anything even close to ban worthy. Chalo is banned yet THEY wanted to keep ElectricGod...There are no words that can explain.
I'd be curious to know what too - not only because im curious, but because I dont think its worth my time to contribute to a community that would ban someone unreasonably (not saying it was here) - there's far to much policing of tone and content going on in general on the net and in real life / keeping things PC (again not necessarily here, just a worrying thing to see). I had my disagreements with the bloke but never saw anything that would justify banning - though I understand it was PMs that brought about his downfall so may have been different behind the scenes.

Lebowski said:
I'd be surprised he'd want to come back... you ban me I would see it as a personal insult and not come back again.
I largely feel the same - I dont think there's been anything I've posted, even during the meltdowns of EG that would justify my banning and if such a ban ever did come then short of a very clear explanation and reasonable reason (accepting my subjectivity in judging them) I'd be gone too. For EG to be allowed to behave as he did for as long as he did, getting the appeasements he got (ability to get mods to clean 'his' threads), and only be banned once he started deleting his posts makes me wonder just how bad other members had to behave to justify their own banning.

Its a shame too to loose other valuable contributors like luke - it'd be good if he gave a reason for it too, as he was always a very valuable resource.
Lebowski said:
I wonder too what happened with Luke...

Although more of a newbie, I agree that Chalo and Luke contributed significantly. IMO, we have ideas why they're gone.
I asked Luke for an update on his qs273 NYX bike a while back and he told me that admin here banned his friends and that he prefers to contribute to places that let everyone interact.
sn0wchyld said:
John in CR said:
Chalo is banned yet THEY wanted to keep ElectricGod...There are no words that can explain.
. . . . if such a ban ever did come then short of a very clear explanation and reasonable reason (accepting my subjectivity in judging them) I'd be gone too.

It's explained with him, there was a period of years where it was up and down and he'd been suspended. This thread was started the first time.

The new guy was intense, but there was not yet the volume or the duration as had been with Chalo. Who may not have been so interested in continuing when they banned him.

I don't think what people were hoping for is going to come of reviving this thread.
Forgive my speculation, but if and when confronted by staff EG more than likely claimed victimization and deferred blame to those repeatedly taking him to task in a none too gentle way. I suspect he promised to be good.

Chalo probably just told them to pound sand up the tip of their....

You get the idea.

Some people will take their ball and leave just to make a point. "You don't want me here, fine, get bent and goodbye"

Just speculation though. I don't know and wasn't involved in any of it.
Chalo had some great insight thats for sure. Excellent knowledge on all things bicycles and rickshaws.

Speculation here: I am sure he was warned a few times too many and leeway was given, or not.
IMO Chalo clashed with the wrong people (person), and Luke didn't like the way one of his friends was treated; I agree with Chalo and Luke if I am correct in this.
e-beach said:
Mirrors are old fashioned. Besides, who need to look at a mirror while driving when one can look at a smart phone. besides that, with all those gizmos, they will become more oblivious. Lets just hope that the gizmos work.

:| :bolt:
first rule of italien driving....
markz said:
Chalo is here in spirit.

admin, price check on aisle three (bans)....