Double motor friction drive on Amazon


100 W
Apr 9, 2013
Electric Vehicle Outfitters: anyone ever heard of this seller/supplier? Said to be made in USA. The Amazon page ( doesn't really say much. But I did find a company web site at Seems to me a bit overpriced.
Not just overpriced, two brushed motors with a roller in the middle. Here's a pic of the single motor kit (biggest pic I could find) and under that is the dual-motor. I assume the second brushed 12V motor was added to help with the high amps needed to run at 12V.


Looks like it wouldn't be hard to make your own going by their pictures using two brushless RC motors. A couple 200kv 6354's would probably do nicely running a 24-36V system.
Looks simple enough. On/off switch going to a relay for a "throttle", no controller, just limiting the current to what a single SLA can put out? Single bolt mount to the existing hole in the fork? No wonder they have not had a single failure, not much there to fail!

But that price tag... ouch. At least throw in a fancy dashboard and integrated LED headlight for that! If they cut the price in half it would still seem a little high but understandable.
The defunct EV-Warrior had a similar set-up in the rear (very likely copied from the gasoline front-wheel-drive of the European Solex). At least they had the decency to start with 24V (which is weak, but usable at a 20-MPH limit).

The benefit of brushed motors is that the controllers are VERY cheap, the drawback is that the brushes need to be changed on occasion, and also they work in a narrowly defined voltage range. You can get two Werker 12-Ah SLAs for under $100 from an electric wheelchair supplier (found near any hospital), so I would expect a kit like this to sell for $400 if it used 24V.

My first ebike 15+ years ago was a ZAP kit
Still works
Surprising amount of torque with a 12V lead acid

now ZAP is a scam corp

spinningmagnets said:
The benefit of brushed motors is that the controllers are VERY cheap, the drawback is that the brushes need to be changed on occasion, and also they work in a narrowly defined voltage range.
Just out of curiosity, how often do the brushes need to be changed? Seems like something a careful tinkerer should, with a bit of advice, be able to do, doesn't it?