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eBike related abuse


100 mW
Apr 29, 2015
Had my first piece of eBike related abuse this morning on the way to work. I had a cyclist riding the other way on a 2-way bike path yell out to me "You will always be fat".

Pretty funny really given we were probably about the same size and neither particularly overweight.

Anyone else got some funny stories?

my bikes are stealth, and I have the cadence of a road biker, so there is no way to really know I'm on an ebike. I do get a lot of stares and surprised looks going so fast, sometimes cars follow me just to see how fast I'm going (or get irritated when I draft them).

Early mornings if I have a flashing white LED light, they tend to pull over thinking I'm the police.... :wink:
I'm reminded of what Winston Churchill once said to a woman who told him he was drunk... “I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.”
I wouldn't call that abuse. It's just a wise-crack. We've all had a lot worse than that.
Yeah, real abuse is a full beer thrown at you from a pickup truck going 70 mph. That stings! But that was way back in the 70's.

6 years ago I almost got in a fight with guys telling me all bikes were not allowed on the multi use path. There was at least 30 of them, on a workout jog. Some kind of team, or fire fighters at a meeting. I stood my ground, daring them to take the first swing at a grey haired old man.

I had some road bike lycras laugh at one of my early e bikes. A cheap ass walmart bike, with goofy panniers hanging all over it to carry three batteries. It was fun to pass them back later, when the grade was 10%. The look was priceless. They of course had no idea I was using a motor.
I've had one where I over took 2 guys. I sat About a 100 meters in front of them. Then I pulled away and turned around. On the return trip was when I coped the abuse telling me it was illegal.
I was wondering what robbocop rode that could be distinguished as a powered bike from the front, unless he and his ride are a common site in his town... OK. It's a Raptor 14. Cool. I would remember that.
RobboCop said:
Had my first piece of eBike related abuse this morning on the way to work. I had a cyclist riding the other way on a 2-way bike path yell out to me "You will always be fat".

Pretty funny really given we were probably about the same size and neither particularly overweight.

Anyone else got some funny stories?

Wow, you guys are all way more zen than me! :lol: I'm afraid I would have had to say something like "Yeah? And you'll always be a dick!" or... "Yeah, but your mom likes it!". Childish I know but it's a knee jerk reaction sometimes.

I've had a couple of little comments from the lycra crowd but nothing too serious. I keep my bikes pretty stealthy. Hard to hide it when you zoom past them up a hill though. I get more stupid comments from the Harley jerks around my area when I'm riding my scooter. Not even a small 50cc or anything either, it's a big(ish) Kymco Xciting. It's amazing how people can't mind they're own business.
I know this is 5 years old, but I did see the comment by RoboCop and I'm also so in Perth. I had the same experience comming on to the cycleway at the Bayswater train station, "you will always be fat" comming the other way. Too funny. Paul
The thing is you guys must actually be fat. The comment wouldn't make sense otherwise, so maybe you should work a little harder and eat less.

Then again there used to be a really fat chick who would always be riding the road bike loop near me. We're talking 300+. She must have eaten enough to offset the biking.
Flat Tire,

This statement could be more of a Aussie Slang way of talking to someone .
There is a Fat Gene in Australia , but then again perhaps even more in the U.S.A.

When I visited ( lived there for 8 months really )
I heard all kind of things that an American would not understand .

There are things I would say to an Aussie , that I knew , that I would not say to an American.

One of my Favorites is when you see a mate ( friend ) you could greet him by saying something like this ...
Aww Joe , How ya going ya Fu**ing Cunt !

I love Aussie Slang phrases .
Dont get your feeling hurt now.
Yes, no typo; and no its not plural in feeling, only singular.

Probably get it a lot worse here on ES then out in the real world. No one wants to be face to face no more. Lots are pussies.
Sometimes you have another problem. I can out cook nearly every restaurant in town. I think it might be a reaction to all those hot dog dinners Dad fed me when I was a growing teen. By 15, I had a restaurant job. Money was nice, but I was there to eat. Now when I eat out, I figure out the recipe by the time I eat there a few times.

Anyway, I just find that some of the fattest people I know can reallllllllly cook. And then its darn hard to control that portion size.

Others just guzzle 3000 calories of soda all day, no sympathy for them from me.

A fit cycles sees me, they see fat and old and out of shape. But most will be worse than me by 61. I get my BP checked, and they often want to repeat it. They are sure nobody fat as me can be in good shape. You can pack a big belly, and still be pretty damn fit. It just takes a lot of e bike miles to get there.
Someone hit me with a mirror. Didnt stop. I saw it coming. Didnt think he would actually hit me... He had all the room in the world. 0 traffic.

Asshole. I probally would a restrained him and called the cops if I could have, and he not booked away. That shit hurt a little. Both my pride as a biker and physically. If I was a kid I would've been thrown down certainly. I saw it comming though.

Next one comes close enough is going to have glass in their hair. I mean, he had all the room in the world.. was just pushing it and I know he was startled when he actually hit me.
DogDipstick said:
Someone hit me with a mirror. Didnt stop. I saw it coming. Didnt think he would actually hit me... He had all the room in the world. 0 traffic.

Asshole. I probally would a restrained him and called the cops if I could have, and he not booked away. That shit hurt a little. Both my pride as a biker and physically. If I was a kid I would've been thrown down certainly. I saw it comming though.

Next one comes close enough is going to have glass in their hair. I mean, he had all the room in the world.. was just pushing it and I know he was startled when he actually hit me.

Camera, report to fuzz, sue!
Never bikes, but cars sometimes try. I never got hit, and I can’t hear them shout most of the time since I am long gone. I never enter a conflict with cagers, whom I consider as simple ‘moving obstacles’.

With pedalists, I go along easy. I don’t ride their path often anyway, and they are more curious than aggressive. In the mountain it does happen sometimes, like some full racing dressed young DH rider saying: ‘You ride like a jerk’
I replied: ‘...and you ride like a coward’
I once passed a peleton of MAMIL's one Sunday morning and must have pissed off the Alpha male big time as he came riding after me throwing a few insults and then finally asking how I liked my girlie ebike, I replied it was very nice and popped the assist to PAS 5 and sped off leaving him behind probably fuming. His fellow MAMIL's obviously not bothered as they all remained further back in the peleton, my guess is he was just a total prick and they left him to his devices.
dogman dan said:
Yeah, real abuse is a full beer thrown at you from a pickup truck going 70 mph. That stings! But that was way back in the 70's.

6 years ago I almost got in a fight with guys telling me all bikes were not allowed on the multi use path. There was at least 30 of them, on a workout jog. Some kind of team, or fire fighters at a meeting. I stood my ground, daring them to take the first swing at a grey haired old man.

I had some road bike lycras laugh at one of my early e bikes. A cheap ass walmart bike, with goofy panniers hanging all over it to carry three batteries. It was fun to pass them back later, when the grade was 10%. The look was priceless. They of course had no idea I was using a motor.
You might want to check local laws, FL has an ordinance where E-bikes are not allowed on the sidewalk, I know because I got a $168 ticket or doing so. I thought the cop was full of shit but looked it up and there it was.
here is tickets for being on sidewalks and not dismounting for crosswalks. I don't ride on sidewalks and if theres no bicycle lane ill ride right in the middle of the slow lane so I don't get clipped by a mirror and if someones coming up behind me with their tires in the bike lane ill just give full throttle and jump into their lane. that's when im on my trike.

riding trikes is different than ebikes you have to get their attention and make them react because if your trike is trapped between the sidewalk curb and a trucks tire is about to roll over you youre fckt. if youre trikes not fast it better look like a farm tractor

I don't share the road with these moron drivers, when lanes get tight, that's a good excuse for me to go faster
flat tire said:
The thing is you guys must actually be fat. The comment wouldn't make sense otherwise, so maybe you should work a little harder and eat less.

Piece of shit comment. Maybe you should post less and banter about "fat people" a lil more round home with your Fifi. You dont make sense, Dick. Otherwise, you wouldn't be a such a dick. So you must be senseless.

Senseless frocker. Lol. Go fu-ck your Fifi.
Been riding ebikes on and off road for five years in socal, and the only abuse is on forums, never in person.
What a fabulous discourse.

@Flat Tire, howsit going cnut :lol:

I way 80kg and you will always be an Arsss-Hole, it's not your fault I understand.

Take Care and try to be kind to yourself, if not other.