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End of the World. Beginning of a new one. The Life of Amberwolf.

We have used a very good vet for 30 years, but when fostering we had to go where the foster group would get the bill paid.

Not a bad vet, but nothing like our favorite. Sounds to me like the office staff dropped the ball on this one.
Tiny seems to be doing fine, still, though her poo is all yellow and soft cuz the antibiotics are probably not helping her intestinal flora any, despite the probiotics/etc I give her along wiht her vitamins and hip/joint stuff.

A few days ago one of the storms brought down this tree in the complex, in the building north of mine, and Tiny has had to investigate it and try to walk thru it/under it to smell it all every time we go by. Today it wasn't there anymore, and she was looking all over for it, and even tried to take me back the way we'd come to see if we just missed it or something. :lol:

But each time she investigated it, she was all "proud" of herself afterward, so i got this pic on one of the daylight walks.
amberwolf said:
I dont' know what these new inserted (glued in) bolts are for, at the front edge of the new front porch. I haven't even got a guess:

Happy that Tiny is good.
Re: Bolts? My guess is rebar that is connected to the base of the post. Prevents the post from lifting up in a big wind. Big wind as in hurricane.
amberwolf said:
.......But each time she investigated it, she was all "proud" of herself afterward, so i got this pic on one of the daylight walks.

Happy Doggie!!! :lol:

Do you know what kind of tree that is? The sent might have something to do with genetics as she is a dog who's genes come from mountain dogs. Any chance of getting her to Prescott or any other tree lined area just to see how she reacts?

marty said:
Happy that Tiny is good.
Re: Bolts? My guess is rebar that is connected to the base of the post. Prevents the post from lifting up in a big wind. Big wind as in hurricane.
Ah--that makes sense. We do actually get some fairly intense winds during the habibs, and sometimes we even get tornadoes, though rarely.

e-beach said:
Happy Doggie!!! :lol:

Do you know what kind of tree that is? The sent might have something to do with genetics as she is a dog who's genes come from mountain dogs. Any chance of getting her to Prescott or any other tree lined area just to see how she reacts?
Not anytime soon, though this'd be a nice time to go when it's cooler up there vs here, but not yet cold.

As for the tree thing, she "makes friends with" all the things she finds on the ground new each day, and she notices when they aren't there next time. Some of them, like the tree pieces, she is distressed when they are gone--she'll look all over for them.

Bonnie the Border Collie was like that, too, to a lesser degree. (Tiny reminds me a lot of Bonnie in a lot of ways).
I also forgot to post:

Tiny is feeling better now, so that tells me the UTI was still there even three weeks after the sample was taken, and is now being fought off by the antibiotics (clavamox, I think it is). Her urine has changed color to a consistent yellow, where it had been sometimes clear before, sometimes darker yellow. Now it is always the same shade of yellow (or at least, appears to be, since I can't directly compare the nighttime events with the daytime ones as the spectrum from the flashlight is a lot different from daylight).

Another thing she has done since early on (while here with me) was to stay squatted for pee for quite a while, even after she was done going, no dribbling. Now she doesn't do that, and is just doing her thing and getting right back up to wander around again snuffling the ground to check her pee-mail.

Still a very strong odor from her pee, but that might just be how she is, since it is still about the same as when she first came here.

Either way, she appears to be improving.
Tiny is lots better now, moreso than a few days ago. Yesterday on our first evening walkies she just took off running around in circles in the doggie park area, just uber-excited to be able to, I guess. (She can't go in the park in the mornings past first light, cuz there are work crews digging it up and preparing to put in the "doggie toys" whatever they will end up being, from first light until I have to leave for work in the morning, and when it's too hot for her anyway. But those crews are all gone with the park in "usable" condition for her by the time I get home).

Anyway, she must've run around at full tilt for a minute or two, before she ran out of energy, then she ran over to me and flopped down next to me. I was tired just watching her! :lol:

But she didnt' trigger another siezure, or get too overheated, thankfully. We didn't go very long on the rest of walkies, though, cuz she wanted to go back home pretty soon afterward, being all hot from running, since it was barely past sunset.

She sure had fun, though--I wish I could've captured it on video, but as usual, it was all over by the time I got the phone/camera out. :(

Oh, also, I found her another toy she'll "play" with: Kong makes a series of toys intended to have treats stuffed in them, or have "easy treat" paste (like cheez whiz for dogs) in holes or slots on them. I got a few cans of that paste plus a couple toys on deep clearance at work ($1 each!) and filled up a toy with the paste, rolled it across the floor after letting her sniff it, and she took off after it like her tail was on fire. :lol:

The paste is kinda thin so it doesn't do well if you bounce it, though. Kinda splatters around. :oops:

But I can roll it and she'll chase it, and instead of just ignoring it when it stops she paws at it and then grabs it to take off to her bed to lick it clean. Now I just ahve to teach her to bring it back to me afterward. TheN I can later apply the principle ot regular tennsi balls and frisbees, etc.

Gonna be a while before she gets that far in training, though. She's smart, but very stubborn. "Independent", shall we say. ;)

(some might say she has highly selective hearing....)
Tiny's meds are almost gone now, and she's back to her old self again. She wants to run around most times we go to the doggie park, except right now they have some "curbs" laid out in the park area that block her from being able to just mindlessly run, so she won't even try. :( I dunno if they're permanent or not, but most likely they are.

They're also pouring largish pointy sharp gravel all over the former grassy (and dirt) areas everywhere around the complex, so she can't walk anywhere except on the sidewalks and asphalt now, except in the park. Since they are still doing the gravel, a little each day, I don't know if they are going to do the park in gravel or not--if they do, she will no longer be able to use it at all, because it bruises her paw pads (and cut one a little the first time she tried walking on it, though it's healed now, so I won't let her walk on it anymore even when she does want to try which isn't often--just when she smells something there).

I've got an email in to the office (since lately I never seem able to get there when the manager is in,except for once when I forgot to ask) to find out the full plans on the park, and to let them know that right now the way the entrances to it are laid out, Tiny won't be able to safely get to the park because of that gravel if they cover the second (northeast) entrance's path with that gravel, like they have the southwest entrance's path. It's only a few feet, but I'd have to carry a board or something with me (big enough to cover the path to the gate) for her to walk on every time to use that southwest entrance right now, and the same for the northeast one if they do that one too. I have a thick bathroom floor mat I could probably use if I have to, that at least I could roll up to carry, but I'd have to carry it around for our whole walk around the complex afterward, too.

Plus, since the rest of the dirt is now covered in that gravel, there's no way to get to the park except between cars parked along it, once more residents are here, and vehicles are filling those slots. right now most parking spots here are empty, so there's rarely an issue with that, but eventually it's going to be a problem, not just for Tiny but for future residents with dogs.

Looks like htey've restarted work on the house again, a little bit: now there are rafters on the back room. I haven't been in the yard in a while to see what's missing from the looters, recently. Been too exhausted from the return of nightmares after Tiny's siezure, and the ridiculously long wait for test results.


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Any idea when you will be able to move back in?
Sorry for that really short reply---my battery was about to die, and when I tried to get on yesterday while on morning walk with Tiny (trying to teach her she can sit still with me for a while just sitting out somewhere, after she'd played herself to tiredness), I didn't get very far in trying to get back to these threads, in between connection problems to the distant wifi, and Tiny being scared by all the traffic going by and the apartment landscapers with bulldozers and wheelbarrows full of rocks, etc. :(

Then I had to leave for work, and got a migraine from Rent-a-Center's assholes that like to turn up their music so loud you can feel it in the entire business complex, scaring our animals and making us sick, even forcing pedestrians to walk all the way around their front door (where their speakers are put outside to drive off business) way way out in the parking lot, because you can't physically be within a few dozen feet of it due to the incredible volume of the assault. And they wonder why they have so little business.... I wish they'd just go out of business and then we wouldn't have to deal with it anymore, but for now every time the weather changes to something a little "better" than it had been, so that pedestrians are out more, they do this to drive them all away. It even affects *our* business cuz we're so close to them some people can't get to our doors without withstanding that physical assault of sound, and those with dogs can't get the dogs anywhere near it becuase they are frightened of the thundering bass and screaming vocals.

Apparently now no one can do anything about the problem because they are a business (used to be that some people would call the police about the noise and the police would come warn the assholes at RAC about turning it down, and they would, for a while, before turning it back up. Nowadays I guess even that can't be done, which is stupid). Maybe I should become a business so I can put my own speakers in front of theirs and turn htem up even louder with my own raucous sounds that can be felt for miles. :roll:

Anyway, I had to leave work hours early cuz of the migraine, as no painkillers helped, and spent the rest of the day and night in the dark and quiet of the apartment trying to let it fade away. It's better now but the headache is still there, a little, and the nightmares didn't change any, in the little sleep I was finally able to get.

So...my first posting for the thread today, and all I really meant to say before I started venting (sorry!) was that reconstruciton of the house is going so very slowly that I don't think it'll be done even by the end of the year. They've basically only got three months to do it, and if it takes as long between each stage as it has so far, it will be more like end of NEXT year before they finish it.

By then, I doubt I will have anything left of my own at the house, as the looters will probably have stolen it all. Sheds still not broken into last time I passed by yesterday morning, but I didn't go that way yesterday on my way home in the early evening, because it was Friday Rush Hour and that meant I would not have been able to cross Thomas at 26th ave for up to 30-40 minutes or more by the time I got there, and thus unable to get home without riding the sidewalk (which is usualy also not possible at that time due to cars pulling out of driveways, or being parked on the sidewalks too far up to get past, or the pedestrians and other cyclists that sometimes jam that side of the street (becuase of the impossibility of crossing to th eother side).

So I went via 23rd Ave instead, which also means I didn't have to cross the freeway via road, and used the tunnel under it at the south end of Metrocenter. Only problem with this route is that while some parts of this road are MUCH better condition than any part of 31st Ave, much of it is worse, and the traffic is worse with more stupidity happening all along it. I lost count of hte number of red-light-runners, pedestrians and cyclists jsut walking or riding right off the sidwalk and out into traffic or crossing against hte light, an dnarrowly avoiding being hit. Several times there were large groups of pedestrians walking in the bike lane in front of me, and twice a cyclist riding the wrong way in the bike lane, straight towards me, completely oblivious because they were texting, forcing me to try to move out into traffic to avoid them because even my bell and then my horn did not get thru to them.

My migraine was past the puking-hurty stage before I got home, and i had left what little was in my stomach along the road a few times already--I wanted to just stop when these idiots kept going, and let them run into me and see what they did then, but I figured I'd probably end up with any tickets or costs associated with it because I *was* paying attention and "should've known better", even though it would have been entirely their fault for both going the wrong way and for riding right into me while I was stopped, but justice is never served anymore these days.

Hmm...I guess I am kinda morose today. Still not feeling well enough, I suppose; and I am still worn-out-tired, too. Would still be sleeping if I could, but everytime I close my eyes...my brain starts churning out worries and bad thoughts and nightmares, and I have stuff I have to get done and never enough time to do it. :( (I probably shouldn't even be spending this time with the wifi/ES/etc., but I need a break somewhere!).
Tiny's about as normal as she gets, now. Back to begging for tidbits she knows she won't get...but I am sure tempted by those eyes...


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I put this in my most recent CB2 thread post, but then figured it'd be better here, as it's a house update of sorts.

Yesterday on the way home from work I brought home the BionX rim that's laced to the MXUS rotor/ring, and the white Suntour fork. I also explored the house repairs a little, and found they've almost finished the electrical wiring (no switches/outlets/etc yet though), most of the A/C ductwork, and done a lot of the plumbing, but it still hasn't got a watermain back to the house yet (I sitll odn't understand why the water main was even removed, as it had nothing to do with the fire/damage and was new as of a few years ago when the city redid all those in our area). No other interior work has been done past the stuff from a couple months ago, no paneling/wallboard/insulation/etc, no cielings, etc. Back room is still a slab with wall studs and rafters, same as for the last week or two.

Still looting going on. I found a bag that might once have been mine (goodwill tag still on it's inside tag, even); not sure, with some stuff that I'm pretty sure wasnt' mine, sitting open and not dirty yet (but full of ants eating some new-looking "trail mix" that was in there, that definitely wasnt' mine), over by some of my other stuff that I can't put in the sheds yet, and some of which was obviously being gone thru by someone that got interrupted recently (probably not by my arrival, but possibly). I put the bag and the stuff that they were probably preparing to steal into one of the sheds I unlocked while I was there, and made sure I re-locked it afterward. I considered calling the police to submit the bag to them as "evidence" in case they might get DNA or fingerprints off it, but since they've never even bothered with anything from that first looter that they got such evidence from, I figured there was no point, and I didn't want to be standing around waiting for them to arrive even if they would bother to come at all for it (it would probably take hours, and it was getting dark, and I was already emotionally strained and didn't think I could handle being there alone that long).
It's already got stuff about the neighborhood watch, etc., and those people do actually come around a lot to keep an eye on it, but it's not enough.

I suspect it wouldnt' matter, as the people doing the looting are either stupid or stubborn enough to do it anyway. There's still lots of scrap out in the open right near the fence that would be worth a lot, but none of that stuff ahs been touched AFAICT--it's all just the stuff I wanted to keep, so far.

Whenever there's enough light as I go by and I am in an emotional and physical state to do it, I stop and put more stuff away into the sheds--but most of the time I am just not able to do it--most often I can't emotionally deal with it, sometimes I am just too exhausted to even get the gate open, and sometimes it's both.

I basically stopped trying to get anyone to help with it after Tannon abandoned me there that day, (except Mark and Michael helping me move stuff the landlord/work crew needed to have out of the way) because I realized I couldn't really trust anyone not to do the same thing, and I couldn't handle it if they did. I "know" that almost no one else I would ask to help would do that, but I can't risk what it would do to me if they did it.

The only ones I am almost certain I could trust to not do that are not physically capable of helping much, or they *shouldn't* be doing it even if they can, and even though I know they would try, I don't want to put them thru that either.

So for now, I am basically completely on my own to deal with the whole thing. The hardest part is simply being there by myself, without anyone at all to turn to when all the memories start flooding up. I just have to try to keep it all bottled up long enough to get things done. When i can't anymore, I just have to leave.

I am hoping to have a doggie trailer for Tiny ready by the time vacation starts, so I can take her there with me--if I don't, I don't know that I will be able to stay there long enough to accomplish anything.

The hardest part of taking her with me will be how she reacts to the traffic and such, cuz the only enclosed doggie crates I had that were big enough for her were melted in the fire. I have wire crates, which I will put plastic sheeting on to "enclose", but I expect them to make more noise becuase of that and that won't help her stress level any.

First, though, I have to widen the bike trailer a little--the space between the wheels is not quite enough to fit that crate in. :( I *think* I can do it witout welding, simply by bolting more square tubing across the gap(s) widening it will create. We'll see...I'll probably add it to my existing Flatbed Kennel Trailer thread instead o fmaking a new thread for it.
Some older pics of Tiny I'd forgotten were on the better cameraphone, and only had access to now tha tI fixed the usb charging port on it:


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Working out a follow up visit to the vet with the rescue people and the vet. Probably this weekend.

Smething to clear up some misunderstandings, based on replies I've gotten from a number of people in various messages/emails, about the paw/gravel thing: there is no grass or carpet at the apartment. It's all dirt, pavement, concrete, rough asphalt, gravel, etc., outside, and hard tile inside.

She gets 1.5 to 3 hours of walkies a day outside, so it isn't that her paws are all soft--it's just that hte gravel is pointy and sharp, and would probably cut thru evne my callused feet, if hte right piece were sticking up the right way, as was probably the case when Tiny's paw was cut. Same risk applies to any other person or dog, but the heavier they are the worse the problem will be.

However, now they have for all appearances finally finished the doggie park, with some fake grass in two areas and dirt/small gravel packed down in the rest of it, and a doggie poo station at either end, and a water station and bench in the middle.

But...they have locked the whole park off for reasons unknown, by bolting the gates shut. :( Been that way for days now, ever since it was "finished" and I have no idea why, since it was open during the whole construction phase.

Tiny's pretty upset about it and really wants to go in there every time we pass it, but I can't do a thing about it so we just walk aorund till she potty's somewhere and I can pick it up--she usually has to pee on the sidewalk or asphalt somewhere before we can get to any of the few dirt spots cuz she's already excited by the time we get to the park area, much less past it to get to those spots. Or she is trying to hold it in until we get to the park cuz she knows that's where she is supposed to go, but of course we can't go in and she can't hold it forever, so....she just goes when she can't hold it anymore.

Anyway, some pics of it just before it was 'finished" (I can't get the others to upload for osme reason) at the end of the post.

In other news, looters are much worse now. I went by yesterday morning to pick up the other crate and kennel I had that would just barely fit Tiny in it, to use on the bike trailer (cuz the wire crate I have at the apartment is damaged in a way I hadn't noticed when I got it that makes it unusable for a trailer, and is really too huge for that anyway). But when I got there, the guys working on the roof said the gate lock had been cut and so were the ones on the sheds; one shed was wide open and had stuff taken out of it sitting in front of it. I don't know all of what's actually missing yet, probably won't for months, the way things are still going.

But a few things that are definitely missing are the crate and kennel I was going to use, some of my bins of nuts and bolts, some tools (dunno which ones but the bins were obviously ransacked), the Vpower pack and some other defective batteries (RC LiPo, etc). I hope they set themselves on fire with them. I really do.

Best I could do is pile a bunch of heavy stuff in front of the sheds in the hour or so I had before having to go to work and try to recover and get cleaned up before starting my shift. Let me super-stressed out and exhausted, and now I don't evne know if all the parts and tools I had gathered up to do the work I took this vacation to do are evne going to be there when I go back (probably tomorrow) to start working on the bike repairs.

As it was, I had to buy a new plastic crate for Tiny's new trailer, which set me back about $90--there's been a lot of donations so I guess tha'ts covered already, but it was an expense I shouldn't have had to deal with, cuz I already HAD the crate, until the looters stole it.

The part that infuriates me about the looters is that the police have caught them multiple times, often the SAME GUY, but they don't actually catch them in the yard, and they don't even apparently try to prove the stuff that they've got came from the yard, even though the looters were seen and reported in the yard by neighbors, who would be witnesses to AT LEAST the act of trespassing!

Since they won't even take the looters in at all for evne that, they'll just keep coming back and destroying what's left of the things I care about, and I can't do a friggin' thing about it.

One of the neighbors that's helped me with this before has given me some old replacement locks to use so I don't have to go buy new ones, at least, but they won't stop these thieves any more than the previous ones did, apparently.

So...here's to hoping my parts and tools necessary for the bike repairs are actualy still there by the time I get to actually get there and do the repairs. Otherwise I'll have to go buy new ones of THOSE, too, which should set me back a few hundred dollars, minimum, maybe more than a thousand depending on what I have to replace.


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That is a very nice doggy run. My dog is too little for the openings between the bars to stop him though. We've got the same type fence in front so we usually always go out the back way through the garage. :D
I think Tiny is very nearly the only dog at this complex that *couldn't* fit thru the fence bars on that doggy park. :( Makes it a little pointless for the rules to say that it is the only place dogs can be let off-leash if most of the dogs that could be in it could just run right out of it if they actually were let off leash. :roll:

Then again, only a couple of the dogs around here are walked on-leash, the rest are just let run loose. Whenever Tiny and I are out on walkies, and I hear the little things yapping somewhere, I try to head the other way. If we can't avoid them then all I can do is hold her harness and try to stay between her and them, while they try to run up to her and bark in her face, sometimes very aggressively. If I didn't hold her, she *might* not do anything...but if she did do something, even innocently defending herself, there wouldn't be much left of the attacking dog after the first strike.

The management already knows people aren't properly leashing their dogs, and has admonished the complex as a whole via their newsletter--but it hasnt' changed anything. Probably won't, until someone's dog gets run over cuz it ran out into traffic on the street or the parking lot, or gets into a fight with another dog (probably also not on a leash).

The real problem is the people that should be in control of them *know* they are agressive, and they always apologize as they finally catch up with the dog, but they still don't do anything about it. I haven't bothered to talk to any of them because if they can't figure it out on their own, then me telling them what the eventual results are going to be won't fix anything--it's just going to make me sound like I'm threatening them, even though I'm not. So, I'll just have to let evolution in action take it's course, saddeningly.

But I *can* say, as a promise, not a threat, that any dog that actually attacks Tiny is going to have an awful hard time getting thru me (I won't let Tiny be at fault and punished for defending herself--if something looks like it's actually going to bite her, I'll deal with it first any way I have to).

On the topic of the house and security; I was so anxious about the whole looting thing, that I had pretty much continuous nightmares last night so that I didn'[t even really get to sleep at all. So after Tiny's first morning walkies and her breakfast, I went to breakfast and did my posting earlier over at McD, then when I got back I sat down and dozed right off. Kept waking from the more usual nightmares about the dogs and fire and whatnot, but eventually got a little sleep.

Around midday we went for more walkies, and watched some of the landscapers installing the potted plants in the holes they'd already had prepared around the property--some bushes, some trees, all very small right now. They won't be any different by the time I leave here...most of them look like weeds that sprouted from the pointy gravel/rock that replaced the grass/dirt I much preferred. (which, by the way, they did not use any kind of plastic liner between the gravel and dirt, so ther eare *actual* weeds and grass and whatnot growing up thru the gravel/rocks all over the places, especially around the water sources installed for the above potted plants--for a gravelly type of landscape, it looks pretty crappy because of that, though for myself I prefer it to look that way, as I would much rather have dirt and green things than rocks to look at or walk among).

After we got back, I clipped and filed her claws, which I had put off for a couple weeks already, and then gave her a good thorough bath. She doesn't exactly hate them, but she doens't enjoy them a lot either. She does tolerate them pretty wel, and doesn't fight to get out of the tub or anything, mostly being cooperative about lettin gme lift feet, etc, to wash all over. I haven't gotten to the brushing yet, even now, though, as I have kept dozing off between walkies. Prbably do that after another nap once I'm done posting here (am just sitting on a saved-from-trash folding chair jus tinside the chain-locked west gate across from DD/McD, using whatever free wifi is being picked up right now).

Once tiny and I got her partly dried off, I sat down and dozed right off again, waking/dozing for another couple hours, and then more walkies out in the warm sun to help dry her off more, and repeated this cycle all afternoon, because I had realized that I was way too wiped out to possibly try to ride to the house and do anything, evne if I had the trailer already finished--and I don't evne really have it STARTED, as far as mounting the crate/kennel on it goes. So, today was mostly a waste as far as getting anhything done is concerned, though it was really nice to be able to basically spend a whole day with Tiny (except for my "naps", though she acutally spent most of those right there with me, whihc is unusual).

Late in the afternoon the clouds rolled in overhead, thin but blocking sunlight and making it cooler, and a stiff breeze turned up from the west-ish, so I opened the windows (front faces west, back faces east) and let the apartment air out. More dozing/waking/dozing, then another walkies maybe half an hour ago, then closed up the windows and locked them to come out here for wifi before i go back to doze again (I hope).

If I can at least doze enough thru today and tonight I might be functional enough to finish the trailer early tomorrow morning and take Tiny up to the house so I can work on the bike while she explores what will eventually be her new home.

That is, assuming the clouds are not going to end up rain clouds and keep me from actually getting the work done there (welding, power tools and such) that I need to do. And that looters dont' steal the tools and parts I have to use (or haven't already). I can buy more tools but I would have to take Tiny bakc to the apartment first, as I can't leave her unsupervised at the house nor could I take her with me and leave her in the kennel trailer outside the store, etc. So if I do have to go buy stuff then that ends the whole day of work, basically.
Good news is that if they did steal anything since I was last there, as of today at least they hadn't broken into the sheds again. Seemed to be left the same as Tuesday morning when I piled stuff in front of them:





Also, Tiny's first bike trailer ride today; She didn't actually *enjoy* the ride (too many noises, bumps, etc) but she wasn't fazed by it either, and she enjoyed romping around the yard at my house, and exploring at the store I work at afterward, before heading back home. She's taking a nap now, while I am over at McDs for wifi to post this (and food; I'm too tired to cook anything, even to warm up the chili I'd cooked yesterday (actually I forgot I evne had made it until I was already out the door heading here....)

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Until today, I couldn't figure out why, but I have been very very saddened, much more than I had any explanation for, by the loss of the original back room. Almost as much, possibly more than, the loss of the other house interior and stuff.

Today, Tiny showed me why--she picked the very spot where Hachi and company were born for her nappy spot when she got bored with investigating the yard and when I was busy with fixing the bike, etc. I didn't get a pic of her there without the blanket I added later, but she ignored the blanket where I originally put it on the carport in the cool shade there, next to the kennel trailer, and just plopped down on the concrete slab of the new back room, in the spot shown in hte pics.

Why that spot and not another...I dunno. But the reason I don't have any pics before I put the blanket there for her is cuz when I saw her there, I was instantly reminded of Nana laying in that spot wiht the puppies around her, and I hobbled as fast as I could over to Tiny and cried my eyes out holding her, and she just accepted it for a long while though I could tell it was bugging her to be held so close/tight. I dunno how long it lasted...but I felt better afterward; now that I understand yet one more thing about my sadnesses.

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Then here's some pics of Tiny at the apartment complex's doggy park--she definitely likes the fake grass section.



The part that infuriates me about the looters is that the police have caught them multiple times, often the SAME GUY, but they don't actually catch them in the yard, and they don't even apparently try to prove the stuff that they've got came from the yard, even though the looters were seen and reported in the yard by neighbors, who would be witnesses to AT LEAST the act of trespassing!

I'm sure it's the same there as in California: The police cannot arrest for a misdemeanor that wasn't committed in their presence. If the neighbors witness he's in the yard, the neighbors have to make the private persons arrest. Which I'm sure they won't do.

I'm the type to figure out how to be there waiting for the guy, get pictures, etc. Caught kids in my backyard taking my bikes (To bring back when they're done breaking things) and oh the LIES they start telling. Once caught, twice caught, they still keep coming back. No, never had them arrested. Funny how the parents have no trouble with their kid being a hellion, but when a victims complains. . . .
You don't have to move back into the house that burnt. If you are happy in your new place? Stay there. If you want to move far away to a place with bad weather? For $400 a month you can be my neighbor. 3 bedroom upper apartment in the house next door for rent November 1st. Buffalo NY.