finding details to enable upgrade

Jul 29, 2012
I need some help. I purchased (2 months ago a used crystalyte 408/4011 elec kit. running at 36v 10ah bat power and absolutely love it. I've managed to rack up over 900 miles in that time. but would like to increase my speed (30mph) and more importantly distance (40-60miles between charge. I can't seem to find details on what my current cotroller is capable of handling.

Here is the info I received from the seller "Before dismantaling the bike and putting the original kit up on eBay, I tested everything and it was perfect. I weigh in at 235 lbs. and the bike cruised at about 18 MPH without pedal assist on a flat area. It gets roughly an 18-20 mile range before needing a recharge but frankly I never rode it more than 10 miles at a time.
That little battery is extremely powerful. It is lightweight, compared to lead-acid and has a life that is about 3x longer than lead acid batteries. It would take 3 12V, 10 Amp lead acid batteries to equal the output of one of these.
The motor is gearless (don't buy geared motors unless you want a lot of trouble), brushless, and is really two motors in one. This is a combination of the Crystalyte 408 and 4011 motors. The 408 is built for tourque (or hill climbing, low speed) and the 4011 which gets good speed and good torque as well. Although, you won't notice much difference between the two motors until you add more batteries.
The beauty of this system is that you can always add more batteries to the controller. The controller has a range of 36V to 72V and up to 20 Amps. Controller is brushless. With the included battery, you get good midrange mid-speed riding. It's fast enough to be fun and practical for errands but if you want to max it out, there's room for added speed. I read about others with this controller/motor combo getting upwards of 35 mph (with more battery power, of course), but that is a bit extreme for me."

I believe my controller to be a Crystalyte 12 MOSFET looks exactly like it anyway.
I've read posts where indications are that my controller may be adjustable. any ideas here? how can I determine whether that info is accurate, and if it is How do i go about adjusting the range? I'd like to run a 48v 30ah or maybe 60v 20ah or 30ah
I've never heard of the 30X series of Crystalyte. I have several of the others, including a 408/4012. The controller with the Switch to flip between windings was the size of a 12 fet, but was a 6 fet, with the added space used by the switch. I pushed mine to 30 amps safely. but that was a diffrent series motor, and the controller might be diffrent.

Have you got pics?
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It takes my 408 roughly 800 watts to go 30mph, and will go a bit faster at 72 volts. And you want to have a Lithium battery sized so you only use 80% of it. So count it as a 1000 watts needed. For your 60 mile range, you would need 2000 watts of battery. thats a 72 volt, 28 Ah battery. Basicly, a battery 6 times the size of what you have now.
I dont know if this will work but heres a link to pic of controller
Ok that worked. Here are some other pics
heres one of the completed bike..
He should be able to get his best speed by just using the 408 wiring. Or does he need the special controller? 408's still a bit on the slow side, so maybe a complete motor upgrade is what he really needs. Fast motor like a 9c 2806 or one of the known to be fast ebay kits.

48v battery to increase speed to the 30 mph zone. With a faster winding motor I mean. the 408 at 48v should go about 23-24 mph I think.

60 miles? At 30? That's going to take several 48v batteries. Then some way to carry all that. 30 mph takes a ton more power than 20. Wind resistance increases exponentially with speed increase.

Slow, like 20 mph will take about 36v 40 ah to go 60 miles. or 30 ah of 48v. If you just bought a 48v 15 ah, you'd have about 40 miles range for sure. Ride your existing battery part of the way, then switch to the 48v. Your controller should be able to tolerate 48v.
Thanks for the good information.
I'm pretty sure (90%) my controller is capable of handling up 72v
I've added an 18 volt in series for about a 6 mile ride in the past and it performed well. my meter showed 62 volt at full charge prior the ride. ran at 23/24 mph. the problem was that the discharge was uneven and the 18 drained to rapidly sucking life out of the 36. so i aborted the plan of adding an in series battery.
i further believe the motor will handle range of 36v to 72v. My concerns are with the amp and controller. If I open this thing up, Is there anything that will identify max amp and volt so I can be sure?
I'm pretty much sold on a 60v batt. however you guys do have me reconsidering the 48v. I guess I'm confused with how higher volt with lesser amp vs. lesser volt with higher amp balances to factor speed and distance. I guess my question does 60v 20amp compare to 48v 30amp or 40amp in terms of speed and distance?