fractional reserve

if you would like some names, here is one of the big boys! Daivid Rockerfeller, founder of the tri lateral comission, owner and donator of the land the UN building sits on, and most importantly builderberg group permanent member! here are his words, at the builderberg meeting in the 1990s....

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

Nuff Said!!!
Okay, now you've moved from paranoid territory to delusional territory. Try visiting Palestine, Iraq, many places in Lebanon and Afghanistan weaing an American flag on your t-shirt and tell me Al Queda is a database, and 9/11 was a self inflicted wound to pull people in line.

You say you've done a lot of research. Was this research done on the same websites that are petitioning the government to release the alien technology found in Roswell? FOI is not applicable for records under 30 years old of military or national interest. You're saying these people controlling the world through deceit willingly released documents admitting this deceit? As we say in Australia - pull the other one, mate!
Joseph C. said:
It appears Jim Corr has made Endless Sphere his home. :mrgreen:

Ha ha, I'm having a good giggle at his site.

Never heard of him before, but yes, it appears he has joined es!
Sunder said:
Joseph C. said:
It appears Jim Corr has made Endless Sphere his home. :mrgreen:

Ha ha, I'm having a good giggle at his site.

Never heard of him before, but yes, it appears he has joined es!

He used to be normal and part of one of the most popular bands in the 90's - The Corrs.

Then 911 occurred and like a lot of people, who could not handle such a potent example of destructive, meaningless chaos, he sought solace in other explanations.

The conspiracy theorists dwell comfort from entities controlling events and incidents. They find it much easier to accept this invented reality than the random vagaries of life.

However, some conspiracies may have merit. It appears Al Qaeda didn't exist prior to 911 and the Twin Towers were the actions of Saudi Arabian terrorists. Bin Laden seized on the notoriety and used this to copperfasten his following. There was never a global Al Qaeda with co-ordinated sleeping cells all over the world.

Anyone that thinks the U.S. Government attacked their own people and the attacks were fabricated though needs to be slapped. It's an insult to the families of those who died.

Now I better shut up - this has gone way off-topic. Sorry.
Joseph C. said:
Anyone that thinks the U.S. Government attacked their own people and the attacks were fabricated though needs to be slapped. It's an insult to the families of those who died.

Now I better shut up - this has gone way off-topic. Sorry.

Please come slap me. Seriously. Maybe I'll forget what I KNOW happened in OKC....because I was there.....really there.....

People that ignore the huge preponderance of evidence that proves beyond a doubt that the attacks and collapses WERE orchestrated are insulting the families of those that died by sticking up for the beasts that murdered their family members.

FYI The folks in charge won't hesitate in killing innocent american citizens as long as it furthers their agenda...

I am actually scared that I'm posting this but what the hell, it's only life and liberty I'm spread the truth. Obama said he would be nice right? :wink:

Sorry about the OT but someone had to say it.
i ask how is any of it delusional?... if you lack understanding of a subject or are missing knowledge in a relevant area don't dismiss it as delusion...try to prove the facts i produce as wrong! and i dont mean with ridicule and opinion i mean with counter facts...ok i will admit my tiny semantic error it wasnt a FOI request that was a small error in terms, it was actually from a report by the the AFP/NSA the report is available in pdf online if you want to read with your own eyes full eagle stamp and everything...please do not ever again ridicule someone who is more knowledgeable on a subject than you just because you think the facts sound unbelievable! is one of the worst logical fallacies (an ad hominim attack) an attack on the person rather than his argument) and its easily spot able.. like i said I have read the Trivium, of Grammar Logic and Rhetoric, the first three of the liberal arts and learned all about how people use logical fallacy to win arguments, (its how all adverts get you to buy stuff) but it teaches you that through the use of good logic, u can get to the facts in any argument! and discard the fallacies. it was something we were robbed of by our "kind and friendly" leaders many years ago (it was a staple in the 1700s) the ability to think logically...
oh the report goes like this in sumary.. for those who cant be bothered finding it but would like to try and ridicule!..

WASHINGTON (AFP) - North Vietnamese made hoax calls to get the US military to bomb its own units during the Vietnam War, according to declassified information that also confirmed US officials faked an incident to escalate the war.

The report was released by the National Security Agency, responsible for much of the United States' codebreaking and eavesdropping work, in response to a "mandatory declassification" request, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) said Monday.

From the first intercepted cable -- a 1945 message from Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh to his Russian counterpart Joseph Stalin -- to the final evacuation of US spies from Saigon, the 500-page report retold Vietnam War history from the perspective of "signals intelligence," the group said in a statement.

@ Joseph C... you can obviously tell your education level by the treats of violence for not believing the same as you! but you are correct Alqaeda did not exist before 911. it was a database created by the CIA/american government, and produced in hours of the attacks as the proposed perpetrators of the attacks!!!...but i will not get on to the damn can go on forever....but yes the american goverment would attack its own people for gaining support for a war it wanted to wage it has done it provably many times before and will do it again...guess i may need a slap...

I dare anyone to come and give it me though! as they don't call me ninja for nothing! I will hand out my address to anyone who thinks they can oppress truth with violence!!! thats the elites job!!

just because something may upset someone does not make it false!!!

During the war, North Vietnamese intelligence units sometimes succeeded in penetrating US communications systems, and they could monitor American message traffic from within, according to the report "Spartans in Darkness."

On several occasions "the communists were able, by communicating on Allied radio nets, to call in Allied artillery or air strikes on American units," it said.

"That's something I have never heard before," Steven Aftergood, director of the FAS project on government secrecy, told AFP.

But he said that probably the "most historically significant feature" of the declassified report was the retelling of the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident.

That was a reported North Vietnamese attack on American destroyers that helped lead to president Lyndon Johnson's sharp escalation of American forces in Vietnam.

The author of the report "demonstrates that not only is it not true, as (then US) secretary of defense Robert McNamara told Congress, that the evidence of an attack was 'unimpeachable,' but that to the contrary, a review of the classified signals intelligence proves that 'no attack happened that night,'" FAS said in a statement.

"What this study demonstrated is that the available intelligence shows that there was no attack. It's a dramatic reversal of the historical record," Aftergood said.

"There were previous indications of this but this is the first time we have seen the complete study," he said.

So I wouldn't mind an apology if you are a big enough man to give one!!! or do you want me to "pull the other one" with some more facts about the lucitania and how the american goverment were warned not to send it into german waters because europe was at war....but they did it was sunk and america joined the war...

the pantomime that our leaders run for us we call history....

Now on to your other point, Palestine(no al qaeda there) would get shot by pallistinians in USA shirt though because USA fund and arm Isreal, who massacre the pallistinians on a daily basis and occupy thier country....

next, Iraq, well no al qaeda here either! where are you you pesky lil buggers... or WMDS but would get shot in USA tshirt because USA invaid thier country for no reason other than to steal its oil, with an accused link to 911 that was totally false and admitted too congress was a lie...

Afganistan, No Al qeada here either sorry, taliban yes, al qaeda no! nearlly though,,,they are apparently in the caves of pakistan next door, but you cant just invade there because they have nukes!
but yes Still get shot in USA tshirt because USA invade there country for oil, and to ramp up afghans production from 10% of the worlds opium/heroin to 90% all under USA/British occupation...where does that all go and who gets paid for that, when we occupy the country!!!!

so what are you saying, there are a lot of people really pissed with the anglo-american empire for occupying there country and raping them! no al qaeda though!!! you do know the only group of people to have ever been called al qaeda were a few soldiers osama bin laden had that were trained by the CIA with USA taxpayer please again do not ever ever again ridicule when you don't understand a subject, it leaves you open to be shot straight down like now...I know what logical fallacy is you obviously do not as you make alot of them!...

and not that it matters! i'll just point out your inaccuracy in history, when exactly was the gulf of Tonken incident? or the sinking of the lucitannia?? more than 30 yrs ago so your Arithmatic may be rusty too! ( i have now resorted to Add hominim now just to prove a point!!) meaning both would be released under FOI anyway....

so No, no alien ufos, but i can tell you what a scramjet is or a hypersonic pulse jet,,,all black projects at secret bases with UFO qualities and capabilities, just like we now have the 117a the blackbird sr71 both black projects kept from public view for 20yrs at the very same bases UFOs are reported no aliens, sorry to disapoint you, just science and technology that is exploding at an exponential rate...

did you know that between 2000 and 2010 we made more scientific discoveries and patents placed than the whole of the 20th century combined, yes thats right we did in ten years what it once took 100years to discover. it will only take us five years to do that again though, then 2.5 then 1.25 then 0.625yrs then 0.3125 meaning super alien technology with no aliens necessary by 2020 latest...

wake up!!!..........if you wish to apologise you can but don't have to, but if i had ridiculed you and you had produced evidence to the contrary i would have said sorry for my rudeness and corrected my opinions and views on the subject!!...

and P.S I can keep coming up with legitimate evidence for any "Delusional" FACT i state...try me! because its the truth. thats how this works, lies are just that, stories with no backing, truth has evidence to go with it.. what i speak is always the truth, i wouldnt waste my time deceiving people what good would that do me or anyone else.

as to stay away from a sensitive debate i will not mention the trade centre, it was you who did that, generalising about me...i on the other hand do not even need it to prove my case.....

plus the controlling elite doesn't own absolutely everything or i would not be writting any of this and we would have No rights left, they have key players placed at certain information can still get out, and reveal the truth....but once we are in one world government there will be no turning back!! and if u think were not getting that your stupid!!! look at the quote i posted by david rockerfeller to the 300 richest people in the world. he thanks the media of america for keeping the world government plan secret, because they own the media, but now we are nearly ready then there will be no turning back! total tyranny for every descendant you ever have....or live forever as a transhuman robot, depends if your rich or not!! hehe

its all fact though! just google singularity sumit, ray kurtzwield or transhumanist...david rockerfeller personally offered 100million to any company that can make him live to over 150!!! thats why we have advances in anti aging going on like telomerase and massive investments in nano/bio technogy....

and yes Very well said Mdd..
so no terrorists at all really!!! just lots of different people who are very upset that america invaded its country stole all its oil and killed all its people, thats all!!! :shock: :mrgreen:

the anglo-american empire are the terrorists mate! we are, just admit it! it wont hurt to say we are really on the baddies side! but don't want to believe it!!! coz don't think a country OWNED in deed by the queen like Aus isnt part of it!
and just a little clairvoyant quote from HG wells the man who taught George Orwell and Aldous Huxley everything they new about,big brother, brave new worlds and The New world Order...

1933 – “The Shape of Things to Come” by H. G. Wells is published. Wells predicts a second world war around 1940, originating from a German-Polish dispute. After 1945, there would be an increasing lack of public safety in "criminally infected" areas. The plan for the “Modern World State” would succeed on its third attempt, and come out of something that occurred in Basra, Iraq. The book also states: “Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition anywhere.”

not a bad little "guess" hey......these people have been at it for ages!'s a plan, it's just the non-enlightened or un-illuminated are not in on it! that is why it is so hard to believe!!
but making it non the less...true!!

Incidentally heres a little info on Aldous Huxleys brother...
Julian Sorell Huxley (1887-1975), one of the outstanding biologists of the 20th century, was a Life Fellow of the Eugenics Society from 1925, its President 1959-62.... but was also the founder of UNICEF!!!

if u want to know more about eugenics (bet you thought the Natzis invented it didn't ya!) try researching the plans of darwins family that interbred with incest with the wedgewood family, using darwins eugenic theories of evolution (yes evolution is true! but no white people are not evolutionarily better, bad news charles!!) they hoped to breed a generation of super beings with raised IQs and many talents, but it just ended up in deformed babies! lots of them! Very Sad, but this is a man we revere, yes he came up with a good theory, actually simultaneously discovered by Alfred Russel Wallace so not even unique at the time but he was an elitist eugenicist many famous people we are taught to revere!!
OT: This Post is Totally Off Topic but this is Holy Shit Amazing...
mdd0127 said:
Please come slap me. Seriously. Maybe I'll forget what I KNOW happened in OKC....because I was there.....really in the building the day before the boom....moving all of the computers and file cabinets from the ATF offices into a storage on S. 74th st.....all while the "bomb squad" was in the building wiring it up.....for a "training" operation. :x
Ok, this is either Psych Ops "above" (and I'm *not* being paranoid w/billions in Homeland Security), or this is possibly delusional, or ruse, poser, or "the truth" ? :p :shock: :?: I've come across a Psych Ops online, seriously, about the so called missile hitting the Pentagon. Total BS on the missile.

Someone in the government did help the Underwear bomber get on the plane, but, again, WTF, we don't know what the hell the operation was for. They could just be incompetent FU's; they're going to track Undy to see who he contacts to try to get more people involved. As insane as your "bomb squad" event is, it is possible the Feds had to pretend to wire it in order to entrap everyone involved in the conspiracy. Of course, that would have to be covered-up, since it is undercover & not known what is happening for what reasons. That's chum for shark bait frenzies over "conspiracy theories" that are going to happen no matter what. It's not far fetched that the ATF was tipped ahead of time, & so no one showed-up inside the building too.

Come-on man, how the hell can we expect you to have anything to do with OKC by being there? You're not a Fed are you, ATF, or what? Psych Ops? Tell us the whole story. :twisted:

Better start giving some proof that can be verified in some way. :idea: :twisted: :shock: :?:

No doubt there were more people involved in that tragic OKC event, but I don't believe T.M. was just some patsy. The Feds had infiltrated into radical groups that T.M. associated with, and maybe they knew something was going down... that really doesn't take a genius to work that one, since it was on the anniversary of the Waco assault. I understand how people can flip-out over children being burned alive in high winds as negligence or manslaughter by the Feds and seek revenge, so after Ruby Ridge & Waco, of course, those in the know would be "on edge" on the anniversary of Waco.

You're either a Psych Ops plant -or- *whatnot*, IF NOT, then you really need to spill the beans & give us the red pill now! :shock: :?: Fracking with people's minds & hearts is a sick frack thing to do, you know! :shock: :?:

If you're Psych Ops, please haul your ass to Saudi Arabia & Pakistan to uncover those scum that created those terrorists on 911. Or, better yet, profile all the 16yo-50yo male foreign citizens from the Middle East or Pakistan that visit the USA. Hell, I wouldn't even let "that grouping" inside the USA without their government putting-up a bond for those male citizens in the millions of dollars just for the privilege of being here. Profiling of this grouping of foreign citizens is smart & a good defense if anyone fits near the profile of the 911 terrorists. 8) Yes, they need to be tracked & booted when acting suspicious, and that would be very cheap to do vs spending trillions on wars for 10+ years. :idea:

Of course, the Feds, CIA, NSA, & Bushie were all warning or warned something was going to happen. They're idiots! to have not rounded-up every foreign A-rab they were *already* tracking & aware of. They are morons! All high-rankers were well aware the Twin Towers was a prime target for almost 10 years. We have the Fox Movie for proof this was already an Urban Legend including government conspiracies too. Who is going to admit their shortcomings? Don't forget the Twin Towers bombing in the early 90's was also penetrated by the Feds to some extent, and it's possible more incompetence or mistakes were made w/cover-ups that might have prevented that too. Of course, it is human nature to cover your ass & make excuses. :idea: There are conspiracies to protect their jobs or their departments, etc. Isn't that simpleton human nature? :?: :idea:

Do you not understand our government was infiltrated, so the terrorists would know when they should attack? :idea: There have always been traitors & spies within our government. It's not any stretch of the imagination that the terrorists had info from their plants/spies in our government to know when to attack. Like, duhhh! :!: :idea:

Anyway, time for the red pill & tell us the whole truth about your involvement with OKC... :idea:
Okay, I pledge not to ridicule anyone more knowledgeable than me on a topic.

That said, let's get back to ridiculing you, as you are clearly out of scope.

Mik, my dear friend, I'm afraid you have fallen victim to a psychological bias called the Dunning Krueger Effect–Kruger_effect. This is where someone of below average intelligence struggles with a topic or skill, puts in a huge amount of work to try to understand it, then believes themselves to be above average competence due to the time they have spent researching it. After all, they put in the effort! They struggled despite the difficulty! They went above and beyond what most people would do for this skill or topic: If not the top of their field, they must be near it!

Now imagine a very average person. Without being below average intelligence, they pick up a topic quickly. They are relatively quickly able to comprehend and assimilate information into their world view. As a result, they don't need to spend thousands of hours reading other people's interpretations of the subject. Their view is not skewed by others who have fitted the data to achieve the desired result.

These two people argue: one has casually come across the information and understood it, the other has come across information, couldn't understand it initially, so spent spent thousands of hours reading other people's opinions on the topic... Who is more likely to be right? I'd say the one who understood it first go, rather than the one who has been buffeted by the opinions of others.

Secondly, consider the other psychological effect called "Confirmation Bias" You've selected a few very short quotes, and claim they support your theory. But remove the name, blank some dates, and it could apply to anything ranging from formation of the UN, the inauguration of NATO, the creation of the European Union, the reach of the British empire (After all the sun never set on the British empire - so that's proof of a world government, right?), or going back in history one of thousands of events like the unification of China. The quotes are so generic it could have referred to anything.

You see, you have an agenda in mind - you find a quote, and you think "This fits my agenda! This is proof! Solid proof! That my conspiracy theory is right!". But if it's a conspiracy... Why would these people provide you proof in a quotable quote? Isn't the whole idea of a shadow government to err... remain in the shadows?

Finally, throughout history, many men have gone against the popular consensus and put forward ideas that sound unbelievable. Many of these have been proven right, and are now the founding fathers of science. The ancient Greeks believed the world was round, but serious credence wasn't given to those theories until Galileo proved it using observational astronomy, and Magellan proved it by sailing in one direction constantly until he returned to the same point. My point? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. There is a tiny tiny percentage chance you might be right. But all you've spouted is a series of quotes, factoids, opinions and rumours, not connected in a logical way.

Here's my challenge. Find my a government document - hosted on a government site, with some of these admissions you're claiming. Not one or two sentences out of a long document, an actual admission in context. Heck, I can put the official eagle and shield stamp on a document claiming that Obama is actually a girl, white, and a 175 years old emperor penguin in disguise. Photoshop is not that hard. It's not proof if it's not from a reputable source. What will I accept as proof? Not a single sentence talking about unified world government, but an admission that says something like:

* The government has conducted "false flag operations" directly against citizens resulting in significant deaths in order to achieve a political goal.
* That the elected representatives of the people are actually controlled by a shadow government
* That any public figure has incontrovertibly been caught in a plot to create a world government, beyond normal, open transnational cooperation (Such as the UN or G8).

If you can do that for me, I'll be man enough to apologise. But remember. Has to be on a website ending in .gov or .mil
ha ha, tut tut sunder, i thought i taught you about ad hominim attacks. it shows a real lack of intelligence to attack someone in your opening statement before even addressing any of the points,

poor show old chap!!!....kudos to you though dude, that was a funny opener!! (it took me a while to be able to type again! from laughing) haha

it was almost as if it had come out of my mouth. that would have been my exact reply to someone saying dont ridicule some one more knowledgeable than me!! love it..i'll take that one!!

it really doesn't bother me the attempt to ridicule me and imply i have cognitive bias! i said an attack on the person is futile! it shows you need to attack me because you cannot refute what I am saying with ample mental prowess...i could sit here refuting your points about that and why i do not have it, but it is a ridiculous effort to gain ground in a conversation via an insult!...
and the first part of your statement read person of below intelligence. well i got a mensa certificate with a 157 on it to prove otherwise. and two degrees... (not that any of it counts for shit!)

to be presented with a confirmed NSA document reported in the national press as so and declare it a photoshop job are the final clutches of a small mind that does not want accept evidence put before it!!....

you will be happy when the evidence for global governance is a global government....

this is what i love about stupid people, you try and help them but they find it so hard to grasp certain concepts that do not ring true as possible to them, they end up giving you abuse for it!
i'm going to go and get you your proof so i can end this once and for all....

it has been a truly interesting debate though! i do honestly think you are a well educated guy, the stupid comment was just in the spirit of debate and your constant insults, been a while since i met someone with good skills of grammar logic and rhetoric though....its just a shame well educated can also mean well indoctrinated! we tend to take the views that were given to us by educational institutions as 100% fact and never question them...

i love the fact that you cant comprehend that the UN is the secret world government plan. it is just now open for all to see.. so yes what you would call normal transnational cooperation...

i have lost any actual drive to converse now as I am unbelievably tired, that's what you get for debating with someone on the other side of the world when its their day time and your bed time. Its 8.30am,
ive been up all night responding, not one drop of sleep and now i have to go to work, i will go get you evidence from a .gov sight just i have work to do now!!
we all still need to keep working that system!! but for the moment how about this. admittedly it is not on .gov so i will not count towards 100% true documentary evidence in hard copy, but it is real video footage of sec of Defense Robert McNamara using his own words to admit that the gulf of tonkin incident did not happen yet america still started the war!

I will come back later with plenty of acceptance for my apology!!....because here we are my oh so clever friend here it is...... ....notice the (.gov) as will read in there a report saying how new evidence shows there was no attack that night....proving my case that the government of the usa has lied about circumstances leading to a fact has started a war where no attack took place on them but still professing for 45years yes years that it went down exactly as the original cover story said...when there are documents proving they knew as to have documents metioning it proves this..justifying the vietnam war for generations....remember millions of people died!!!! WHY? its called an empire that does what it wants and falsifies evidence to carry out its actions with public opinion on its side!

I will also send links to different reports by the NSA still on .Gov that explain from different government mouths that they lied and miss led everyone...i will just have to find them again after work!!!

but as i have just proved (i don't actaully need to find them to show you to be correct!) and because you were un aware of them you felt the need to ridicule a win in the debate! I told you logical fallacy never wins against factual researched truth...

I do apologise for in a quick couple of hour post on a lifetimes worth of subject, i end up just posting quotes that i presume you will have enough understanding of other events and circumstances related will be known so the quote will not seem out of place because you know it is from a certain speech with other parameters that help re enforce it...if you are brand new to the subject then yes the quotes do probably seem a little out of context. but if you know who the people are, what groups they are involved with and the events they are speaking at and about it is easier to then put together the whole are again correct that if a secret government did exist it would do its best to make sure there were no official records to show this...that is why there are so little. but if you spend the time actually researching (not from the alien UFO conspiracy sites that are so handy to point towards) plus do you not think that propaganda exists and maybe alot of the truth comes out in leaks mixed in with stuff that makes you dismiss everything...this is the whole point the US army feeds propaganda about alien UFOs to cover its real flying saucer black projects that are in fact just new super stealth future technology aircraft...

i did not lie when I said research not on conspiracy sites...i mean alot of it is on conspiracy theory sites but they are showing you evidence of a is then up to you to go away and find the closest thing to the hard copy in front of your face, like i said imminent legitimate sources such as the british museum and national archives...FOi requests and such..reading online books.

one thing i promise though is i always chase back to the origin of the quote, I may have just grabbed a cut and pasted an internet copy of it but usually i will have sought out the original book, paper etc..
to know that what i am preaching (it seems that way sometimes sorry) i make sure i use only hard facts..some are more difficult to chase than other depending on age etc but it is possible to track them down if you know how.

I have used this method to prove several myths in the conspiracy world are wrong and only hold detriment to a case if you use them so point them pout to people if i ever see them using them..even if i agree with the point of what they are saying...what is the point of backing something up with a fiction it just makes you look silly..

so, so long as you've done your due diligence (and believe me i have) then you can have confidence in what your saying without the need of cognitive Bias...

i apologise if i may have implied a tone of over confidence its just you try to use your years of experience in the subject as a marker for people to believe you, like they would someone who had experience in another field like a doctor! its just to understand the inner workings of the corporate elite is abhorrent to us and un believable that people could think in such a way..

anyway got to go to a job, late to meet a client... i will be back to add more parts onto the evidence for my deserved apology... you see you can mock the boy who cried wolf!! until the paw prints start showing up the sheep are all flusterd and you can hear howling from the bushes... (especially Barbara;) hehe

catch up soon....
just one more .gov for you while i wait for my client to return!

this proves that 22 months before America joined world war 1 that the german navy followed the international conventions of war and warned the USA that any american merchant ships found in coastal waters in the war zone would be sunk...they allowed the lucitania to be sunk because they sailed it into a warzone and then also the lacona. total american lives sacrificed 166..many months after the lacona went down and 20 odd months after the sinking of the lucitania america declared war. apparently because of the american lives lost on a ship they had let sale into a war zone when under strict instruction what would happen if they did! is only a speech given kept in archive and not the actuall order but i will find even more conclusive proof later. and on many other FACTS i told you in my posts..

they will keep coming over the next few hours or day so i can build up super duper ultra i'm sorry i shouldn't have mocked you points :)
all of this will be to affirm my cognitive bias (or Dunning-Freddie Kruger Syndrome) to people who want to sound clever!! ;)
no honestly the point of this is not to be right, or prove anyone wrong. it is to get the truth out to the blinkered masses of the true levels of evil and corruption prevalent in our societies!
maybe if a few more, intelligent but un enlightened on the subject people, were to be made aware of the situation, we may be able to find a solution to the problem...

i'm just trying to wake the world up from its flouride induced, media pacified zombie state...(please research this subject too!)
It's past 11 here, so I'll keep this brief.

I only looked at the NSA link as the first didn't meet my criteria as a reliable source.

The second didn't meet my criteria for proof of a conspiracy either, as no false flag operation took place. As in any 'fog of war' situation, there appeared to be conflicting reports, and the administration took the one that supported its desired policies, which turned out to be the incorrect one later. This is a world of difference apart from murdering your own civilians to manipulate the public.

Again, I believe you have an agenda and you interpret those facts in the context of your agenda.

So - no apology needed, it seems.
Im pretty sure were all getting the chip. whether its nano, micro, whatever. it will be the end of freedom everywhere, for once you get the chip, the powers that be will have complete control over your life. babys will be chipped at birth. runners will be gunned down by autonomic quadrotor bots. during the time of chipping martial law will be enacted all over the world and we will line up for our chips. then it will be thier time to rule for the rest of humanity. the end. the chip would enable a remote death signal, sattalite, cellular, rfid, swarmbots whatever, it can kill anywhere anytime and you cant remove it.

just my two cents, if you study the research thats being done on thier behalf at universitys all around the world.

I think it could be ready to deploy now, has been tested in third world countries already.
OT...This post is totally Off Topic: For those interested in Trans-humanism & SyFy... Here ya go... :D
hydro-one said:
Im pretty sure were all getting the chip. whether its nano, micro, whatever. it will be the end of freedom everywhere, for once you get the chip, the powers that be will have complete control over your life. babys will be chipped at birth. runners will be gunned down by autonomic quadrotor bots. during the time of chipping martial law will be enacted all over the world and we will line up for our chips. then it will be thier time to rule for the rest of humanity. the end. the chip would enable a remote death signal, sattalite, cellular, rfid, swarmbots whatever, it can kill anywhere anytime and you cant remove it.

just my two cents, if you study the research thats being done on thier behalf at universitys all around the world.

I think it could be ready to deploy now, has been tested in third world countries already.
Just as a point of interest with SyFy fans... this idea comes straight out of an episode of the original Star Trek series & is a root idea for The Borg in the 2nd Star Trek series which gives birth to Battlestar Galatica & Cylons which predates Caprica and there you have The Trans-humanist idea fully penetrating & intoxicating our belief systems into our youth for the last 40+ years. The first birth of a Trans-humanist idea to millions of people was in Star Trek The Motion Picture 1979.

"At the heart of the massive ship, V'Ger is revealed to be Voyager 6, a 20th-century Earth space probe believed lost. The damaged probe was found by an alien race of living machines that interpreted its programming as instructions to learn all that can be learned, and return that information to its creator. The machines upgraded the probe to fulfill its mission, and on its journey the probe gathered so much knowledge that it achieved consciousness. Spock realizes that V'Ger lacks the ability to give itself a focus other than its original mission; having learned what it could on its journey home, it finds its existence empty and without purpose. Before transmitting all its information, V'Ger insists that the Creator come in person to finish the sequence. Realizing that the machine wants to merge with its creator, Decker offers himself to V'Ger; he merges with the Ilia probe and V'Ger, creating a new form of life that disappears into another dimension. With Earth saved, Kirk directs Enterprise out to space for future missions."

The forerunner of the chip implant comes from this episode of Star Trek in 1968...
The humanoid combatants attack the Enterprise crewmembers and pin them to the ground. Then a black-cloaked man appears, ends the battle and congratulates Kirk's party on their performance. The being identifies himself as Galt, Master Thrall of Triskelion, and that he works for the "Providers", unseen masters who wager among themselves on the arena games. Galt informs the party that they will spend the rest of their lives as gladiators, having been chosen to fight for the Providers' entertainment. The crewmembers are fitted with metal collars (which deliver severe pain if they disobey instructions) and are then led to their holding cells.

Meanwhile the Enterprise scans for the abducted crewmembers. Sensors show no sign of them and the crew begins a search of all habitable planets in the system.

Back on Triskelion, Kirk and his team make plans for escape, but find Galt's power unbreakable. Any attempt to disobey results in a painful punishment brought on by their collars, which cannot be removed. The three are then introduced to their drill thralls who will service them and prepare them for gladiatorial combat. Chekov is paired with Tamoon, an androgynous being with tiger-like features and a deep voice, who is immediately attracted to him. Uhura's assignment is Lars, a handsome and somewhat arrogant bronze-skinned man, and Kirk meets his own thrall, Shahna (Angelique Pettyjohn), a beautiful and shy woman with green hair who is exotically dressed in a silver outfit. Shahna is tough with Kirk at first but seems to have growing compassion for the Captain.

Shahna explains that the drill thralls will train them and once they are ready for competition they will be "vended" to one of the Providers. Galt informs Kirk's group that they now belong to Provider One, and failure or disobedience will not be tolerated.

During training, Kirk finds time alone with Shahna. He questions her about the Providers, but she is unwilling to answer. Kirk tries to soften Shahna up by telling her about the other planets he has visited and about the concepts of freedom. It seems to work, but when she responds she is shocked with pain from her collar. Galt appears and orders them back to their cells, while Kirk explains that he should have been punished, not her.
nechaus said:
Sociopathic financial political criminals, Really who are they?
Excellent question. Did you watch that program I gave in this post below?

Click Here for Post & Click the Link Called The Warning

Read that Book or Get the Audio on "The Sociopath Next Door". It's in the torrents as .PDF or Audio, or order from Amazon, etc.

Sociopaths are extremely difficult to detect, unless you've had to deal with them & were duped & become their victim.

Greenspan turned-out to be a sociopath for certain, imo, because he believed in an ideology-religion by Ayn Rand and applied it to the entire economies of the world. Greenspan implemented a firm policy to reverse previous financial regulations with deregulation & zero regulation & zero enforcement & zero criminal investigation in the largest market in the history of mankind beginning in the early 1990's known as the OTC Derivatives Market. He discounted the certainty that dangerous Criminals exist at any level of social strata, and that dangerous criminals & sociopaths are likely a high percentage in areas where fraud is given more possibility to exist. Greenspan willfully protected "his kind" & "his philosophy" & cultivated a "group think" to keep a 595 Trillion dollar market by 2007 unregulated & unenforced by criminal investigation REPEATEDLY. :evil: :roll: He is a fool & an arrogant sociopath to have ever gone down that road of putting in jeopardy 100s of millions of lives around the world. Furthermore, Greenspan put the USA in extreme danger in terms of National Security, because there are active enemies that would attempt to destroy our nation's financial foundations & economy. Greenspan gave these enemies of the state, within & without, the green light to proceed. 911 is likely to have had substantial financial attacks on the USA inside that Black Box OTC derivatives market too. :evil: Of course, Greenspan was the Cult Leader of this Rand ideology-religion, as he was put into the position of ultimate power to implement it, and that infected the top insiders in the Financial Markets & their political supporters they controlled too. (For example, Phil Gramm was a Senator & major supporter of Greenspan & the financial elites. Gramm is a sociopath, imo, too.)

This "hate the government" movement combined with Ayn Rand's connection to Greenspan was primarily advanced by President Ronald Regan in our recent era of politics. It is Reagan that appointed Greenspan in the most important financial position in the World. The Cult of Greenspan would be worshiped as the new financial religion of "hate the government" & free the financial markets from the slavery of regulations. :roll:

Pres. RONALD REAGAN: Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.

From the program I referred you to:

AYN RAND: I'm challenging the moral code of altruism.

NARRATOR: the Libertarian philosopher Ayn Rand.

AYN RAND: Everybody is enslaved to everybody.

JOE NOCERA, The New York Times: Greenspan is a disciple. She is the great champion of government as a destructive force that just gets in the way.

MIKE WALLACE, 60 Minutes: Can I ask you to capsulize your philosophy?

AYN RAND: I am opposed to all forms of control. I am for an absolute laissez-faire, free, unregulated economy. Let me put it briefly. I am for the separation of state and economics.

NARRATOR: Greenspan talked about Rand in his autobiography.

[Alan Greenspan, The Age of Turbulence: "Ayn Rand became a stabilizing force in my life. It hadn't taken long for us to have a meeting of the minds mostly my mind meeting hers."]

NARRATOR: Rand stood in the Oval Office as her star pupil was sworn in.

DAVID WESSEL: Greenspan had a very clear ideology about regulation.

HENRY KAUFMAN, Dir., Lehman Brothers, 1995-'08: His philosophy was in the form of what was called Libertarianism. And that meant those who do well prosper, those who do poorly fail, and the market clears the transactions.

NARRATOR: It was a philosophy made to order for Ronald Reagan.

Pres. RONALD REAGAN: Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.

NARRATOR: In 1987, Reagan made Greenspan the most powerful banker in the world, the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

JOSEPH STIGLITZ, Sr. Clinton economic Adviser, 1993-'97: Greenspan was a believer in Ayn Rand, a believer in free market. A little bit curious for a central banker, because what is central banking? It's a massive intervention in the market, setting interest rates.

NARRATOR: Greenspan worried about this contradiction in his autobiography.

[Alan Greenspan,The Age of Turbulence: "I knew I would have to pledge to uphold not only the Constitution but also the laws of the land, many of which I thought were wrong."]

[Alan Greenspan,The Age of Turbulence: "I had long since decided to engage in efforts to advance free-market capitalism as an insider, rather than as a critical pamphleteer."]

DAVID WESSEL: He understood that there were laws he had to enforce that he personally would not have passed. But he intended to do as little as he could on regulation, and he proceeded to do just that.

deVries/me: Greenspan begins to protect an unregulated unenforced 595 Trillion dollar market that's the biggest in the history of mankind... INSANE :!: :shock: This describes Born's first meeting with Greenspan...

MANUEL ROIG-FRANZIA: How could you not have a little bit of butterflies in your stomach when you're going to see Alan Greenspan at that moment in time?

NARRATOR: It didn't take long for Born to learn that she and the chairman were not going to see eye to eye.

JOE NOCERA: He said something to the effect that, "Well, Brooksley, we're never going to agree on fraud." And she said, "Well, what do you mean?" And he said, "`You probably think there should be rules against it." And she said, "Well, yes, I do." He said, you know, "I think the market will figure it out and take care of the fraudsters."

INTERVIEWER: The Alan Greenspan lunch did it actually happen? Where he says...

BROOKSLEY BORN: I'm not going to talk about it. I'm not going to talk about it on camera.

NARRATOR: Born is reluctant to speak about her meetings with Greenspan or others in the Clinton administration. Greenspan refused to speak to FRONTLINE at all. But Born's advisers did.

MICHAEL GREENBERGER: Greenspan didn't believe that fraud was something that needed to be enforced, and he assumed she probably did. And of course, she did. I've never met a financial regulator who didn't feel that fraud was part of their mission.

MANUEL ROIG-FRANZIA: And this is an absolute stunner for the new head of this tiny agency who is charged with making sure people don't commit fraud.

NANCY DUFF CAMPBELL: Well, I think she was taken aback about how far he would go towards deregulation, that even the notion that we should police fraudulent activity he didn't think was something that was a given.

This just proves what a complete idiot Ronald Regan was too. :evil: :oops:
Thanks deVries, I am so tired from not sleeping, and trying to slightly illuminate, dim people that it's nice to have someone else so knowledgeable on the subject too! you seem to almost add the bits i wanted to put in but my fingers and mind were to tired to write... I intend to watch The Warning, i don't think I have seen it!...

your thoughts on think tanks (eg the RAND corporation, Tavistock and such) and Ayn Rand are absolutely bang on..Greenspan and his cronies dream of the Randian utopia that automatically stabilised its self was a total pie in the sky concept, with computers and algorithms this side of the singularity anyway.... im not sure if you have seen the BBCs all ruled by machines of loving grace!

it sounds if you may have done as you were on about emergent group think earlier... i love the way the giant crowd based game of pong/ computer tennis evolves and how the group dynamic ends up that they all do there little parts like hold red or green witch can be totally randomised but some how it all synthesizes into them controlling the pad in the correct is as if the people have become neurons in a larger working brain!...i presume this is the sort of thing u think could be happening instead of a guided conspiracy??....

so Sunder I will be back to our little joust i'm just resting up a little, it's just plain exhausting talking to someone as tiresomely institutionalised as you! I have enjoyed our retort though so wont give up trying to get through just yet. I just thought our debate was hogging the thread a little (my fault mainly i just write so much!) sorry! :)

but seeing as you've not been to post a pearl of wisdom on the chipping or trans humanists scenario I thought I could help you out!

Just because the population of the world has a chip in their heads does not provide evidence of a conspiracy to control the world...

and just because the world government can switch your chip off to kill you or remove you from society does not mean they ever will. I mean the chips are there to stop terrorists so they do more good than bad!!!....

remember your government loves you, it has never provably committed a well known false flag operation to coerce you into a war, like tell you there were WMD's and even possibly Nukes in Iraq and that Sadam Hussain helped al qeada blow up the towers... None of this ever happened because the government didn't post it on a site under its .gov & .mil it is unprovable...


sorry couldn't help a tiny dig!!...its just you drag me down to your conversation level with all your fallacious attacks, i prefer to debate facts than fling insults its just plain common! I will be back later for a final round maybe, for now i am literally falling asleep on my laptop!....zzzzzzz (sure you may have made up something smartass to reply by then!;)

I already endangered myself by telling what I know....which is all I know. People get into some weird situations sometimes when working for temp labor places that typically employ "bums" and ex-cons. ;)

You are free to believe whatever you want.........find sand.....dig hole......insert head... That's what I'm going to do!
Where's my beer!
OT: The Plot Thickens or Evaporates :D
mdd0127 said:
I already endangered myself by telling what I know....which is all I know.
Hey, if you're that seriously concerned all you got to do is go on Alex Jones & tell all. Seriously, you know he is promoting everything to do with OKC between now & April with that new movie out ... A Nobel Lie.

Come-on dude. What exactly did you see & hear regarding the wiring? How did you know it was a bomb exercise? How many people did you see doing this in uniform or plain clothes? :?: :?: :?: :?:

How many were there in your moving crew? Did you just move an office or how much was transferred? :?: :?: :?:

Shit, they can't trace you as a day laborer or whatever; they own the OKC story & don't give a rats ass about you anyway. Back then, yes, but those people are retired, dead, or just don't care anymore, period. You can't prove nothing!

Hey, seriously, Alex Jones beckons for you Big Time. :idea: :twisted: :D 8) :!:
OT: Totally Off Topic...
ninjamik said:
in answer to the questions though. very very soon, the robots will design, maintain and advance it self! at a much faster rate than us btw! transumanists! (elitist who want to live for ever -eg walt disneys frozen head was the start..) believe we will have to merge with the technology or it will out strip us in intelligence exponentially (which is true) and humans (the wolves actually) will live forever as post human gods!!
BTW the technological singularity is coming by 2020 there will be a computer as intelligent as a human by 2040 an average PC for $1000 dollars will be more powerful than all the brains on the earth combined but that is again another story!...people will laugh but it is scientific fact due to the law of accelerating return that has existed since man made stone tools and fire and we know it today as moors law....
I knew an actual trans-humanist that is also a two-time attempted murderer, rapist, & sociopath! :shock: Extremely :!: dangerous! :evil:

Well, you may have to postpone that rate of change, because Intel predicts Moore's Law is going to stop working by 2020 or so. The problem with this line of thinking is that software & programming 'it' does not advance at the rate of Moore's Law, especially, software that emulates intelligence outside the virtual world. Everything is a programmed simulation in the virtual world, and only specific & narrow aspects of virtual "intelligence simulation" are advancing that can emulate a very narrow aspect of human intelligence or thinking. Also, world population & demographics may bring plenty of political change from the Internet synergies to prevent those Trans-humanists from getting too far along in this century.

Of course, maybe these Trans-humanists have already gone with John Galt ...
& will soon Frack the World as a Cylon race. :idea: :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LMAO...ROTF... :p
Sunder said:
The system is different in the US - but is capitalism at the root of it? Or government?
Lobbyists write our laws in DC, and citizens are lucky if our representatives even read it before voting on it. Seriously. Call it Fascism or Corporatism; either way, we are dominated by our biggest portion of the economy now, which is Wall Street & their merger with the Banksters from 1999-2001. And, we know the pyramid of this power play is the unregulated 595+ Trillion dollar Black Box OTC derivatives market that grew from the 1990's.

We are screwed right now & for the foreseeable future too :evil: :x .