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hows this for efficiency ?


10 kW
Dec 15, 2008
Sydney, Australia
just got back from a 70km ride.

used only 4.880 AH and got 3.5wh per km.
i must be getting fitter, because the wh per km keeps dropping.

i like to pedal a lot and tend to only use the motor for hills and headwinds
can anyone better these numbers ? im sure someone on here probably can




I've had 0.00. But you did pretty well.
3.5 wh/km sounds good. What are the max and average speed for the trip?

Diamondback said:
im starting to feel the burn in my legs now.
im sure ill feel it even more tomorrow !
Hopefully it won't be that bad, at least not as bad as doing 161km (100 miles) on your own power in 7-8 hrs.
I didn't beat you at 3.95wh/km but I might have if I rode slower.


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Yeah i got 0 whr/mi before i got into this hobby. beat that.
Interesting, but how far you choose to pedal lugging batteries and motor is different from efficiency. Nevertheless, it's really cool to use the ebike to greatly extend your normal ride distance.

This grey area is why I don't talk much about wh/mi most of the time. A real good number may just indicate you go slow. When you ride balls out, and then compare the wh/mi of different motors, controllers, etc, then you get motor data instead of how perky were you today data. Takes lots of runs to get meaningfull data too, accumulated wisdom rather than a one ride snapshot.
I got to ride on flat roads yesterday for the first time, rather than the hilly terrain i am accustom to, resulted in 20wh with average speed of 45km/hr max 80km/hr distance was 12.5km (obviously, zero pedaling... :p )

i agree that i use the motor only to extend my normal range.

here's a more detailed report of the ride.


AJ, your ride can do 80 km/h ? that's nuts..... :shock:

haha yup, bikes been re-geared recently, first time i got on dual lane roads it
actually felt very slow, i'm used to tree and lamposts whizzing by either side of the road i guess LoL
still dont want to be going that quick on bicycle tires, 60km/hr is far quick enough IMHO
on bicycle tires/rims. We have 50km/hr speed limits on suburban roads here anywayz
so wouldnt be hard for me to be nicked for speeding LoL...imagine
trying to explain my ""200 watt " motor being capable of that!

it was a group ride, and only one other person on the ride had a motor.

there was about 15-20 of us on the ride.
This baby can do 80 mph, faster if you're braver then me.

Peterovelo5.jpg by Kirk CTE539, on Flickr
The trip logs are on a different computer, around 5.2 w/hr at 24.2 mph average speed for 125 miles if memory serves.
Sounds like it was fun. Must have been great, to have that motor on the hills with the others sweating hard all around you. Just the start of good riding season for you guys.
yeah, it was a great evening out.

we rode out to the beach to have fish and chips, then rode home in the dark.

i am really hanging out for summer.
i want to start riding the bike to work again. too cold for me in winter.
i work nights, and when i leave work in the winter months, it's often single digit temperatures.

in summer it can be up to 30c when i leave work.

Diamondback said:
just got back from a 70km ride.

used only 4.880 AH and got 3.5wh per km.
i must be getting fitter, because the wh per km keeps dropping.

i like to pedal a lot and tend to only use the motor for hills and headwinds
can anyone better these numbers ? im sure someone on here probably can





Very impressive! I imagine you have a pretty light-weight set-up with minimal batteries and a geared hub motor?

I'm guessing that your average speed being on the low side was mostly due riding with the group, but I have to ask, how often were you drafting someone in front of you?

Being behind someone else that is cutting the wind for ya can make a huge difference and give you a lot more efficiency too.
Quite the opposite.
My bike is very heavy with all the extra stuff I have on it.
Probably north of 45 lbs.

I have a Ezee geared hub motor running on a 48V 15A ping v2.5.
The battery is mounted inside the triangle.

I'll try to get a pic or two of the current set up posted tomorrow.

The lower average speed was due to the group.
Most of the time I wasn't really that close to anyone in front.

When I ride solo to work, I average about 25km/h and around 7-8 wh per km.

How efficient is it really if you are getting a workout? Isn't the point of ebikes to not pedal so much?

I"m just saying....

I pedal mine on starts and hills and when I want to go fast, but I still only provide about 1/5th of the effort that I would over the course of a normal pedal bike ride.

I got 6 wh/ mile going to work the first ebike ride of the year for me, on my first hub motor. It was wet so I went really slow, and was afraid not to stress the battery so I pedal about 50% of the time.