KTM 200 exc goes electric

Wow! Finished the entire thread now.

Sad to hear about your crash. I have ridden enduro for some 20 years but have never has a crash that resulted in face injury (apart from some cuts from branches etc). Glad to hear the bike works so good and you keep riding it so much :)
Are you riding the Stångebroslaget-routes at Prästtomta?
There hasn't been a lot of riding after the accident.
First there was a few weeks for healing. I fixed the bike and we rode once. It was a little scary at first, but it was ok after a little while. But then I got sick and we had a break again. We were supposed to ride this weekend, but now my friend got sick instead :roll:

I was thinking if there is something in town I might go myself, but it dosent seem to be.

Yes, I have been riding the full stångebro slaget track, both last year and this year.
I think it was just one lap last year, it was raining the whole weekend and I crashed and hurt my shoulder.
I finished the lap, but I wasent very motivated to get out on a second lap in the rain after that.
This was also when I had only been riding for a month or two, so 20km laps in rain sure was a challenge even without injury :wink:

But this year I did a few laps. Two laps on Saturday, and on Sunday I brought a charger and did three laps if I remember correct. I have written about it in the thread on page 10. I think I did a lap in about 45 minutes, so it sure wasn't any risk of winning any races :roll:
Not much new here.
I thought I wouldn't ride this bike very much now, but with the yamaha not performing this is still the bike of choice.


After today's adventures.
Glad you're healed up and riding again my friend! I love your bike!
As the votol doesnt have variable regen and I broke another button in a crash I opened up a thumb throttle to see if I could modify it:


I pulled out the pcb with the hall sensor.


Then replaced it with an on/off hall sensor.
It is a real downgrade, but it should give a reliable switch relatively insensitive to dirt and water.
My button hasent been reliable lately, so I havent used it. But the problem seems to have been the pins in a connector and not the button.. I realized it was something else when it still wasnt reliable with my new thumb throttle brake switch :oops:

I got other problems during the last ride though, a pretty hard crash.
The bike just disappeared under me, I was still holding the handlebars when I hit the ground.
I was just about to be passed by a faster rider when it happened, and he ran in to my rear fender a little.
That is not in very good shape now:


I actually have changed to a new one from that one before. But then I broke the new one and changed back..


What I could get on a short notice was a black one.
I dont think I will be riding this weekend anyway, my shoulder isn't in much better shape than the fender :?
Back from "stångebroslaget"


Time for a little race rapport.
As I was afraid of it was rather muddy parts of the track on the first lap.

After the start I wasnt comfortable with the really tight "handlebar to handlebar" riding, so I tried to get a little distance to the riders in front of me. That resulted in that I ended up in the rear part of the cluster or what it might be called in English.

However, at first I picked some positions when a few here and there got stuck in the mud.
Then I crashed and lost them again. Then I crashed again, and then a third time. After that I had to straiten out the fork so the handlebars and wheel pointed in the same direction.
After that it felt like I was last, I probably wasnt but I didnt see anyone for a while and I was rather exhausted.
It is really hard to keep lifting a 145kg bike in track for those who hasnt tried..

Anyway, after a while I started passing a bike here and there. It was hard some times though, many kept turning in front of me as I was about to pass. Probably they didnt notice I was there, I need to get a horn :wink:

I dont know where exactly I ended up compared to the others I was riding with, but if it was 96 in total I think I was about 80 :(

But I won my class :D


Some more after race pictures:




It dosent look like much in the pictures but I can assure you the bike and I was rather muddy :wink:
Thank you :)
Aehm, it was one contender in my class, (me) so all I had to do to win was finish :oops:
But still, a win is a win and not everyone did finish :lol:

What I meant with "it dosent look like much" is that in a picture it mostly looks gray.
You dont really see how thick the mud is, the bike sure was a few kg heavier when I finished than it was when I started.
Good job on finishing. Do you keep track of time distance, and battery consumption? Would be interesting to see that stuff, too.
Not really, but I reacted to how much battery I had used.
The track was supposed to be 9km, but when we got the times it said 11km.
I forgot to check what my meter said before I turned off the bike :(

If it was 9km I expected to be able to do 4 laps (on the battery).
The training course I know best is 8-9km long, and I do one lap in 18-22min or so.
It is at "prästomta", the same place as "stångebroslaget" is held, so the surfaces are similar even if only parts of the track is the same.
I can then do 4 laps and have about 10% left in the battery.

Now I only did 2 laps in 1:06 and I only had 26% left according to the meter, so I probably didnt even have battery for a third lap.

I suppose that it was some muddier parts than usual, that consumed more power. The time ridden was more in line with what I normally would have done 3 laps in, and used battery a little more than I would normally use for 3 laps.
Congratulations on your huge accomplishment in finishing!!

I'm grateful for your amazing work in bringing EV power to more races!
j bjork said:
At today's ride it was clear that more work was needed.
I had very noticeable bearing noise from the motor..


I took the pcb off, but left the plastic holder untouched to not mess up the timing.
Notice the washer under the screw in the middle, I think it is meant to be centered..


End covers, both were a bit wet (the bike was just washed)
On the front cover it was clear that it was not the first time, a little corrosion on the alu and more on the bearing :roll:


This didnt look to nice:



The seal was not in place properly. Still surprising how much dirt got in :shock:

This is how it looks:


The brown on the rotor is just dirt. I guess that it got there trough the bearing ?!


I think I will leave the rotor where it is.. The magnets are really strong, it seems really hard to get it out.
Doing so will probably do more damage than good.

Btw. I wondered how they were able to fit a 138mm rotor in a relatively small shell :oops:

They didnt. The rotor is 85mm, the stator is 138mm outside dia.

Last ride I did with the bike ( little over a week ago) I suddenly got noise and vibrations from the motor. My first thought was a problem with the front sprocket, but that didnt seem to be the case.
So I thought it must be the bearings again, and started taking the motor apart:


There is no lock ring or anything behind the seal, I didnt remember from last time..
I was lazy and planned to just change the front bearing with the motor still mounted.
But when I took off the front cover I couldent feel anything wrong with the bearing :?


The motor out, and a new bearing in place.


I ended up taking out the rotor as well to have a look.


There is a nut holding the stack together, I didnt test that it was torqued ok :(


I think I mentioned before, the rotor is about 85mm, or maybe more like 84,8mm.
I put it back together and have tested it before I put it back on the bike, but Im not really sure :?
There are some vibrations at certain rpms, but maybe it has always been there..

I have measured the phases to ground (with an ordinary dmm), no contact.
Tested the halls with a led hall tester, seems ok.
I did noticed though, that the magnets are very dull looking now, like they are a little corroded.
No signs ow water in the motor this time though, maybe fumes from the silicone?

It is back on the bike now, will testdrive soon and see how it behaves.
Oh, right, i see the laminations now. Too much sun for my phone to show them apparently 8)

If i ever get back to some motor projects then one of the fun things to do would be to rewind one of these for 15krpm at reasonable voltage and do a kevlar thread wrap to save the rotor from exploding. Poor mans performance motor so to say.
I think max rpm:s around 12000 is pretty common in cars.
The alta or stark varg motors dosent look very big, so I suppose they go for more rpm.
I think it is the key to get good performance in a reasonable size and weight.

One of the 138 70h v3 with a kv of 120+ would be really interesting with a fardriver nd961800 or similar :wink:
From memory I think the gearing is about 2,3-1? In that case with 11-60 in sprockets (still a reasonable size if you use 428 chain) would mean about 12,5-1.
With a 65 tooth rear it would be 13,6-1. If the motor can do 55Nm that would mean 748Nm at the wheel :D
Ok, minus a few % losses.
You think it will explode without reinforcement?
~750Nm should be enough :D

Yes, i think it would need to be reinforced since the cutouts for the magnets in the laminations leave little material left to withstand centrifugal forces. Like here:
I’ve seen QS state max 7500rpm for the QS138 somewhere, i guess we’ll never know how close to the real max rpm that is.