LightningRods mid drive kit

well as long as you are waiting for parts i wondering of you could post a series assembly instructions with pictures.
ebike11 said:
emaayan said:
well as long as you are waiting for parts i wondering of you could post a series assembly instructions with pictures.

He posted videos on youtube

these deal with upgrade of the GNG, i'm talking about mounting on a bike, the steps for it. i'm assuming he has at least one functional.
emaayan said:
well as long as you are waiting for parts i wondering of you could post a series assembly instructions with pictures.
Please.... let the man be. We can raise questions when kits are in hand 8)
K-ray said:
emaayan said:
well as long as you are waiting for parts i wondering of you could post a series assembly instructions with pictures.
Please.... let the man be. We can raise questions when kits are in hand 8)

Not if the answes reveal that you need a part or tools. Theres nothing more frustrating then that. And its something he would eventually have to do.

Besides he seemed antsy during the long weenkend ..:)
K-ray said:
emaayan said:
well as long as you are waiting for parts i wondering of you could post a series assembly instructions with pictures.
Please.... let the man be. We can raise questions when kits are in hand 8)

My first kit is completed and ready to ship. I'm taking measurements and notes of all of the lengths of spacers plus all of the other operations I have to do like tapping threads into certain holes. I don't want to have to reinvent all of this every time. Production is a whole different deal than making a one off. I can see now why more people don't do this! :lol:






The new sprocket guard in place on the chainwheels. It took me two days to get all of the spacing on the guard, the 219 sprocket and the two chainwheels correct. It ended up being so tight that I had to countersink the bolts on the guard and use flat allen heads to clear the crank arm. Again, more work to do it this way but the extra space is needed to squeeze that second driver chainwheel in there. And countersunk allen flat heads do look pretty cool. 8)

I'm getting the motor shafts sorted. Thanks for the referral on the machine shop. It seems likely that we're going to have to sub some of these operations out. I want to be able to make a couple of complete kits every working day.
I was a mechanic on a submarine in 1977-81, and then a hydraulic mechanic at McDonnel Douglas Aircraft for 5 years...and I can say from experience that...this is some seriously sweet S#!T right here...
That is some hot-lookin' Eye Candy there LR. Kinda makes me want to buy one to just put on a shelf and admire.
[edit] Just noticed the lightening and racecar design on the guards. -
Need to get in the queue before you raise your prices, cause THAT is worth WAY more than $800.
You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for the encouragement. I love mechanical things and I love the beauty of mechanical things. I've always liked the saying "If it looks right it probably is right." I can look at a P-51 Mustang or a BF-109 Messerschmitt longer than any Rodin statue.

I appreciate the comment that my kit is worth more than $800. All I can say is that based on the work involved I sure hope so! My emphasis is not and never has been to squeeze this community for money. I've done everything as cheap as I can and still survive to keep working. Once I get the production of this kit and others like it down to a routine I'll look at making some money off of the general public. At twice the $800 'early adopter' price I'm still half the price of most of my meaningful mid drive competition. The Ecospeed and eGo are both $3,000. I think my kit has the goods to embarrass those high priced spreads.

I know it gets tiresome hearing me apologize for the delays in getting this kit into production. I've largely closed down my graphics business to concentrate on doing this. My machinist is now working for me full time. My house and my garage are exploding with bike parts. Like enough to make 30 of these kits right now. All I need are motor shafts. And yeah, when all it's all wrapped up you will probably have ended up getting your kit for about half price. Thanks for your help and encouragement.

Endless-Sphere made this possible. No doubt.
I have one of Mike's kits on orders, but I think my signature block - "clueless noob" - sums it up. I've been known to turn a wrench now & again, but I'm pretty much at zero when it comes to e-bikes, so I'm hoping you guys post a LOT of "...and here's how you do this" info on the kit.

This seems like a pretty amazing community so thanks in advance for your help and your patience!
the LR kit is looking totally TITS!

i see the chainring bash guard..
but how about a bolt on skid plate option?? (at some pt)
one thing that has kept me from considering the gng..
is hitting the motor / reduction on logs, rocks etc..

LightningRods said:
My first kit is completed and ready to ship. I'm taking measurements and notes of all of the lengths of spacers plus all of the other operations I have to do like tapping threads into certain holes. I don't want to have to reinvent all of this every time. Production is a whole different deal than making a one off. I can see now why more people don't do this! :lol:






The new sprocket guard in place on the chainwheels. It took me two days to get all of the spacing on the guard, the 219 sprocket and the two chainwheels correct. It ended up being so tight that I had to countersink the bolts on the guard and use flat allen heads to clear the crank arm. Again, more work to do it this way but the extra space is needed to squeeze that second driver chainwheel in there. And countersunk allen flat heads do look pretty cool. 8)

I'm getting the motor shafts sorted. Thanks for the referral on the machine shop. It seems likely that we're going to have to sub some of these operations out. I want to be able to make a couple of complete kits every working day.
About 15 complete kits have been paid for. I have around 20 other orders for extensive parts- basically a kit minus motor or kit minus the ISIS BB they already have. My ability to move kits is limited by the number of "can't get 'em" parts I have Steve making by hand on his lathe. Jackshaft spindle, motor shaft, jackshaft housing, threaded lockrings, bored and broached pulleys and sprockets. Eventually I can get many of those made 100, 500, 1000 at a time but right now that's too much money for me to swing it. I'm buying runs of 20-30 on most parts right now.

One other point of interest to E-S types is that I don't plan to stop selling parts to other builders. I came up with the $800 price just by adding up the cost of the parts that go into the kit. Assembling and adjusting the kit takes a couple of hours at least. Probably the first thing I'll do is charge a couple hundred bucks for my time to assemble everything. You smart guys with tools and opposable thumbs can do the assembly yourselves and pocket the change. :D
efMX Trials Electric Freeride said:
the LR kit is looking totally TITS!

i see the chainring bash guard..
but how about a bolt on skid plate option?? (at some pt)
one thing that has kept me from considering the gng..
is hitting the motor / reduction on logs, rocks etc..

Thanks efMX! I totally hear you on the bash guard. Yes, coming. Prolly also more full coverage chain and pulley guards, chain guides, and torque braces for the overvolters. I'm already putting together big block kits for 100mm BB bikes like fat bikes and big downhillers. Lots of good stuff coming! :D
LightningRods said:
You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for the encouragement. I love mechanical things and I love the beauty of mechanical things. I've always liked the saying "If it looks right it probably is right." I can look at a P-51 Mustang or a BF-109 Messerschmitt longer than any Rodin statue.

I appreciate the comment that my kit is worth more than $800. All I can say is that based on the work involved I sure hope so! My emphasis is not and never has been to squeeze this community for money. I've done everything as cheap as I can and still survive to keep working. Once I get the production of this kit and others like it down to a routine I'll look at making some money off of the general public. At twice the $800 'early adopter' price I'm still half the price of most of my meaningful mid drive competition. The Ecospeed and eGo are both $3,000. I think my kit has the goods to embarrass those high priced spreads.

I know it gets tiresome hearing me apologize for the delays in getting this kit into production. I've largely closed down my graphics business to concentrate on doing this. My machinist is now working for me full time. My house and my garage are exploding with bike parts. Like enough to make 30 of these kits right now. All I need are motor shafts. And yeah, when all it's all wrapped up you will probably have ended up getting your kit for about half price. Thanks for your help and encouragement.

Endless-Sphere made this possible. No doubt.

Your kit should be priced HIGHER than the competing kits for the general public. (With the exception, of course for the secret society of ES members 8) ) There is something to be said for the "perception" that a low-priced product infers a low-quality one, and a high-priced product infers a high-quality product. Apple is the master at this marketing strategy, and while they certainly sell a quality product, their margins are enormous. I think the kit you are presenting here clearly can be marketed as a premium product and you can charge the general public a premium for your efforts. In fact, NOT charging a premium would hurt your sales, as opposed to maximize them. I would bet money that you will sell MORE kits at a higher price than at your current price. - Of course marketing your kit on a more mass scale, rather than just on ES will help. The big question is, how fast can you crank them out?