Lots of Durathon batteries


1 µW
Jan 16, 2019
I have many of these old decommissioned batteries.

Are they refurbish-able or can they be recycled?
That depends on what the Batteries have been through.
You didn't even mention what kind of batteries you've got.
need more info from you:

Are old/decommissioned Durathon batteries refurbishable/recyclable?
Sodium-Nickel chloride batteries.
I have a few that I am not sure what to do with.
Do you have an industrial use for them like described below?

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I know what you are talking about, but your signals are a little crossed. You are talking about Molten Salt batteries, and GE Durathon is not the former Zebra Battery. First there is nothing really new about them. They were developed in WWII in Germany and used in artillery proximity fuses and V2 rockets to bomb Europe.They were the predecessor to AGM and Gel where the electrolyte would not be displaced in aircraft, artillery, and rockets from extreme G forces.

They are being used a lot in the Telecom industry where there is no electrical infrastructure, but might not be used the way you think they are. A cell tower sites is equipped with a diesel generator as the prime power source. The generator cycles to charge the batteries, turn off, batteries then supply power to the cell tower until they start to cool and discharge, then the cycle starts over.

As for home use will never likely happen, they are industrial use only. Some think maybe someday used in electric vehicles, but the batteries are very dangerous and extremely inefficient of around 40% from what I can tell as it takes a lot of energy to keep them at operating temps of 300 degree C.

It would be these

I was wondering if they can be recycled or refurbished. It is a whole lot of them, used in various conditions (in Africa), so it is difficult to say what they have been through.

Most likely going to try to recycle, but would be a waste if they can be refurbished and used in home built solar etc