Modifying Norco frame.. need advice

I'm running 16s lipo (~66.5v fully charged 4.16v/cell) and this controller is running around 50amps on my 5ah pack. Thinking about making a removable 16s5ah pack to fit onto the bottom of the frame.

Used 4s hardcase packs and had to rewire it into 3s packs, with 1 cell by itself near the controller
Thanks man, I'm going to follow your lead with this with a little more modification of the frame and pack loads a lipo in there, I need about 20/30amps or I might do 15amps and I have a battery in my backpack at 48volts 20 amps I can hot swap if going longer distances. Well done. Looking forward to seeing it all closed up and stealthy so post your pix soon :)

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I have a freeload rack, that can fit on the rear of the bike and you could easily clip it off and on if you needed to carry more battery on longer journeys, my rack is like this:

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Your build is my favorite I've seen so far. I like how you installed everything cleanly in the frame, it looks awesome, great job!

How is it handling on trails and jumps? Do you find the rear wheel dropping much because of the hub motor weight? Also, how well do you think a mid-drive motor would work with your bike?
The bike has been long sold. It did ride great, I never took it on trails.. but I imagine it would be a blast. If I had the chance again with the same frame I'd do things a little differently. For example, I'd probably go for a small geared hub in the back, probably run 36v.. something that is just assist. The issue I found that made me sell it was that it had such a short range. It was a blast to ride around, but lasted maybe 5miles..10 if I took it REALLY easy on the throttle. Just didn't make sense to me, so I'd probably have gone for a lower powered setup so it could last more miles.

I've actually been looking for the same frame.. Norco has a few models that work well for this, but I haven't found many on sale and if I do, theyre overly expensive.
Here's one for example..

I think I paid like sub $100 for the frame I had, and honestly not willing to pay much more for a bike with so many years on it
I've read that Norco fixed something in the rear-triangle design in the 2003 and up models. Even if the frame is old, I was under the impression the bearings can be replaced with new ones and that should make everything solid again, no?

What are your thoughts on using a mid-mount drive motor like the 48v brushless GNG gen2? Since you know the frame's inner space constraints very well, do you think 48v of 10ah, 12ah, or even 15ah worth of battery cells could fit in that frame? Thx for responding btw :) .
even with replaced bearings the welds could have stress on them. not scared but also not willing to pay high price for old things.

with the controller mounted externally I could see 16s2p lipo fit in.. but you already saw what a tight fit it was.. not gonna be easy for sure