Need help with battery and voltage and motor


1 µW
Jan 22, 2024
I have a electric motor ( model: MY1020 voltage 36VDC rated current 29.2A output 800W I’m just learning and was wondering what kind of battery I need so I don’t mess anything up
Well This one even I can handle ::hitches up pants:: well son, see where it says 36v? ayup, theres yer first clue...

More seriously, the battery you will want to be running matches the kit on your bike, so 36v system, use the appropriate battery unit or risk the escapage of the magic smoke of transportation.

There is some discussion in the weeds around here of over-volting. General rule of thumb as I take it... Bad idea to play around with motors that are close to your setting area when flames might be a result.

Past that, the rest of the equation (a battery is shown as XsYp where X is the number of batteries in Serial, and Y is the number of battery sets running in parallel. The X number gives you the voltage based on the equation of Median voltage of chosen cels (Li Ion is nominally 3.7, sources vary) and they have a maximum mAh Or milli Amp hour, the bigger the amp/hours, the longer the range of the bike will be (with a bunch of other things I am not even gonna try to cover)

So, the quesiton is.. how far do you want to go? and how much do you want to spend?
I have the motor and controller and throttle and im putting it on a small four wheeler I acquired for my four and five year old boys. So whatever I can get cheapest. But everything else I’ve tried to get aside from gas power just don’t last long
I have the motor and controller and throttle and im putting it on a small four wheeler I acquired for my four and five year old boys. So whatever I can get cheapest. But everything else I’ve tried to get aside from gas power just don’t last long
I’m doing this from scratch so i don’t have a the paper instructions that anyone can read
Yeah, my munchkin literally wore the tires out on his first electric vehicle (it was a lil fake BMW with a 12v Lead Acid batt, by the time it was done his crazy uncle had bolted on real tires, a pair of lead acid batteries and a starter from some small innocent vehicle that they captured and gutted... Then the forks broke and it was off to build the go-cart... Which is also why I now have a lawn service. ICE units are salvaged mercilessly around my house.

every kid needs an uncle that used to race mud boggers... Granted I think the wife would disagree, in any case, if you are looking at the functional time it probably comes down to how fast you are gonna let this go, and how much focus your kids have on adrenaline dumps. My kid is still fairly insatiable in that department...(Monkey is 12 now, so Jetson Ebikes and eagerly awaiting me finishing up the next unit for him to assault)
Well, according to that web site, your motor does not exist, lil more google fu applied to the problem and it looks like you have a
This one Well, that is my first guess, which means we are a step further along the road. I am way new to stuff, but have been blowing things up and trying to kill myself in new and interesting ways since I was a wee lad.

The info gathered will give you the tools needed to figure out what is next. I will be somewhere over hear cheering ya on!

Ooh, minor update, we are looking at another company that is re-packaging things and shootem out the door (like Vevor if you are familiar with them).

The good news is one of the products is an electric sheep sheerer... which personally made me giggle a bit.....

Sorry, off topic, they also seem to be making an attempt at customer service, which is nice.

But... This means you have a group of things that may or may not actually work together.
For little kids, you can run that MY2020 on 24V. Then you can use two small 12V lead acid batteries in series to power it. They sell them for scooters. If you want to get into lithium, maybe some good tool or lawnmower batteries are a safe alternative, if you use the factory charger.

Otherwise, there's a lot of knowledge to acquire to use lithium safely.