New Bafang BB02 Em3EV problem


1 mW
Apr 3, 2015
Hi all,

After months and months of reading here I finally went with Paul at Em3EV for a Bafang BBS02 48V 500/750W Mid Drive Kit with a 50V 14.35Ah Rectangle Pack Cell Type INR18650-25R (17.2Ah ~858Whrs).

I got everything installed yesterday and went riding, what a blast! By the end of the day though my battery went from three bars to none in the span of five minutes. My error indicator was on but I thought it was because the magnet was out of my speedo (getting one of those from Amazon soon to replace.

I had to pedal the last half mile home. The weird thing was the battery indicator went to full bars while I was pedaling. I put it on the charger overnight sure to awaken to more eBike fun but it appears no charging happened or the controller is stuck or something. The controller still says 7 H (not sure what that means but I know that number went down as the battery discharged.

I am waiting to hear back from Paul and feel confident I'll be made whole if there is a problem. But in the meantime is there anything I can do? Reset the controller, wiggle wires, put a tester in something? Is the fan supposed to come on the charger? I have no clue but it really appears to me the charger is doing nothing but it also appears the battery thinks it is fully charged when it isn't. I am a complete noob and have very little understanding of electricity (this buying the battery from Em3EV. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Below is a picture

I put a tester on the charger and got no readings, and the fan does not come on (I’m not sure if it always should or not). So it appears that may be the problem. I find it odd that the display shows full bars when I know the battery is out of juice though but maybe that is normal?
Probably no one here as dumb as me but in case someone ever reads this I figured it out.

There is a little switch on the back of the charger, apparently to decide between 110 (american) voltage, i took a small screwdriver and switched it down to 110 and now I am charging.

Very relieved.
Thanks, I'm hoping after the battery fully charges it will reset itself and the error will go away, trying to figure out how to read the error codes now...
OK the charger shut off but I still get no power and have the readout below. Is 7 the error code?


Getting a little worried, no power
Ya it's officially not working, the charger quits and says fully charged, even on the 100% setting. No throttle or assist just an error code on the display.


If anyone knows a secret code or hidden button on the battery let me know
Check the Voltage on the battery,someone here can steer you in the right direction.i dont know the codes from that analyst.....hope you diagnose the problem soon.
beast775 said:
Check the Voltage on the battery,someone here can steer you in the right direction.i dont know the codes from that analyst.....hope you diagnose the problem soon.

Thanks, I'll google around to find how to check the voltage. Thanks for the kind words I am pretty bummed out it's such a nice day here and I thought today was the day.
I just received my kit from Paul a couple of weeks ago and it appears from your photo that you have the same charger I do.
Just FYI, the charger has BOTH red LEDs on while it is charging, and the fan is on while it is charging also. The side of the charger has a chart showing what voltage the battery will be charged to in each of the three switch positions:

The charger has a 3 position switch labeled "0", "I", and "II". The chart on the charger shows that position "I" will charge the battery to the "storage" (50%) level, position "0" will charge the battery to the 80% level, and position "II" will charge the battery to the 100% level.

When the charger has charged the battery to the level requested, the fan shuts off and one of the LEDs changes from red to green.
I have measured the voltage the charger is putting into the battery while using the 80% charging level. The voltage slowly climbs to almost exactly what the chart indicates, then the fan shuts off and one LED changes to green.
amigafan2003 said:
Code 07h is "over voltage protection".

Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks we thought it was speed sensor.

leelorr- Yes I figured that all out and have charged the battery, but it doesn't do anything, no throttle, no assist, it just powers the led.
What voltage is the battery now when you are getting the "Overvoltage protection" code? Is it above the 58.8 volts that is listed as being the 100% charged level?

I seem to remember that there is a setting for how many cells are in your battery in the settings you can change from the controller.

I am not an expert on these units, but the manual for the C965 display (the display model that came with my unit a couple of weeks ago) says that there is a parameter to set the battery voltage expected:

"8.11 Battery Parameter: Get into parameter setting state, the location of speed icon display symbol bU0, press the UP/DOWN button can change this parameters as follows, 24/36/UbE. This is represent the Battery rated voltage, UbE means user define voltage."

I seem to remember that my 14s battery model was set to UbE, but I did not go deeper into that setting because I did not want to mess things up.

I can email you the manual if you would like.
Thanks leelorr, I may dig into that but I am kind of waiting to hear back from Paul, I think he's a little busy right now. I don't want to mess things up in case I am in a warranty situation and be blamed for the problem because I changed some setting.

What pins should I put my tester on on the cable going from the battery? I don't really know which ones have the current I should check.

It ran fine the first and only day I had it going so I assume the voltage was set right when it was shipped from EM3ev.

I did look and I am set to UbE also
On my unit, the 2 pin connector that connects to the charger shows the same voltage reading as the two leads that go to the motor (after you plug in the short adapter to reduce it down to 2 pins for the motor).

Also, I can measure the voltage coming out of my charger even when it is NOT plugged into the battery, and it will show the voltage to be the same as shown on the chart. In other words, my battery charger will measure as outputting 57.4 volts for setting "0" even when it is not plugged into the battery. Maybe your charger came adjusted too high?

I think that Paul will want to know what voltage you are showing also because if the battery voltage is higher than expected, your controller may be giving you the correct error code for the situation. This would mean that your charger might be charging to a voltage that is too high, etc.
Did you check the voltage the battery is at when fully charged by the supplied charger? Based on em3ev's website they use 14s so your voltage should be no more than 58.8v. I believe the BBS02 is set to ~62v overcharge protection. Don't quote me but I think I read that. So if your battery is showing more than 58.8v there's something wrong with the charger and BMS. But if it's reading that or less and the BBS02 is still showing error 07 then there's something wrong with the BBS02.
We are working out the issue now and we'll know better after the OP has responded with the measured voltage of the battery. I assume there is some sort of BBS02 issue, as i have checked and the OVP on the 48V BBS02 kit should be 61V and we have never had this issue reported before. it is highly unlikely (read that as almost impossible) that we could have both supplied a charger with a higher voltage (58.8V max for 14S battery) and the battery BMS would also be faulty and allow the pack to reach anything over 60V. The issue is almost certainly something to do with the BBS02, most likely the controller.

I now notice the display was giving an error 7 message when the battery was fully discharged in the first picture. Maybe the controller was damaged when the BMS tripped, who knows, but it;s almost certainly nothing to do with the battery and nothing very serious, that wouldn't be revolved with a replacement controller.

the issue will be resolved by either getting the kit shipped to our US service guy, or we will ship a replacement controller if the OP is comfortable swapping it. Whatever the problem is, we'll get it resolved as quickly as we can, just like we always try to do.

This was Easter holiday weekend, and we were not even slow to respond. No offense, but customers should give supplier/vendors a little time to respond and work through issues if they occur. You couldn't expect a local business to deal with such an issue in a more timely manner, over the weekend, let alone an overseas supplier that operates in a completely different time zone. For ever more a Google search will find this post when you search for EM3ev problem and that is a little annoying, when we are talking about a small issue that was being dealt with. Issue will occur occasionally, that is the nature of the beast, it's a DIY Ebike kit after all. Issues only become problems if they are not worked through and fixed.

I freely admit I am way too over excited to get riding and got too impatient. I just want to ride so bad but Paul has been nothing but kind and patient with me and definatly lives up to his reputation.

I will get the voltage reading today and I am sure we will have this thing going in no time.
OK, so I got my voltage reading and it is at 58.6 so the battery is ok. It looks like the controller in the motor must have gotten some issue.

Paul is backing his product and taking care of me so it looks like I will be riding soon.

Thanks to all who replied with advice, it appears the over voltage 07 h message is kind of rare so that was very helpful.