Phaserunner BBSHD initial setup issues


100 mW
Apr 11, 2015
Montreal , Quebec, Canada
Hi all,

I bought the phaserunner for my BBSHD, but I cannot get it to connect to the PC.

I have read the manual over and over, but probably I am missing something.
First I have removed the BBSHD controller, then connected the motor phase wire and hall sensors to the supplied cable.
Then I connected my battery, currently reads 61.2 volts.
I have no CA or any display for this, the throttle is also directly connected in the phaserunner 3 pin connector.

I plugged the communication cable to my computer and into the phaserunner jack, installed the correct drivers and I get the message controller not connected, message could not be sent.
I tried it on Mac and Windows PC with both saying controlled not connected. Windows version also displays "message could not be sent".

How do I know that the phaserunner is working correctly without a CA?

The CA wouldn't tell you if the PR was working "correctly" either, if you mean being able to access settings on it, or any information from it, as the CA doesn't communicate with controllers, it just sends them a throttle signal.

For the PR setup program, without the PR plugged into it at all, is the USB-serial cable detected by the program as a valid com port? Does the com port go away without the USB plugged in?

If both of those are Yes, then there is a problem either powering up the PR, or a problem with the serial connection to the PR.

If either of them are No, then there is probably either a problem with the USB cable itself, or the drivers are not installing correctly.

If the USB cable is working, and the software is working, then the most likely problem is the PR not being powered up. If the PR has an LED, and that's not lit up, it's probably not powered up. If it's a version with a keyswitch / ignition wire (usually orange, I think pin 2 on the WP8 connector--you'd have to check the manual), then you connect that to battery positive to turn the PR on, in addition to having battery positive on the main red power wire and battery negative on the main black power wire.

YOu can also disconnect the PR completely from throttle, motor, halls, in case any of those is interfering with communication.
It is written clearly on the PR v3 document that it isn't powered on by default and you need to short together the two yellow and white cable under the hearshrink of the throttle connector.

Thanks for replying, it made me realize that there was in fact, no led indicator lighting up.