donn said:
There's nothing wrong with the VAERS data, it's your head where the error occurs. You misinterpret it, as you have been led by others to do. You mistake this for critical thinking.

That is called "Gas Lighting".

Any time you allow the opinion of another to dominate your thinking that's gas lighting.

Another fun fact is that 2018, 2019 and 2020 ended the year with similar mortality rates near 1%.

So ponder this deeply... if a "real" pandemic occurred... where are the bodies?

See that? A pandemic should create massive deaths, but the facts showed no big difference.

Seems like very few people think outside the narrative anymore.
SafeDiscDancing said:
You are saying 800 thousand people acted like trolls and spammed the VARS database?
Nope. There is no limitation that one person can file only one report.

What I am saying that you should not fall for the VAERS scam. Think!
JackFlorey said:
Nope. There is no limitation that one person can file only one report.

You need evidence of a crime.

Otherwise you really cannot say:

"The VARS database is fake."

What is needed is that "smoking gun" which proves that 800,000 reports were faked.

And I live in a retirement community back in hardcore lockdown and we hear sirens every day now, but back in 2020 there we no sirens.

Something seems to have happened after the mRNA enhancement.

The data for mortality in 2021 is a little fuzzy because I see various numbers that differ. But the last three months of 2021 should give us insight into what is coming.

This thread is about a police lockdown which parallels the "Scary Air" lockdown so it is all connected.
donn said:
No one is saying "the VAERS database is fake" or anything remotely similar.

We need to know:

"Are these 800,000 reports real or not?"

...and time will tell.

I'm in no hurry and can watch how the information leaks out.

The truth always comes out eventually.

Mortality Rates have bodies... so when the bodies are counted we know.
the bodies have been counted.

the VAERS data requires you to twice click that youve read how it was obtained and understand it isnt verified.

Even if we attribute the VAERS deaths of 85 year old grandpas and grandmas and everyone else who died soon after being vaccinated did actually die from the vaccine we get just over 5,000 deaths in the usa: https://vaersanalysis.info/2022/01/21/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-01-14-2022/

Let’s even round it up to 6,000 deaths shown from the covid vaccine in vaers and put it in context of the 531,000,000 doses given in usa
(330,000,000 x 1.6)

thats...531,000,000 doses and 5,000 dead giving a likelihood of death from the vaccine at 1 in 106,000. the likelihood of death from the virus itself depends on who you are but even if we we assume a super conservative .1% of those unvaccinated die from the virus it’s still shows to the vaccine is much safer than than not being vaccinated

is my math wrong?


here are just a few of the many sources supporting the idea that the danger of the vaccine is much smaller than the danger of the virus. are they wrong?
SafeDiscDancing said:
You need evidence of a crime.

Otherwise you really cannot say:

"The VARS database is fake."
That's not how it works.

The VAERS database is free and open to anyone. It is not run by the government. It is not a crime to report sketchy information. People regularly do. It's about as accurate as Facebook. Is Facebook fake? I mean, it looks like you get a lot of your info there.

It does serve a useful purpose in that researchers can go through it and look for specific reactions to a vaccine. For example, if researchers see a similar rash on a few people, they can go back through VAERS and see if anyone else reported the same rash, then follow up with them.
What is needed is that "smoking gun" which proves that 800,000 reports were faked.
Nope. If you want to use that number to claim the vaccine is dangerous, the onus is on YOU to prove that all those 800,000 reports are the result of a vaccine interaction. So far researchers have found about~12 with one vaccine (the adenovirus based one) - 4 were fatal.

But feel free to try. Until you do, the VAERS scare tactic isn't going to work.
This thread is about a police lockdown which parallels the "Scary Air" lockdown so it is all connected.
Sure, let's get back to that.

If you ride an ebike in a neighborhood and respect the other people there (i.e. you don't do 40mph down the road, you slow down around kids or elderly people crossing the street, you say hello to the people you see there) you generally won't have a problem. If you regularly ride 40mph down the street, and pass close to people, and tell people that they are idiots for believing in the lockdown, you are going to have trouble.

Your choice. Only you have to live with the result. The rest of us don't, and can ride without being hassled. (The possible exception are the other people with ebikes in your area; you harm them by making police/residents think that all ebikers are like yourself.)
Hummina Shadeeba said:
it is a crime to falsify a report to vaers
True; I edited my post to make it clear that as long as it's not intentionally false you can report it. So if you got bad breath after a vaccine it's perfectly valid to report it.
Civilization means everyone obeys Natural Law.

Simply "Do No Harm".

The question might be posed as:

"Is this mRNA gene modification something that does harm?"

...and in a free society each individual must observe his Natural Law right of free will.

Personally I don't want to interfere with the right of free will of another human being.

So as long as these things are a personal choice it's fine by me.

I would not suggest banning them simply out of fear of harm or forcing them on those who suspect there are problems.

We now can simply wait and watch how those who chose to take it progress.

And now with talk of boosters every few months the jabbed and unjabbed are alike in that you can never be jabbed enough. Boosters go on forever and yet it never fixes anything.

Some places are up to four injections already and still things aren't going well for them. (assuming the VARS data is valid)


This blends in with the overall theme of the thread which is individual free will vs the power of the state to impose it's will in ways that break Natural Law.

At the "big picture" level this is the true focus of the coming decade.

Will freedom exist in ten years?

Who wants to live in a world like that? (some actually like it)
SafeDiscDancing said:
The question might be posed as:

"Is this mRNA gene modification something that does harm?"

Ur spun eating the bull. There’s no gene modification.



Is this fake?

Is my math above wrong? Show it.
I’ve become obsessed with hunting down the disinfo campaign being waged on Facebook. I have 600 fake friends all brought to us by the man fighting the fake news. Get ur stolen election and vaccine conspiracy memes and wipe off on ur way out.

There’s the bots, there’s the few shepherds, and there’s the spun sheep eating it up thinking they’re smarter than everyone else.


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Hummina Shadeeba said:
There’s no gene modification.

Is this the new twist?

As far as I know since the beginning they all modify the cells to produce Spike proteins.

Each company uses slightly different techniques.

You can see it with a microscope... Red Blood cells in a dish with one of these injections dumped on it will express Spike proteins very quickly.
Hummina Shadeeba said:
I’ve become obsessed with hunting down the disinfo campaign being waged on Facebook.

You might laugh... I never joined Facebook.

So it never entered my life.
SafeDiscDancing said:
Hummina Shadeeba said:
I’ve become obsessed with hunting down the disinfo campaign being waged on Facebook.

You might laugh... I never joined Facebook.

So it never entered my life.

I’d never joined Facebook till just recently with this sole purpose of seeing the disinformation campaign. U should join Facebook and I can connect u to all my friends. They will be ur friends too.

There’s no new twist and it’s been the same:


If u can find evidence the vaccine alters ur dna please post it.

But what of the math I posted above using VAERS data on deaths in USA compared to the doses given?
SafeDiscDancing said:
Hummina Shadeeba said:
There’s no gene modification.

Is this the new twist?

As far as I know since the beginning they all modify the cells to produce Spike proteins.

Is that the same as "gene modification"? Is this your critical thinking at work?
donn said:
Is that the same as "gene modification"? Is this your critical thinking at work?

I am "one of those people" who find the chase down the rabbit hole a lot of fun.

So you really cannot begin to grasp anything until you go to the guy that started this (Robert Malone) way back in the 1980's.

They were experimenting with retroviruses and more or less "accidentally" discovered that raw mRNA can achieve the objective of modifying cell behavior without the need of an actual retrovirus.

That was a mind blowing realization back decades ago.

And at the time there was a case of a Corona Virus which was killing entire chicken farms so their researched focused on a way to use this mRNA technology to prevent losses and improve the corporate bottom line.

But they found that these mRNA injections only gave temporary benefit and then slowly started to eat away at the chickens and they all died after about a year.

So that's the history.

Will the mRNA kill all these people in a few years?

We honestly don't know for sure but Robert Malone is making videos to warn people this might be a bad idea.

Is he wrong? I don't know... but the fact the person who was closest to this research has doubts might be important.

Kary Mullis is the guy who invented the PCR test and there is a whole bunch of naughty stuff in that... but I'll leave that for some further discussion.


"The Prisoner" intro... this is my life:

People are not aware that they are being manipulated. I knew of google a&m (advertising and manipulation) corporation and never used their services other then youtube and occasionally when lost google maps on my android for ease of use. I have only listened to half of this podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/4q0cNkAHQQMBTu4NmeNW7E but have downloaded and installed linux and brave internet browser knowing what I know about the other a&m corporation known as microsoft. I know I have to do something with my android phone as apple is not sufficient so I hope they talk about options. I hope these types of things become popular but I fear its a tight niche. I think joe is high as a kite while interviewing epstein or he could be high and hung over. Adam curry is another great guest to listen to and podcaster known as the podfather because he started to popularize podcasting, along with adam carolla. There are less and less phones that you can degoogle on purpose and curry has linux phones but they are expensive.
SafeDiscDancing said:
They were experimenting with retroviruses and more or less "accidentally" discovered that raw mRNA can achieve the objective of modifying cell behavior without the need of an actual retrovirus.
mRNA modifies cell behavior by transcribing DNA sequences from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of the cell. That's how it works. Every cell in your body uses mRNA every second of every day to modify their behaviors. This process was discovered in 1960 by Francis Crick.
But they found that these mRNA injections only gave temporary benefit and then slowly started to eat away at the chickens and they all died after about a year. So that's the history. Will the mRNA kill all these people in a few years?
Nope. mRNA as a way to stimulate protein production was first tried in 1989 in mice. They were fine.

There was a human trial with mRNA vaccines (for delivery of an experimental cancer vaccine) in 2001. Those people experienced no bad effects from the vaccine, either. It didn't work very well so many of them died of cancer anyway.

There was a human trial with mRNA rabies vaccines in 2013. Again, no bad effects.

So no, there is no evidence that mRNA vaccines won't "kill all these people in a few years."
As far as I know since the beginning they all modify the cells to produce Spike proteins.
Every vaccine you have ever received modify cells to produce antigens (like the spike proteins.) It's how vaccines work.

None of the COVID vaccines modify your DNA.
Each company uses slightly different techniques.
Yes. Two use mRNA, one uses adenoviruses to induce cells to produce antigens.
Mainstream media is the disinfo. Carlson is the most watched in America and him and Rogan both push this antivaxxer stuff. Rogan’s Malone is not someone to listen to.



calab said:
People are not aware that they are being manipulated. I knew of google a&m (advertising and manipulation) corporation and never used their services other then youtube and occasionally when lost google maps on my android for ease of use. I have only listened to half of this podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/4q0cNkAHQQMBTu4NmeNW7E but have downloaded and installed linux and brave internet browser knowing what I know about the other a&m corporation known as microsoft. I know I have to do something with my android phone as apple is not sufficient so I hope they talk about options. I hope these types of things become popular but I fear its a tight niche. I think joe is high as a kite while interviewing epstein or he could be high and hung over. Adam curry is another great guest to listen to and podcaster known as the podfather because he started to popularize podcasting, along with adam carolla. There are less and less phones that you can degoogle on purpose and curry has linux phones but they are expensive.

:shock: You do realise Android is a massive data source for Google A&M. 100% data harvesting and spyware platform and this site alone makes connections to multiple Google urls. So it is ridiculous to say you don't use their services.

Linux is not entirely safe either. Google provides massive amounts of code that in some cases may include suspect pre-compiled binaries.
Thank you yes I have to learn a lot I thought mozilla firefox browser using duckduckgo was alright but I have to be more active as knowledge is power. I have much to learn but I wont go hardcore into it (going dark) as I dont have anything to hide which is a common argument and one in which I had with a family member yesterday. She just does not realize the scope of the problem, has the alexa speaker, uses chrome, tik tok. I knew the problem of android and that the apps track us, I just did not realize how bad it was. Brave browser is interesting, it was started by a disenfranchised google top exec/founder or something.

Did you know some nerds at google shut down the entire internet for a nerdy giggle at a specific time which did not impact any stock exchanges around the world.

TDB said:
:shock: You do realise Android is a massive data source for Google A&M. 100% data harvesting and spyware platform and this site alone makes connections to multiple Google urls. So it is ridiculous to say you don't use their services.

Linux is not entirely safe either. Google provides massive amounts of code that in some cases may include suspect pre-compiled binaries.
JackFlorey said:

Copied Text:


Read and his colleagues are studying how the herpesvirus that causes Marek’s disease — a highly contagious, paralyzing and ultimately deadly ailment that costs the chicken industry more than $2 billion a year — might be evolving in response to its vaccine. Its latest vaccine, that is. Marek’s disease has been sickening chickens globally for over a century; birds catch it by inhaling dust laden with viral particles shed in other birds’ feathers. The first vaccine was introduced in 1970, when the disease was killing entire flocks. It worked well, but within a decade, the vaccine mysteriously began to fail; outbreaks of Marek’s began erupting in flocks of inoculated chickens. A second vaccine was licensed in 1983 in the hopes of solving the problem, yet it, too, gradually stopped working. Today, the poultry industry is on its third vaccine. It still works, but Read and others are concerned it might one day fail, too — and no fourth-line vaccine is waiting. Worse, in recent decades, the virus has become more deadly.

If you don’t have these pathogens evolving in response to vaccines, then we really don’t understand natural selection.


What I was saying is Robert Malone tried this and it failed.

You confused what I was saying. The mRNA attempt killed all their chickens.

But the point of inducing variants by natural selection is valid.

The chickens are nearing their Fourth Booster Vaccine because the others are no longer effective.
OK, so the vaccines against Marek's disease never killed any chickens ("... only gave temporary benefit and then slowly started to eat away at the chickens and they all died after a year." Not true at all, and we have no reason what ever to ask "will the mRNA kill all these people in a few years".)

It is true that viruses can evolve in ways that make a vaccine less effective. Nothing "induces" that, it's just natural genetic variation - and it's proportional to the number of viruses. The more unvaccinated people there are, and thus more viruses, the more variants will appear in a given time frame.
donn said:

Yeah I think I merged two stories together because I went looking for Robert Malone and "the chickens" and all the articles pointed towards the natural selection issue.

So we can know that in children there is a LOW tendency to even react to the Spike proteins and then their bodies are quick to deal with things by other means.

What kills older people is the catalog of built up Spike protein attacks as the primary defense.

Basically kids just deal with... older people try to rely on past victories.

But since the Spike protein constantly changes youth is always healthier.

So these mRNA "enhancements" makes the body behave like older people since it focuses on a specific Spike protein defense.

Certainly stuff to avoid in my opinion... but hey... the world is overpopulated so if you want to jab, jab, jab go ahead.