Question for the Lipo fans

liveforphysics said:
Grizzlybear said:
Lithium polymer is the dangerous chemistry, as you well know, I think it's taken that is what's being discussed here, the facts remain. If we are not careful there will be a blanket ban on all Lithium based batteries imposed by government, which is a shame as LIFEPO4 is very safe, and you will not be allowed to use it, so back to NIMH, or LEAD ACID is it?

Lithium Polymer isn't a chemistry. It's the type of electrolyte. A123 makes Lithium Polymer cells in LiFePO4, even a Ping LiFePO4 pack is Lithium Polymer. LG/NEC/EIG/etc make Lithium Polymer cells in an even safer than LiFePO4 chemistry, NMC. For RC vehicles, they make lithium polymer cells in LiCoO2, the same chemistry used in every single phone and laptop made in the last 5 years.

Give it up will you? LIFEPO4 is by far the safest, I'm really getting fed up with you lot now, I thought there were intelligent people on this forum, you are proving me wrong!

I'm off to bed now, I know my bats won't go bad in the night!!
Seriously? No where did Luke say anything about LiFePo4 not being the safer of the LiPo, and to even imply that there is a lack of intelligence on this board just further proves you really need to up your meds.

Look, every battery, be it LiPo, Lead, or your precious LiFePo4 has the ability to be dangerous. It's a storage devise for energy. Given the right circumstances that energy will look for a means of escape. So treat them all accordingly and you should be ok.
Yes there is some precautions to be taken. But calm down a little bit. Based on the videos I have watched where lipo battery's have been abused to make them catch fire. I wouldn't be to worried about them. Its just a flame for gods sake. Not a earth shattering roof lifting explosion. As long as you don't lock then in a air tight container. Store and charge them in the an appropriate non flammable box with some ventilation and you don't have an issue problem solved.

We all deal with flames every day. Boy I have made bigger flames cooking by breakfast in a hurry :D Everything is dangerous in the wrong hands. A gas cook top is just as dangerous, how many homes have gone up in flames from gas heater or cook top leaking or left on and then the refrigerator or the like kicks in and the blows the hole house up in a big way. A can of hair spray, deodorant or insect spray packs a bigger punch than a lipo battery. How about a hair dryer near a bath tub boy that's dangerous.

If your serious about saving peoples lives I think your starting at the wrong end of the stick preaching about lipo. As people are doing far more dangerous things and taking much bigger risks to them self and others. How about giving everyone a mandatory advance driving lesson once a year to keep there licence.The list goes on .....

Classic stuff here with the EVTV guys and a fun little A123 fire.!
liveforphysics said:
Classic stuff here with the EVTV guys and a fun little A123 fire.!

... and that is exactly why A123 and others will not sell cells to us experimenters! A123 OEM documentation requires that there be redundant OVP during charging. If one level is software dependent, there must be a supervisory layer that operates in hardware to prevent overcharge. Sure didn't look like that protection was in place for this little experiment... and we wonder why we can't get name brand, high energy, state of the art cells?

Good to see that dry powder put the flames out however.
That was a really good video, I liked the technical parts of it. I was really intrigued by the open source charger taking place. I can see a smaller version for our needs for quick opportunity charging. Time to do some research.
I think Grizzly is just reminding us that fires can happen and it doesn't do any harm to be over cautious, a fire blanket or extinguisher may be handy should the situation arise
Give it up will you? LIFEPO4 is by far the safest, I'm really getting fed up with you lot now, I thought there were intelligent people on this forum, you are proving me wrong! I'm off to bed now, I know my bats won't go bad in the night!!

Crikey if anybody wants to give it up it's you grizzly, you post up comments on here that you well know are going to start this type of discussion, there's a name for it mate it's called trolling, you don't want to be known as a troll do you?

Look you have to face the facts, Lithium Polymer is the most widely used battery type in the world and it is safe when properly managed, jeez why don't you take your concern to the Apple forums and plead for everyone to send back their Ipod's and Iphones for Christ sake, like to see how fat those phones would look running life cells. :lol:

This forum is packed with engineers and very technical people with vast amounts of knowledge and experience managing batteries of all shapes and sizes you really don't need to pipe up on here with comments like this, all your going to do is cause this type of response from folks and alienate yourself from the group.

Pay attention to the other posts and other failures with your precious life packs, I have seen a set of life cells burn myself and watched a ping smoulder in to nothing, your batteries are still dangerous and should be treated as such however you don't seem to acknowledge this? all you keep doing is bang on to folks on here about how dangerous their lipo packs are and how safe yours are which is not true, neither are 100% safe, and fire doesn't deal with percentages, if you get a flame then you can get a fire, its simple, treat them all the same way. :twisted:
Thud said:
compaired to accidental drownings?

You are SOOO correct lets ban this H2O stuff it is so dangerous ,,,it is well documented
How many garages have burnt because of lead acid batteries having a short in the wiring of a car? Tons.

You wanna sleep well griz, I suggest you start pedaling. We all know a good short on a 36v battery, or god forbid higher voltage can start a dandy fire. Unless you store your precious lifepo4 like I store my lipo, you are still at some risk.

Any battery of decent size can cause a fire. Ignoramuses should keep pedaling. You can call me dumb and be close enough to right, but some of the others here,,,,, I don't think so. I might be dumb, but my lipo is in a metal box on a fireplace hearth.

Where's your lifepo4? on the bike in an apartment?
Grizzlybear said:
Guys even when looked after properly they can blow up, read this
People have been sent to jail for setting their apartment on fire because they fell asleep smoking in bed!! Lithium polymer is very unpredicable and dangerous and should not be in your home, in the same way you should not keep petrol in your home (petrol is safer!!)....gross negligence!!! you will do jail time if people die!!!

Just trying to educate here, I'm not picking on anyone, some of the replys I've read have made me think why I bother!!

But if it's saved just one life, then it's worth making myself unpopular with some of the people on this forum.

ok so all the people that use rc cars boats planes. where do they store there lipo? i would be more worried about the electronics or appliances in the home :wink:

not sure of the laws where you are but in Canada its 3 years for murder out in one year. slap on the hand for gross negligence lol :mrgreen:

Peanuts.......... Peanuts can kill, they just put warning labels ( may contain traces of nuts) do we stop eating nuts?
Alcohol and smoking kills alot more than lipo. Do people stop drinking it, ?

I think as long as you are aware, and have an understanding lipo is fine.