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R³ Technology: Reuse.Repurpose.Retrofit.

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It would probably be easiest to develop a hybrid electric bike of some sort first anyway.
Heh , I actually like your idea of drive by wire, maximum efficiency "take the lead foot out of the equation idea" . Develop that into a module that you can plug into existing engine management systems, and you could have a case to save alot of fuel.......sorry about the previous trolling your thread, it was more of a jab/joke, your first post was so blatently trying to get votes, idea wasnt developed. but i like your style!!
Posting on these forums and constantly thinking and writing about all the systems has highly increased the intelligence of the wording I am using now.
I came across as, if nothing else, rude in my other thread and I know I've sounded rude in this thread. Anybody getting a idea from concept (even with existing examples and partial sub systems of the overall product already built, its still a concept) to product is under a lot of stress. Presumably anyway, I just know I am very stressed and I am snapping at everybody I talk to in real life too. I just hope I didn't offend anybody too badly.
Aaron Coach
Persanity said:
nicobie said:
*Do not post in this thread*
Are you saying thats what my "warning" messages reads as? Or literally telling people not post at all?

I think what he means is, 'Playing it SAFE' in this and some other electric communities has different connotations than you think; that 'Do not post. . . .' was bringing back some unpleasant memories. NEVER try to dictate that we only vote if we vote YOUR way.

If you want to have a better presentation, maybe you should rethink this after reading these paragraphs, for what comes to mind. Your MassChallenge page brings back memories of the kid who was angrily proclaiming that a guy built a car that got 87mpg with a "Train Carburetor" but the oil companies killed him. I just kept saying "Trains don't have carburetors." He screetched louder and louder about this "Train Carburetor" car and the FACT they even had a picture of the guy, to which I responded "Trains don't have carburetors." Of course he really got to flinging insults about me being a know it all and acting like I can argue with the National Enquirer, Argosy, or whatever reputable publication he was claiming he'd found this in. I offered to let him read my report I'd just gotten an 'A' on in the 8th grade, with all the drawings and descriptions of how a modern train works. Oh, I also offered to read his little article about this "Train Carburetor," if he could at all find it.

I'd say most of the people who look at your page will fit into one of two groups: The biggie is people who have no idea what train technology is, who couldn't tell you when they stopped stoking the boilers in the locomotive. These people are going to have no reason to see yours stand out, you give them nothing to wrap their mind around. The other is the people like me; still not experts but knowing enough to say the Chevy Volt is already a lot like some trains that have been in use for decades. (Electric drive with a diesel generator. NO CARBURETOR.) Gee, I never knew for sure how common the sort of train I wrote my report on actually was. In your effort to protect your idea, you're not giving us anything to fire our imagination.

Also, my Bachelors is in English, AA in Mass Media, I taught writing, I worked in marketing communications, I've cut these parts from your text for a reason. People tell themselves they're writing a 'Call to Action' with phrases like this:

blend of existing
locomotive, automotive & industrial technologies
turnkey hybrid drivetrain conversion
solutions for people
real world range limitations
current generation
taking the "lead" (Great double entendre, by the way.)

This is most of your text and it says nothing. What if someone else wanted you to invest in something using your exact text? You would ask "But what IS it?" In school we were taught expressions such as 'Weasel Words,' 'False Triggers,' even 'Back Filler' to sum up the lack of substance. Think of all the multilevel marketing schemes that just keep hyping all the money you're supposed to believe you'll make, never telling you what you'd be selling. The problem is that it's easy for me to think that your 'Synfuel' is a gassification system and 'Blend of existing locomotive, automotive & industrial technologies' is a stirling engine running on the gasification byproducts to power a generator for an electric car. That scary thought is 100% compatible with what you've written. The dangers of leaving too much to the imagination. I'll bet people here could come up with a dozen or so more unimpressive ideas that fit exactly with what you've written.

Your technology really isn't endangered by telling a little about it. A123 said a whole lot about their batteries before they were on the market, they just didn't tell how to BUILD them. You're just going to have to tell us something unique to your ideas. Until people get a picture of you're being on to something, they're not likely to vote for you. I daresay people who register and vote on that site are bound to be of an activist personality, voting the vague and general down just to protect the more specific ideas that they are impressed with. So you have to be so specific as to be one of the ideas that impresses them, there needs to be some detail that does the exciting, rather than just adjective selection.

Just for the fun of it, let me try to sell you my own version of what your text could mean:

We are turning to the same synfuel that saved much of Europe during World War II, when the Nazi's had taken control of that continents' oil. But the lack of oil could not stop these people from making this fuel. In fact we'll be producing two synfuels, either of which can power our vehicle or be put to other industrial uses. These fuels will be made from old tires, yard wastes, things people are paying to get rid of. We'll even be able to drive our vehicle on roads paved with the solid wastes from our synfuel production. In fact nothing will be wasted.

The existing technology of our engine has been relied on for nearly 200 years without ever reaching it's full potential. It has always been considered one of the most efficient, most reliable engines ever made, so we've decided it's time to reuse this old idea. . . .

Now don't go running out and buying a bunch of those dingfutsers, it was just an example of how anything can be made to sound exciting with a few details. NOBODY in Europe was thrilled about resorting to gassification, although it is still useful even today. Such as for separating gas vapors and flammable liquid from the casings of old tires, then using the solid remains in composts for pavement.

"Hey, Johnny, did you know your last name is an adjective?"
- From Johnny Dangerously

See, while your post is great and I appreciate it, it seems like you and almost every other member doesn't get whats going on. The stuff I posted here is the PUBLIC VOTING stuff that is suppose to be marketing fluff. It is suppose to be catchy and edgy and hip. I guess my major problem would be Im not a english or marketing major. Those are areas I could use help with.

The 140 character blurb
R³ Technology: Reuse.Repurpose.Retrofit. Specializes in fuel efficient turnkey hybrid solutions that don't use heavy inefficient batteries.
is going to be posted on tweeter By MassChallenge posting on tweeter for entrants they are gaining more awareness.

The 500 character so called "Elevator pitch"
R³ Technology uses a blend of existing locomotive, automotive & industrial technologies to develop turnkey hybrid drivetrain conversion solutions for people that can't drive a pure electric vehicle because of real world range limitations & lengthy recharge times. Our systems take up the same amount of physical space as current generation drivetrains. By utilizing synfuel in our engines & taking the "lead" foot out of the equation with an electric transmission we achieve better fuel efficiency.

is meant to draw the judges in to spend more time on the information you provide them and THEM ALONE in a separate none PUBLIC area of the competition. The Oshkosh ProPulse system is the best modern example of hybrid technology I am using in my designs. Please, spend a few moments to research the technology, it is a wonderful system with great possibilities if it can be made more efficient in a smaller package. But, lets say I build this and its not a big fuel efficiency gain, So what, first generation technologies like what I offer will always improve. All I am doing is trying to make a company that has the financial backing to provide the DIY community, to which I am a member, with access to relevant technologies from other sectors while making the planet a better place. Now Im not asking for money or official endorsement from anybody in the community and I think thats not being respected in the way it should be. Im not here for investment capital,just intelligent conversation with enthusiasts. Neither I, not anybody else representing my company will ever will ask anybody here for money for R³ Technology,unless we are doing a conversion for you, but thats at least 6 months away. I wish everybody on here would stop acting like I am asking this great community for monetary support instead of support for the "spirt" of what Im doing. Please, stop comparing me to a scam artist without fully understanding and reading ALL relevant information and doing research on the subject matter because I have to reexplain everything in each post which makes them massive and nobody reads anything relevent cause they are now skiming over my posts because the general attitude is Im a moron. So instead of getting the whole picture like I was trying to assure everybody who posted would by having a "warning", but apparenty people think thats rude, sorry.
Do you not see I've been a member here for 4 years? Im not a huge poster, sorry you haven't heard of me before.
Im a 28 yo average guy from Connecticut, not a engineer, as such Im not going to be building this stuff myself. I found out about all the great ways we have of decoupling the engine from the gas pedal in a hybrid vehicle and designed a system that works for ME and my driving habits, because my solution could help so many for who pure electric isn't an option, I entered said system into MassChallenge as an idea and concept.
Did I come across as telling people to only vote my way? I didn't mean to, I meant it as asking people not to mess with what I was doing if they didn't believe in what I was doing. In other words if you don't believe, don't waste my time or yours by voting negatively, But if you do believe, then please contribute in a positive manor. I don't want to tell anybody here what to do. I want your support on my project and help in refining the idea for market to be honest. Im using this forum as a research focus group of my semi-target consumers.

BTW Syn fuel as in synthetic fuel, LPG & CNG are synth fuels, i said synfuel instead of bio-diesel to have a broder range of fuels implied and get away from the word diesel which would turn some off from the concept.

Aaron Coach
Founder & CEO
R³ Technology

I've thought about, and you guys are right, Im not giving enough details. Just because MassChallenge makes me explain the concept in a limited number of characters does not mean Im limited in my ability to explain it here. I am paranoid of my IP and implementation of my IP being STOLEN,
But I feel it is in my best interest to get the support Im looking for from this community. So I am going to go start a technical discuss thread. I'll post a link after I create it.
Talk to interested members soon!
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