Re: The Future Of TV - Clearer, A Lot Clearer

I think I watched that video on UHD like 3-4 years ago?
The question is how many people have room for an 8 foot wide display! And how small can the picture be before we can't see the extra definition at normal viewing distances? A 42" HDTV really doesn't need more picture information sitting 8 feet away. I can barely read the words already :lol:
I have a 12ft 1920x1080 screen/projector combo in my room (that I turn on about 3 times a year, lol). If you're sitting close you can see the individual pixels. If you can see the pixels, it's time to be having more of them. :)
Yeah, with a 12 foot screen! My 8 foot projected screen gets grainy closer than 6 feet too, but then I would be inspecting the details instead of looking at the whole screen as a picture show.

Lets skip all this foolishness and just work on brain jacks so we can get rid of the screen altogether.
Overkill. And the bandwidth that would take is insane. 1080p signals are already compressed quite a bit. Why increase the resolution if your media / network can't even keep up with the data rate?
zombiess said:
That resolution is good for the geeks more into gear who like the measurabate instead of watch TV.
I think you misspelled "masturbate" :lol:

I used to know a guy who was convinced that every video tech was invented for porn - VHS, DVD, BlueRay..
Bah! I say go for the brain implant and incorporate Direct-3D ala Saturn 3 direct-connect or Caprica holo-bands :p

In V-World, KF
Joseph C. said:
I wonder was that the reason why you don't know him anymore? :mrgreen: Unless he died. :oops:
Well actually, he tried suicide at least once. We just didn't get along - got sick of his constant whining, oh and he spilled my beer :wink: I respect his athleticism though: completing the Alpine Classic (210km, 3.9km vertical) on a frigging fixie is impressive.. a way of finding endorphins from pain as he would put it :roll: