Rules of the off topic section.

There is also a Report button / link in every PM, too. No need for screenshots--it should send the whole thing in the report itself. (if it doesn't, then there's another thing to fix in Xenforo ;) ).
Isn't it funny how things change. It appears that the shoe is now on the other foot and I am the one who is going to be banned for strongly disagreeing that moderators must get paid. I haven't the slightest idea where this came from as this joint has ran fine for well over 10 years without money ever getting paid to the admins or mods.

The only Mod who has ever deserved anything is Amberwolf who really hasn't an extra penny and has selfishly donated so much of his time. I feel it's up to the individual members, like I have, to donate to individuals. The way this is going pretty soon a membership fee will be needed in order to join and read. As I can see this happening pretty soon, I quit.

You seem to want to get banned, you recently started a thread about trump here which is what we both worked to eliminate.

Please stop maligning me, misrepresenting what i've said, and making assumptions about the direction we're going. You're intentionally interfering with my work here over a misunderstanding you have and i don't appreciate it.