100 µW
SOLVED: it's embarrising, but I connected the PAS to the wrong plug. The one on the controller is the right, the one on the cable tree is for the thumb gas... :/
Now it works!
Anyway, thanks for your input!
Hi all!
During my search, I stumbled over this post: PAS voltages
Hence, I thought this is the right place to ask!
I am close to finish a eBike conversion of a Flevobike GreenMachine (GM) into an eBike with a KT front wheel motor. If you don't know the GreenMachine, it's a recumbent with fully enclosed chain with an integrated Rohloff 14 speed hub. This is a random post with some decent photos of it.
As the GM can't take a default KT-D12 PAS, I desoldered the cable and soldered a longer one. Stupidly I didn't not down the colors of the wires, and very likely I mixed up 5V and signal on the first connection attempt.
Then I looked in photos I have taken to document the whole project and found the correct cable color mapping. When I connected them correctly, I got the "01 Info" error message on the display (KT-LCD4). When I switched the red with the white cable (5V and signal) the error message went away.
When I pedal now, I get an alternating signal 0/5V (measured with a cheapo oscilloscope) but the whee with the hub motor (mounted in a stand) just does some unmotivated jumps, does not even rotate really.
When I long press the down button on the display for the walking / pushing support, it runs constantly at 5.5km/h
Is it possible to destroy the controller by switching the signal and power wire? They are both 5 volts.
Would it be possible to destroy it by switching ground and power/signal? I doubt I did it, but just to know...
Thanks for your time!
Now it works!
Anyway, thanks for your input!
Hi all!
During my search, I stumbled over this post: PAS voltages
Hence, I thought this is the right place to ask!
I am close to finish a eBike conversion of a Flevobike GreenMachine (GM) into an eBike with a KT front wheel motor. If you don't know the GreenMachine, it's a recumbent with fully enclosed chain with an integrated Rohloff 14 speed hub. This is a random post with some decent photos of it.
As the GM can't take a default KT-D12 PAS, I desoldered the cable and soldered a longer one. Stupidly I didn't not down the colors of the wires, and very likely I mixed up 5V and signal on the first connection attempt.
Then I looked in photos I have taken to document the whole project and found the correct cable color mapping. When I connected them correctly, I got the "01 Info" error message on the display (KT-LCD4). When I switched the red with the white cable (5V and signal) the error message went away.
When I pedal now, I get an alternating signal 0/5V (measured with a cheapo oscilloscope) but the whee with the hub motor (mounted in a stand) just does some unmotivated jumps, does not even rotate really.
When I long press the down button on the display for the walking / pushing support, it runs constantly at 5.5km/h
Is it possible to destroy the controller by switching the signal and power wire? They are both 5 volts.
Would it be possible to destroy it by switching ground and power/signal? I doubt I did it, but just to know...
Thanks for your time!
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