Sun-thing battery, waiting 17 weeks!

Start the claim process with PayPal.
If the package is truely in transit it will still get to you same as not starting a claim.
You can always cancell a PP claim if it arrives, but otherwise you will at least stirr up the supplier and PP and get a refund ...."...eventually !
mxer said:
Cheers for the heads up, another vendor off my list...can't be doing with that grief

fair enough. 18 weeks is a long time to wait, and usually lose any recourse with credit card and paypal too.

so who else sells nice aluminum cased Lithium ion batteries in 48V 12AH for $200USD? I might want to order another one for building an ebike for my wife.


but keep this in mind: the OP had the choice to buy local for typically $800-1000cdn for a battery that Sun Thing sells for $300cdn. There has GOT to be some consideration for the huge money savings involved, and part of that means the battery can ONLY BE SENT BY SURFACE IN A OCEAN GOING SHIP, and must be labelled as hazardous goods, subject to closer scrutiny and delays at the border. While the vendor selling batteries in Canada has already ordered them in bulk which also took multiple months to arrive for him.

The ebay listing suggested the delivery time to be APPROXIMATELY 8-12 weeks. Delivery time by surface is going to vary a LOT, due to the flow of containers being stored and backlogged at the border. They are not shipped as individual boxes on airplanes like most cheap consumer goods sold direct to consumers. So mine arriving in 17 weeks is not at all out of the ordinary, nor is it any reason to be angry.

and then there is this memo that came down from Transport Canada on March 1, just after the OP and I ordered our batteries:
So I gave up trying to get any sort of reasonable response from this guy. His response to the paypal conflict I opened, was, " delay is from chinese new year". Nothing more. Eventually, I,ll get my money back, probably through Visa, as paypal is pretty pathetic. Whatever, I,m screwed till next year, by the looks of it. I can,t even begin to explain what that means to me. My bike is all I have, quite literally. Looking fofward to riding it, gets me through, the rest of the year. As pathetic as that sounds, it is my reality. I don,t have alternatives, I am depressed, and pissed off, and sick, from the moment I open my eyes, till I pass out, from exhaustion. Welcome to the world of brain injury. Allways wear a helmet, (yes I had one, saved my life, sort of), and don,t buy lifepo from anyone but Ping. These wisdoms, are all I have.
Mr misinformation, it was 8-9 weeks, the guy never told me of any delays, as he is obligated to. He said 2 days to ship, it took 11. He told me in the begining of may, that he would "resolve" the situation, if it didn,t arrive in a week. Still no mention of any longer delay. 6 weeks later, nothing but one line emails, saying nothing. His response to the paypal dispute? Nada. This cheap battery is one hellof a long way, from being inexpensive, and this guy, a lying crook. Are you sure your not related? Maybe just hang out at the steambaths together? You work awful hard to defend this guy.
Yeah, even if you never get what hou bought apparently. Paypal has set up a regular little eden for these crooks. As long as they sent something, anything, they are off the hook, as far as paypal is concerned. I expect nothing from them. Also, if you wait the time 8-9 weeks thst delivery is supposed to take, your time to do anything through ebay, is expired. You can,t even leave feedback. This explains why this guys feedback looks good. Only people who are lucky enough to receive there items, can give it. I won,t use either again, they are completely biased toward the seller. I bought three items off ebay at the same time, a headlight that worked for 20 seconds, a bluetooth stereo, that never came, and this battery, that I,ve been waiting 18 freakin weeks for. I have no doubt this battery will eventually arrive, i,m sure it will have problems when it does, and I,ll be screwed even more than I have been. Guys get dead cells etc. After a couple months shipping, what are the chances after 5 months? Whatever, my plans are cancelled, my health shot, my money gone, and I have to find some way to deal with another year of waiting. I expect this will be the end of me, and electric bikes. I can,t afford to invest all my time and money, for nothing. Last year I was in bed for July, and most of August. I was exhausted from building my bike, and the battery I ordered was twice as long arriving, as it as supposed to be. I had to cancel my plans etc. And never got riding till sept. The difference is that I was given a refund, treated with respect, and would not hesitate to buy there again. Still, a second summer washed out is too much. I spent 5 weeks in the hospital, in march/april, and have been trying to get back on my feet since. This constant frustration, anxiety, anger, and sense of loss, is more than I can manage, and I am going backwards. I can,t finish my bike, because I have to build a battery compartment, and can,t do so without the battery. I give up, this bike has consumed all my money, and every moment of the day, so I can end up sitting here alone,with nothing? I do that everyday all year, why spend money , and deal with crap to do it?
Try contacting doctorbass, on here. He has been doing the ebike thing for a long time. Maybe he has something used that you two could work a deal on, until you get your battery or money and make a few payments on, so you can calm down and enjoy life more.

That's not a negative comment I made about calm down. When totally frustrated everything looks dark. We all know how frustrating things can get with shipping. I live 1200 miles from my son, in Florida, and we get Leaf and Chevy batteries and part them out so I can afford to get my part shipped down here, and it still can take 3-4 months before I receive a crate.
I have no money left at all. I have daily and constant frustration, there is no calm down, and relax. I can,t give my head a shake, and make everything ok. This is months of saving and effort, and freakin anticipation, only to end up screwed by some indifferent, dishonest, prick. I might get a battery by July, anyone want to buy a really nice, brand new lifepo? The only way I make out ok on this, is by cheating someone else, into paying enough so I can buy another battery. Not my style, though it seems to be pretty much acceptable practice anymore. The whole damn thing is this, I won,t get this thing till July, at best. That,s 20,weeks, at best. That,s bullshit, period. I,d like his balls on a hook, and would put em there given the chance. Now that would be fun.
Visa is easier to deal with then Paypal.
But I pay off my Paypal with a credit card, so perhaps you can cancel Visa first because they deal with it quicklier aka faster then Paypal.
I,m trying to do just that, but I used my sister's visa, and she is away. To her, it isn,t something to worry about, she,ll look into it when she gets home. I think I have waited too long anyway. It,s been over 120 days. I hate that this guy gets my money, and am sick worrying that I,ll end up with nothing. This has been a very bad dream
I,ve got it! Anybody want tl take part in a "quess when the battery comes" lottery. We could have a pool sort of deal, maybe a "think it will work?" bonus round. Help a brother out. Share the fun! By the way, you guys who keep riding by my house, that,s just mean.
Oh no, bummer. What,s up with the battery? Could you run on 36v, be a drag, but you,d be mobile? I,ve pretty much had it.Every time I buy something for my bike it,s a hassle. With the esception of Grin, who have been stellar, not one other purchase, from Ping, to em3ev, and everything inbetween, has gone smoothly. I,ve been sent things that don,t work, things that work for 30 seconds,some things don,t ever get sent at all.The single order that showed up on time, was a controller, and ebike tester from em3, the tester doesn,t work. I ordered hall sensor pcb,s. After over 2 weeks, I check into it. OOPS, forgotten. They,ll send them out real soon. Another 2 weeks sitting and waiting, not getting what I paid for. Maybe it,s just my luck, but I,m done giving people my money, and getting kicked in the nuts for it.

It was nice to stop by and see you yesterday! I am so envious of your expedition adventures :p
Have you ever done the Guelph-to-Goderich trail??

Ended up taking me about an hour to kick my board home from your place...pretty much as long as my bus ride, just more effort.
Just got snail mail letter, saying customs wrecked my battery. No explanation, dick all. I have no idea what is involved with getting a refund from them, but I doubt it will be fast, or fair. The worst part is that this sunthing prick, is off the hook. Anyway, I,m a mess, threw a chair off the porch, scared my careworker away, probably catch hell for that. No money for anything else, not a damn thing to look forward to. Even my little dog is scared of me today. I,m a 125lb skeleton, my daily highpoint is when my meals on wheels comes. I got a girl comes mondays, to watch me have a bath, or it wouldn,t happen. To say building this bike, was difficult, well, yeah. Spent every dime I could, and owe a couple hundred besides. Really needed this to work.
We need to start a Lowbudget relief fund. Someone send this guys a old 48v pack sitting in your basement collecting dust.

Why is the seller off the hook? You bought something and it was never delivered. Wouldn't they have to resend it.
Who sent the letter ? If it was the seller, I would still press for a refund. All my battery stuff is in CR, so, lots of shipping charges.

If someone would start a forum fundraiser, I would Paypal some funds. Can't take many people to send a little to help this guy get some rides in before bad weather.
skeetab5780 said:
We need to start a Lowbudget relief fund. Someone send this guys a old 48v pack sitting in your basement collecting dust.
I totally would have if I still had my extra pack

I just met a guy yesterday who refurbs bikes and he told me he does work on ebikes and he has done battery building and repair.

...He knew exactly what I was talking about (one of the only local folks who knew what I was talking about) when I told him I used Samsung INR18650-25R's in a 20s6p config. I might see if he can help me replace my 0V cell. Let me know if you want his # and I'll PM you or stop by on my way home today and drop you off his card.

Not sure if he has any batteries for sale (I should have asked) but might be able to work something out with building one or repairing an old one or something.

Another (local!) option anyway...he's just over near Columbia and Albert in Waterloo.
Thanks guys, my sister will front me the money for a battery, till/if I get a refund. I don,t know where I,m going to buy one. Either, I pay double or triple, in Canada, or I wait for one from china.Either way, I have to go into large debt, and won,t get anything like enough battery. Right now Waiting more months, and going into more debt, to get to where I was 5 months ago, so I can ride a few weeks in the fall, is ridiculous. Just as it was last year. I can,t imagine where "up" is here. I,m having trouble even accepting it,s over. I haven,t thought of anything else since, last fall. My great accomplishment, allmost building a bicycle, for chrissakes. It,s brutally unfair, and endless. Does anyone know how long em3ev takes to get a battery to canada? Even Ping is 2 months or more now. I like the leaf cells, maybe I could go that route, I have lots of space. Anyone got a line on those? God I miss my motorcycles!
lowbudget said:
Yeah, even if you never get what hou bought apparently. Paypal has set up a regular little eden for these crooks. As long as they sent something, anything, they are off the hook, as far as paypal is concerned. I expect nothing from them. Also, if you wait the time 8-9 weeks thst delivery is supposed to take, your time to do anything through ebay, is expired. .....

No !
If you lodged your Paypal claim in before their expiry period, and even if the item was destroyed in transit, or held by customs, or they just sent you a fake etc, you can still claim a full refund.
It doesnt take too long either ..a week or a month,..i have done exactly this ...twice.
Paypal is generally biased much more to the buyer than the seller...ask anyone who sells on Ebay.!
Seems to me, Paypal raised the time limit for claims to 6 months, especially since you never received anything. Don't freakin quit now !
Hillhater said:
Paypal is generally biased much more to the buyer than the seller...ask anyone who sells on Ebay.!

I would not agree with that. I bought a USB memory stick that was a bit cheap. Should have been a warning, but the guy had a 100% rating on nearly 100 items. 2 days after I paid for it, I got an email from eBay saying that the seller I had bought from had been banned for an unspecified reason and I should seek a refund. I showed the letter to Paypal, thinking that since eBay is the parent company, it'd be easy, right?

Nope. I had to wait until the end of the dispute period, in case it arrived. It arrived alright. An empty USB case with absolutely no electronics inside. I could even see there were no pins to make contact with the computer. Sent a photo to Paypal, who then said I wasn't a professional, and had to get a letter from Kingston stating it was a fake. Kingston said they do that for $200 - about the same price as I paid for the USB stick at the time.

Paypal simply wouldn't budget from their position, so I closed my account.

The only reason I reopened it two years later, was that I had heard that banks changed their policy, and would do chargebacks on Paypal fraud. I have had to do that once, and true enough, the banks did do the chargeback, and Paypal didn't shut my account as a result of it. (That one the seller had a tracking number which was delivered, but I got a letter from the post office to confirm that the package wasn't sent to my address - but because it had been delivered, Paypal wouldn't refund, but the bank would. Would make for a pretty easy scam - just set up a mail forwarder in each country you want to scam, and send yourself a tracked, empty box. Mail forwarder signs for it on your behalf, and you can tell Paypal the package got there).

I spend $10-15k on Paypal a year now. Being pretty busy and having two kids, means anything I can buy online, I do. I'd love to believe they favour the buyer over the seller - and I do think they have improved since my horror story, but I'm still skeptical.
I think the sellers can scam that % number. Perhaps they have their eBay friends buy lots and lots of $0.01 items. I don't know if there is a minimum fee Paypal or eBay charges. I bought a $1.00 item with free shipping just to test out my Paypal and eBay account years ago.
This people's battery had been delayed by this reason:

About Canadian international mail delays description

Dear Customer:

Our company received Canada Post notice: since the beginning of March, the Canada Border Services Agency to reduce international mail inspection personnel, and because imports mail increased, leading to the recent export to Canada's international mail (especially Vancouver) received a large number of delays, Canada Post will actively coordinate additional staff to handle he backlog of mail.

China Post International Business Group

We never had this problem before,it only take 7-8 weeks normally in the past few year.And this delay problem will be resolved soon.Lots of goods had been deliveried now
Sorry for all the inconvenience!!
This is the same reply I have repeatedly received. Canada post didn,t even get the battery till June 3, or 15 weeks after I bought it. You were going to resolve this in early may, so you said, and since then, all I get is this email, or ones like it. Now your saying it will be resolved soon again. So tell us, how? When? Do you consider after all this, that finally refunding me makes you someone to be trusted? A decent human being? Are you going to send me another battery, so I can wait till winter to get it? Even if I was stupid enough to believe you, how does any of it help me, when it,s freakin July allready! What a sad joke this guy.