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The Ebiker Joke thread...

Twas the night before Winter Solstice (or insert fav holiday here), when all through the house (or wherEVer)
Not a creature was stirring, not EVen an ebiker.
The stockings were hung by the chimney (or wherEVer) with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas (or insert wattEVer ebiker saint you wish to pick, eg Saint Justin) soon would be there.

The young ones were nestled all snug in their beds (or boxes, etc),
While visions of Lithium (Ion, Iron, etc, etc) danced in their heads.
And mamma in her `kerchief, and I in my cap/helmet,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's snore (or nap).

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed (cot, etc) to see watt was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash (usually not a good sign, for an ebiker), Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast (not THAT sort of "breast", silly!) of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below.
When, watt to my wandering eyes should appear,
But a huge sleigh, with eight old reindeer sitting in the back.

With some fat old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St.Justin.
More rapid than eagles his sleigh came (in was "Google"-powered, of course),
And he whistled, and shouted, and called his venison by name!

"Relax now Dasher! relax now, Dancer! (the names have been changed, to protect the guilty) chill Prancer and
Vixen! And, Comet! and, Cupid! chill, chill Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch (or whEVer)! to the top of the wall (if it's not TOO high)!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As ebikes that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, bounce up at the sky.
So up to the house-top the Google-powered (TM) propellers they flew,
With the sleigh full of goodies, and the old fat guy too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning awound,
Down the chimney (wattEVer) St Nicholas came with a bound.

He/she was dressed all in dead animals, from his/her head to his/her foot,
And his/her clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot (sure sounds like a chimney to me).
A bundle of goodies he/she had flung on his/her back,
And he/she looked like a peddler (not to be confused to an antique, pedal-only thingee), just opening his/her pack.

His/her eyes - how they twinkled! his/her dimples how merry! His/her butt cheeks were like roses, his/her nose like a cherry/wattEVer!
His/her droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his/her chin (?!!!) was as white as the slush.

The stump of a pipe he held in his/her teeth (Hey Santa, that better not be tobacco!),
And the fragrence encircled his/her head like a wreath.
He/she had a broad face and a not-so-little belly,
That shook when he/she guffawed, like a bowlful of jellied stuff.

He/she was kinda chubby and "plump", a right jolly, really old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him/her, in spite of myself!
A wink of his/her eye and a twist of his/her neck,
Soon gave me to know I need only be a little disturbed.

He/she spoke not a word (again, suggests a guy), but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk (no relation).
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, back up the chimney/wherEVer he rose!

He/she sprang to their sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him/her exclaim, `ere they drove out of sight,
"Happy (insert pop festival here) to all, and to all a good-night!"

- With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore, who wrote the original poem in 1822, and is probably just a really, really, really old guy now.
Oh goody! I just moved again, and when I can get my rusty borken steed (electric tricycle) back on the road, my new neighbourhood library has free parking for the "disabled". Well, I suppose anyone parking their "electric vehicle" by taking up one of their few parking places might be an "inconvenience". Oh well.
WARNING! May be harmful to your health! Millions killed, incalculable numbers injured!

...if cars came with warning labels like cigarettes...
Seen in a current TV commercial:
It's time to rethink diseasal! (My spelling may or not be correct.)

Well, ebikers HAVE already rethought.. Unfortunately, diseasal in no longer in the equation for transportation.
Q:How an ebiker guy might test whether his grrrl is a TRUE ebiker?

A: He might give his lady friend a couple of test tickles. (Errr, or something like that.)
Meanwhile, in the ES thread "List of folks that HATE the electric bicycle",

Spandex crew Viewed 574 times

poland team Viewed 480 times

Go Grrrls Go! Can't let those sneaky salami hiding guys win! (Betcha those guys are cheating. They maybe use an electric assist to go the distance.) Ebikers stand up too, but for different reasons maybe.)
Announcing the new ES Rum, "Ebiker Justin"! (Or just use a felt-tip pen thingee to cross out "Sailor Jerry", and add your own name or fav ebiker gawd.)
Electrons. Watt make the electric bike world go `round.
Stay Tuned! Next (on the TV show titled "Operation Repo"), some tattooed folks reclaim an electric bicycle from some low life.
In the news today, GEBA (the Global Electric Bicycle Association, see earlier in this thread) promotes the idea of ONE (horsepower for all). After all, for thousands of years on our little ball of dirt (aka "earth"), folks travelled around "horseless", and many EVentually used one horse, dog, etc. Then "graduated" to a "team" of animals, including oxen, for larger v-hickles (see eg "prairie schooner", "stagecoach". A stagecoach might weigh 2-3000 pounds, plus the weight of the "team").

Millions (of car, etc drivers) object, insisting they may need hundreds of horses (or equivalent) to pull their v-hickles at many times the speed of urban speed limits (watt they promise nEVer to do), and besides, those small animals and pedestrians, cyclists, etc are kinda "lumpy" when they run over them. Can damage the tires, suspension, etc. Not fair!
I'll see your Petro dollar, and raise you TWO electro dollars.
Game Over.
Hey, Central Coast CA! (I am totally jealous, you know, if ya don't all slide into the ocean, I mean.) And Hippy New Year 2U2! Better late than never, I guess. *MY* "new year" was on December 21st, when our sun starts it climb to our north again. (Or, to be more correct, our planet keeps wobbling. Something like that. Our Oz/African/etc friends may not be so happy.)
Kielbasa! I don't know a word of the Polish language, but as I understand it, it is a greeting used by Polish male cycling racers when they meet a woman athlete in another competitive sport. For more info, see here:
I guess this old news to many on Endless (the spheriod planet), but from Italy, citizens of Pompeii were shocked recently when "their" neighbourhood volcano sorta blew up good. Rumor has it, one joker was briefly selling hotdogs and marshmallows. See also the post re "1800 and Froze to Death", on ES here:

Meanwhile, in current news, the citizens of San Miguel in eastern El Salvador were shocked when "their" volcano (watt they thought was just a bushy mountain - a Chaparrastique - apparently) also started to blow up real good.

Oddly, it seems history keeps repeating itself. Seems I missed out on an opportunity. Shoulda flew down there and sold pies. After all, EVerybuddy loves crust on their pies don't they!
Anti gasoline/diseasal TV ad, "I am a social farter", on yeehaw (Youtube) here:
The Secret to Losing (Woah!) 175 Pounds, seen here:

GEBA recommends getting an electric bike (has "weight loss"/pedaling built in, as a no charge option!).

Friends and families of problem gasoline burners find understanding and support at Car-Anon meetings.

(brought to you by lovers of electric traction.)
HA! Grrrl with the dragon tattoo? I'll see your dragon, and raise you an electric bicycle.

I win!
In the news today, Canada bans incandescent light bulbs, seen eg here:

In related news, dim bulbs (that can't understand simple math) line up to buy out remaining stocks from stores.
GEBA declares the car manufacturers an endangered species! (Like the little mosquito, that likes to suck blood from various other animals.) Car manufacturers protest! But God is on our side! But some suggest their god looks very familiar (He appears to have horns on his head, a tail, walks on cloven hooves, and carries a fishy thingee.)
Electric bicycles viewable from space! (Swarms of ebikes have been seen by binoculars in and around the city of Amsterdam.)
Live better electrically! (Ebikers live waaaay better, for their transportation needs.)
In the news today, seen here:

In part:
Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli unveiled Ontario's long-term energy policy in early December, and it wasn't pretty. It was an especially tough pill to swallow for folks already struggling to make ends meet in Ontario.

Ontario households can expect a 33 per cent increase in our energy bills over the next three years and will see prices continue to soar over the next 20 years.

In 2013, the government tells us, the typical family's monthly hydro bill was $125. Five years from now, in 2018, it will be $178 -- a $53-per-month increase. That means within five years we will pay an additional $636 per year.

Think about the average individual in Ontario earning minimum wage. This person brings in $21,320 in annual earnings, and pays $616 per year in provincial income tax.

The increases to our energy bills alone over the next five years are greater than the amount of income tax paid by a minimum wage earner in Ontario. This hike equates to more than doubling the income tax of a low-income earner in Ontario.

Some ebikers laugh at this news. The money they are already saving in not buying any gasoline for their transportation needs is? Ermmm, when WAS the last time an ebiker bought gasoline anyway? Myself, about 20 years, more or less.
In one study, 100 percent of folks experienced a decreased drive. (Watt, you though I meant SEX drive? So, you actually believe there is truth in advertising???) In this case, it actually IS true, when it comes to the cost of driving a vehicle. (see "electric traction")