Think trump will testify at his own impeachment?

So you two are like not talking or something?

Voltron said:
I'll bang the drum again about watching the impeachment. I understand what seems like the futility of it, and yesterday was just doing it out of civic duty.
But by today, its become incredibly soothing to hear every reasonable argument and point made here about the events of the last couple of years, now repeated in such clear, undeniable, calm discourse, and knowing it won't be refuted with ad hominem attacks, Scott Adams videos and brainwashed minion accusations. I don't know what their defense will be, but at the end of it, every one in the country will know that if there isn't a conviction, it won't be because he isn't guilty, and any attempts to rewrite the actual events will be seen for what they are too.

At least they will know where Trump is living. But the impeachment is just for show as they can't get 67 total votes even though a few Republicans have crossed over. Its really a waste of time during covid, but the Dems want the votes come 2024.
Trump Now The ‘Mayor’ Of Mar-A-Lago, Lawyer Claims In Bid To Let Him Live There

makes him a “bona fide employee” of Mar-a-Lago and qualifies him to live there, a lawyer for the former president argued Tuesday.
So how much video of Trump did they show? Would that be considered testifying?

And did anyone there take up this suggestion of putting FOX on trial with him? They showed a lot of FOX footage, right?

Trump won 57/43
need 67 to convict, 57 guilty not enough
Matt Gruber said:
Trump won 57/43
need 67 to convict, 57 guilty not enough

Hardly no ones talking about that
They know its a show, its a grand standing show.
Let the ink dry for the history books and have some ammo come 2023 campaign season for 2024.
Yeah, I got your video evidence right here. Look at what is actually being said by both sides. One side is angrily screaming 'Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.' But youre dealing with Doug here, I'll have me a look at what the dog saw.

I'm sure the flying monkeys will rage at this.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. I wish Trump understood that what he says was and still is far more important than most or even all the senators, congressmen, celebrities. Doesn't make him evil for losing sight of that, but when even people who vote for them acknowledge that Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, etc. are fools before they speak, he would have been well served to decide he didn't want to sink anywhere near their level.
