Vesc Tool help!!


10 W
Jul 28, 2016
So I just received my Flipsky 75100 and I'm trying to set it up to run my sensorless Heinzmann PMS080 middrive.
I downloaded Vesc_Tool3.1 and connected via USB cable.
It wanted a firmware update before it would do anything else so now it's running 5.3 and calling itself 75_300_R2.
I configured the throttle input and ran the "Setup motors FOC". It spun the motor as it did its thing and declared it was successful. However when I try my throttle it just kinda grunts the motor over a few degrees at a time.
What have I missed?
There's a thread on that controller with several recent posts on configuration and firmware, not sure if there's a solution to your issue in there but similar issues are being discussed:
So I managed to get my motor spinning, but only up to 1600 rpm. When I ran it on BLDC settings with this controller, it would hit 5000 rpm. What setting should I be looking at to correct this?
It also doesn't want to start from a standstill on its own. Gotta give it a bit of a push start.
I'm trying to solve the same problem running vesc tool 3.0 and 5.2 firmware on a sensored MY1020 inrunner motor. Cuts out at very low rpm with no load like it's hitting some limit. I manually set all voltage and current parameters to safe limits immediately after motor detection. Still working on it........
Nothing I've tried on this 75100 works. Probably some software incompatibility crap or flat out defective. I give up... good luck Archer.

(Update edit): I eventually got my motor spinning on vesc-tool 3.1 with 5.3 firmware but with as yet unsolved throttle cutouts on the street.

Archer321- a different sensorless motor/vesc setup I had never started properly from standstill. That's tweaked under FOC HFI settings but may not fix it.