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World Domination, I just got my self a 3d Printer!!!

We'll see, thanks for the support!:). I do have an avr programmer (adafruit programmer), so I should be set. I've just heard horror stories, but, you know, no one ever posts "hey my printer arrived without problems." I just need to finish up some work so I'll actually be free when the printer comes in :p.
Perhaps you could print some wheels nechaus!
to complicated for my printer lol,
im limited to PLA at the moment as well, but i never expected to see that design make it onto mtb,
im interested to see how it goes... no more flats !
Back to some basics.

I got a great print tonight with the MakerBot. I hate rafts, always prefer to print raftless. I took the painters tape off (which ripped up my Kapton tape), laid a new layer of Kapton (I'm getting the hang of it, goes on pretty quick), and smeared on some ABS infused acetone. Just something like 1/2 cup of acetone with a little bit of ABS dissolved in, applied onto the surface with a paper towel.

The print sticks great. The print came out perfect. But since it sticks so well, you have to wait for the print to cool completely, and thus to shrink just a bit, which allows the print to come off more easily (the shrinking breaks the bond partially).

I'm going to press my luck and print some more...
My printer arrives last week. I was in california for under a week (I.e, I wasn't at home, with my printer, in massachusetts), but I finally got it running two days ago. My first experiences with Replicator-G_37 and pronterface were pretty mediocre. Same with skeinforge, but I suspect I didn't put the work into optimizing skeinforge because I was just struggling a bit.

However, the next day, I started using repetier and slicr3, and watched a software tutorial by IanJohnson, and I've been printing for the last 24 hours some great stuff!! :D. I'm super excited. So far only one disaster print, which was a twisted cup overnight that got halfway before it turns into a crazy angry birds nest. I suspect slicr3 hadn't properly sliced it, because the slicing time had been over an hour and it usually doesn't take remotely that long.

I'll try to get up pictures soon. So far I'm just dumping loads of thingiverse files in an attempt to better see what works and doesn't, and what I need to do. I really need to focus on a project at work though, so I haven't had time to really post-process or document much of the files I'd I've printed (what needs to be fixed, etc.) I hope I'll have time to do my own files and print those after the next week.

I also had problems with sticking. I replaced the kaptop tape and at the same time starting using a small bit of unscented hair spray, and that's done wonders. I also have a heated bed, which can only reach ~100C with the resistors it's using (takes quite a while to get to temp- this is a lowend heated bed), but I put some cardboard on it while it heats, and set to 110c, so that the cardboard (insulation) allows the bed to get up in temp for the first few layers. I take off the cardboard before I start running the print, of course.
sounds awesome and interesting,

once you print something, you should post your print time, settings ect. even a screen shot.

sounds like you got yourself a good printer!

we can have a printer race to compare our printers
Here is something cool I found as well - Using an XBox Kinect sensor + free software package called ReconstructMe (http://reconstructme.net/) + Netfabb you can create 3 dimensional scans of objects that can be scaled and printed on a 3D printer.

Thats just plain nuts! They had some photos of 3D printed portraits of people who attended a gallery where they watched themselves being printed :shock:
I read this whole thread, thanks for all the kick ass documentation nechaus. I will be ordering a 3d printer by the end of the week :twisted: I am trying to decide between all the printers <$900 and it is making my head hurt. I am leaning towards prusa mendel version 2.

Ill be sure to post pics when I'm up and running. I would love to see how the Solidoodle turns out, nice price, and assembled.
Hey mate.. sounds awesome .. iv learnt a fair bit more since the older posts.. I may have posted some incorrect information but you prob get the idea :)

If I was to buy another printer id prob get one with a smaller print bed like 100x 100x 100/200mm height.. most of the time I personally print smaller objects ... but just make sure you check out RepRap.org b4 you buy , check out reviews ect..
I really admire theo jansen. Yeah, I think he might be crazy, but he's also very interesting. Some of his creatures are so beautiful.

I don't know if there are 3D printed files for any of his designs freely available on the web...but the general principles are well documented.
Some engineers have rather special minds.. regardless I have respect for them.

That bloke sounds pretty into his walkers .. its a very unique machine .. pretty awesome.. if I had the files id definitely be printing them and release them into the wild lol
Wish me luck guys.

When my MakerBot pisses me off - by jamming, head crashing, and generally f'ing prints up - that little vein on my forehead starts to bulge out and I get the urge to toss the damn thing into the fireplace with a little lighter fluid...

To date I get a grip, count to 10, and walk away. For weeks or months!

Right now it's heating up to build... a bicycle part of course. I think the last set of f-ups were related to how I was feeding the ABS plastic. I put the spool on a spindle (a rear bike hub - has bearings, turns nicely). But the way things were set up, the ABS would lay close to the top of the 'bot. I think it was absorbing heat, and once the plastic heated up enough it would be too soft to feed into the extruder head, ruining the print.

Now I have the plastic go from the spindle, to a hook hung from the ceiling, then straight down to the printer. The plastic feeding into the bot won't heat up as much now. Hopefully I can get through this next print without incident. I'm all out of lighter fluid, but I have a 16oz can of acetone...
Good luck mate, I can imagine how you feel, it also can be frustrating when you think you have isolated the problem and turns out to be something completely different.

I had a clogged hot end for awhile, thought it was the extruded not gripping the pla

To date iv been through about 5 or 6 hot ends, last week changed from a .7 back to. 4 , this new one seems to work much nicer and needs less heat than the previous one ..
Righto nechaus, where do I plug it in ;)


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