Thank you everyone

The controllers that come with the yescom kits don't have a plug for the Direct Plug (DP) CA. You could make your own if you knew how, but otherwise you'd need the SA CA.
wesnewell said:
The controllers that come with the yescom kits don't have a plug for the Direct Plug (DP) CA. You could make your own if you knew how, but otherwise you'd need the SA CA.

Could I just use the same wires that the led display is on and put the correct plugs on?
Simple818 said:
wesnewell said:
The controllers that come with the yescom kits don't have a plug for the Direct Plug (DP) CA. You could make your own if you knew how, but otherwise you'd need the SA CA.

Could I just use the same wires that the led display is on and put the correct plugs on?

If it has +/- shunt, Hall speed, throttle and battery VDC it's possible. If not, you can likely open the controller and bring those services out for connection.

I've swapped couple CA's to DP or SA and vice versa. It's not hard and Grin documentation is 2nd to none so if you don't need SA you can save a few bucks on external shunt and enjoy cleaner wiring runs.