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Trump supporters admit being tricked.


10 kW
Jan 16, 2020
Apple Valley, California
Trump supporters admit being tricked...


Trump supporters that had to learn their lesson the hard way. The lesson? Listening to and not recognizing the hype this con man has spewed for the last 4 years. Now, they see what those that have been yelling about Trump's narcissism and authoritarianism have understood from the beginning of his first campaign.

But now that they've voted him in office, how to get him out? Well, it may not be the first choice, but it certainly isn't the only choice. Either vote this lying loser in for another four years (maybe 12 - he's already trying), and continue the downward spiral or stand up, count the losses, ... and vote him out.

Whether the vote is for Biden or not, a vote for Trump is a vote for four more years of the same turmoil. Listening to more of the documented 20,000 and growing lies that he has spoke since taking office. Only it will get worse, because with a win he will be boldened beyond belief, and then there will be no end to his ripping this country apart. And don't forget about his henchmen in his administration, and the Senate, that does his bidding, no matter what the Constitution, or laws of the land say.

For hard core Trumper's my gut wrenches thinking about you wanting to follow, what is essentially a clone of dictators like Putin, Xi, Un. And their authoritarian control over their respective countries...and the people. And how you don't comprehend that this country under Trump is headed in the same direction, and current day Belarus.

If you still don't see that Trump is only interested in Trump, and what he can get out of his time in office, whether it be financial, or his attempt to attain as much power as he can. If you don't have the mental capacity or desire to see that,...then be careful for what you do see.
The Biden supporters haven't learned anything.

Remarkably lame attempt. BTW, your "quote" from A.C. Clarke is not accurate. He didn't shout it out, and didn't use an exclamation point. Unlike some here, he was a calm, rational man. Not right about everything, and not convinced that he was, either, AFAIK.
LeftieBiker said:
Remarkably lame attempt. BTW, your "quote" from A.C. Clarke is not accurate. He didn't shout it out, and didn't use an exclamation point. Unlike some here, he was a calm, rational man. Not right about everything, and not convinced that he was, either, AFAIK.

Huh? Do you have a point you'd like to make?

Just_Ed said:
Whether the vote is for Biden or not, a vote for Trump is a vote for four more years of the same turmoil.
Yep. And it looks like he just lost the veteran's vote. Veterans tend to not like presidents who call them losers and suckers.
JackFlorey said:
Just_Ed said:
Whether the vote is for Biden or not, a vote for Trump is a vote for four more years of the same turmoil.
Yep. And it looks like he just lost the veteran's vote. Veterans tend to not like presidents who call them losers and suckers.

Count me in on that one. 20 years service and my first assignment was in Etain, France which was only 15 minutes from one of those cemeteries in Verdun.

Trump is not upset about the remarks he made...it's the fact that he got caught. AGAIN!

"Back in his 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Trump made it clear that he believed himself to be more knowledgeable than the military’s leadership. “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me,” he bragged in November 2015. “They don’t know much because they’re not winning,” he reiterated in June 2016."

One would have to be really callous, to be military, and either separated, retired or still on active duty, and want to vote for this coward and 'loser'.
Just_Ed said:
Trump supporters admit being tricked...


Trump supporters that had to learn their lesson the hard way. The lesson? Listening to and not recognizing the hype this con man has spewed for the last 4 years. Now, they see what those that have been yelling about Trump's narcissism and authoritarianism have understood from the beginning of his first campaign.

But now that they've voted him in office, how to get him out? Well, it may not be the first choice, but it certainly isn't the only choice. Either vote this lying loser in for another four years (maybe 12 - he's already trying), and continue the downward spiral or stand up, count the losses, ... and vote him out.

Whether the vote is for Biden or not, a vote for Trump is a vote for four more years of the same turmoil. Listening to more of the documented 20,000 and growing lies that he has spoke since taking office. Only it will get worse, because with a win he will be boldened beyond belief, and then there will be no end to his ripping this country apart. And don't forget about his henchmen in his administration, and the Senate, that does his bidding, no matter what the Constitution, or laws of the land say.

For hard core Trumper's my gut wrenches thinking about you wanting to follow, what is essentially a clone of dictators like Putin, Xi, Un. And their authoritarian control over their respective countries...and the people. And how you don't comprehend that this country under Trump is headed in the same direction, and current day Belarus.

If you still don't see that Trump is only interested in Trump, and what he can get out of his time in office, whether it be financial, or his attempt to attain as much power as he can. If you don't have the mental capacity or desire to see that,...then be careful for what you do see.

One thing that may help your little campaign here is to part show sources for all the claims you make... I count 11 or so in this bit already. not everyone has the time to validate all their positions, much less someone else's... even more so when many search engines attempt to feed you what they think you want rather than what you need....
sn0wchyld said:
One thing that may help your little campaign here is to part show sources for all the claims you make... I count 11 or so in this bit already. not everyone has the time to validate all their positions, much less someone else's... even more so when many search engines attempt to feed you what they think you want rather than what you need....

OK, I'm not sure which side of the fence you are sitting, so I'll be kind.
Some clarity would be welcomed. I offered the one source for the post.

The remaining is my opinion, and requires no factual source for the purpose of my making the statements.

About referencing 'sources'...what 11 or so are you talking about?
Are they really relevant to the point of the post? Which was the material offered in the video.

Should I source 'here' all 20,000 plus lies that he has said over the last four years...as an example?
Just_Ed said:
OK, I'm not sure which side of the fence you are sitting, so I'll be kind.
Some clarity would be welcomed. I offered the one source for the post.

The remaining is my opinion, and requires no factual source for the purpose of my making the statements.

About referencing 'sources'...what 11 or so are you talking about?
Are they really relevant to the point of the post? Which was the material offered in the video.

Should I source 'here' all 20,000 plus lies that he has said over the last four years...as an example?

"OK, I'm not sure which side of the fence you are sitting, so I'll be kind."
This should not factor if you want to convince anyone. Being an Ahole or 'nice' (or not) simply because someone disagrees with you will not aid your objective (assuming it is, and not just a ploy to enable a rant).

"Should I source 'here' all 20,000 plus lies that he has said over the last four years...as an example?"
A link that demonstrates the 20k would be sufficient... no need to be absurd (see above comment). I did after all point to 11 examples (of which 20k lies etc is one) not 20 010.

some of your (as yet) unsubstantiated claims, rough order:
1. admit being tricked (will look at vid... but form 2018 more recent would be good)
2. now they understand WRT authoritarianism...
3. maybe 12
4. count the losses (what ones)
5. turmoil (ie demonstrate this is his doing, devoid of influence by others)
6. 20k lies etc
7. will get worse/no end
8. no matter what the constitution
9. clone of dictators like
10. headed in the same direction/belarus
11. trump in trump

Each is a claim that you haven't exactly supported with anything beyond that, aclaim. Again if your only object here is to rant to the converted and troll the trumpets then fine, I don't see the point, but whatever. Its the toxic zone after all. If not... well... hence this post. I for one am at least curious.
sn0wchyld said:
Just_Ed said:
OK, I'm not sure which side of the fence you are sitting, so I'll be kind.
Some clarity would be welcomed. I offered the one source for the post.

The remaining is my opinion, and requires no factual source for the purpose of my making the statements.

About referencing 'sources'...what 11 or so are you talking about?
Are they really relevant to the point of the post? Which was the material offered in the video.

Should I source 'here' all 20,000 plus lies that he has said over the last four years...as an example?

"OK, I'm not sure which side of the fence you are sitting, so I'll be kind."
This should not factor if you want to convince anyone. Being an Ahole or 'nice' (or not) simply because someone disagrees with you will not aid your objective (assuming it is, and not just a ploy to enable a rant).

"Should I source 'here' all 20,000 plus lies that he has said over the last four years...as an example?"
A link that demonstrates the 20k would be sufficient... no need to be absurd (see above comment). I did after all point to 11 examples (of which 20k lies etc is one) not 20 010.

some of your (as yet) unsubstantiated claims, rough order:
1. admit being tricked (will look at vid... but form 2018 more recent would be good)
2. now they understand WRT authoritarianism...
3. maybe 12
4. count the losses (what ones)
5. turmoil (ie demonstrate this is his doing, devoid of influence by others)
6. 20k lies etc
7. will get worse/no end
8. no matter what the constitution
9. clone of dictators like
10. headed in the same direction/belarus
11. trump in trump

Each is a claim that you haven't exactly supported with anything beyond that, aclaim. Again if your only object here is to rant to the converted and troll the trumpets then fine, I don't see the point, but whatever. Its the toxic zone after all. If not... well... hence this post. I for one am at least curious.

Ok I won't belabor your reply. You are just jumping on the bandwagon of other trolls who's job it is to avoid using adult language to discus the pro's and con's of a subject, instead attacking the poster.

I realize that the point of my post is not what you want to discuss. I get that your only reason for replying to my post was to 'educate me' on the form and format, do's and don'ts and proper protocol of rant opinion posting.

Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if anyone ever reponds to my posts. The responders are not my target audience.

Each is a claim that you haven't exactly supported with anything beyond that... and that sir/madam is the definition of an 'opinion'.

Learn to pronounce

* a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
* the beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing.
* an estimation of the quality or worth of someone or something.
sn0wchyld said:
A link that demonstrates the 20k would be sufficient...

JackFlorey said:
sn0wchyld said:
A link that demonstrates the 20k would be sufficient...


Thank you JackFlorey. That should keep him/her busy for quite awhile. Assuming he/she can/will read them all.

"Trump supporters admit to being tricked" aka....fooled.

A quote from Stephen King...“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.”

That is a great quote, except for one tiny assumption.
An assumption that those doing the fooling or those being fooled actually know what shame is, and would respond to it.

So far, 'my opinion' is that Mr Trump, has all his enablers, and followers fooled and they have no shame, therefore it's a mute point to offer. And on go the lies. If Trump wins another 8-?? years, he will have accumulated enough lies, so that we won't need space ships to the moon. We'll just walk on the layer of lies Trump has/will lay down.

Do you wonder if he is trying to match his number of lies to the nearly 200,000 deaths.

Forget about politics. For the life of me I just can't get it through my head how 'anyone' on this planet would put 'any' trust in this low life human being.

I would not trust Trump to hold my child's hand, let alone have him tell me it is safe for 'my' child to go back to school. This low life's arrogance is a danger to all of us, including his enablers and followers.

Just look at him.
'Praise 'me', for 'I' am the power and the glory'.
* Color of remark totally on purpose
With that smirk on his face, soaking up all that his worshipers are bestowing.


You may have missed my point here.....I am bitter, I am angry, I am worried, I am frustrated by this low life that thinks he is Gods gift to all of humanity. This is not your normal 'tit for tat' mud slinging that occurs every election. This is about the attempt by a narcissistic con man, to convert our society to authoritarianism, with him installed as it's leader. Pure and simple. Nothing more nothing less.

One last ranting comment....I have voted for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents over the years. This year if you are Republican you can kiss my A%#. You want to support this tyrant...then pay the price.
Because you all know polls are accurate and trustworthy, remember when the polls said Hitlery Cliton was 100% win. Good ole polls.
markz » Sep 23 2020 7:27pm

Because you all know polls are accurate and trustworthy, remember when the polls said Hitlery Cliton was 100% win. Good ole polls.
Secretary Clinton did win the Vote, polls were right. But the Electoral College voted against the people's wishes. Some States (not all) had to enact laws to stop this.
Oh, you think the polls are so accurate, all the states they said Hillary would win but she took maybe 60% of them. Making absolutely no provision for mentioning how many people refused to participate in their polls, in some states more than half declined to state and they called Hillary the leader until the voting came.

Oh, but you've assured yourself it isn't that way this year. All those slanted polls in Biden's favor are going to be as accurate as you want them to be.

ZeroEm said:
But the Electoral College voted against the people's wishes.

Oh yeah? Name one. Oops, they did act as their voters said. The state expressing the most displeasure as I recall was Minnesota, where most counties went Trump. But the two most populous were like California, ridiculously one sided as they mindlessly voted for Hillary, greatly infuriating the other 70% who held a real election and voted more for Trump. I think several Hillary states made that complaint.

Didn't turn out to be important, what they called a blue wall turned out to be a red wall. And the states you say voted to changed it changed absolutely nothing, with their laws in place for 2016 Trump still wins, afterall. And it won't be legal, governors have tried to send electors for someone who did NOT win that state before, the only thing that matters is FEDERAL law. So odd that Democrats these days keep trying to tyrannize EVERYTHING, eh? Good thing we have the Electoral College to stop them.
ZeroEm said:
markz » Sep 23 2020 7:27pm

Because you all know polls are accurate and trustworthy, remember when the polls said Hitlery Cliton was 100% win. Good ole polls.
Secretary Clinton did win the Vote, polls were right. But the Electoral College voted against the people's wishes. Some States (not all) had to enact laws to stop this.
I'd have a little more respect if they waited until after they won in the existing system, or did this early 2016 before the election rather than after. Doing as they did simply screams sore loser... they can't win the game so claim it's rigged in order to rig it for next time. Next time they loose, even if 10,20 etc years from now they will winge that they should have won on the original way and try to change it back...

Even if I liked the dems/ Hillary id call that a woefully pathetic move. If it's so bad why only change it after it impacts you? Because you done believe what you say... just like post election when after months of laughing at the mere suggestion that the election night be rigged suddenly it is the only exploitation for how they lost... after claiming fire months that trump and his supporters would never accept a loss and would get violent etc... went right into denying their own loss, and getting violent etc.

Pot, meet kettle.
sn0wchyld said:
... just like post election when after months of laughing at the mere suggestion that the election night be rigged suddenly it is the only exploitation for how they lost... after claiming fire months that trump and his supporters would never accept a loss and would get violent etc... went right into denying their own loss, and getting violent etc.

Pot, meet kettle.

Meanwhile they're doing all their planning to repeat themselves. All the raging, inflammatory rhetoric about not conceding when they've lost, getting ready for another NAZI uprising as they had in 2016. Meanwhile just let Trump remind that the Democrats have recreated a problem with the mail in ballots and there won't be ANYTHING smooth, they start lying about what he said.

Well don't like the Dem's, We needed Biden in 2016, not now. But seems like my choice is always what's better for our country. Did not say Good. It's like the choice of picking up hard dog turds or a pile of runny stuff with your fingers. It all smells, but one seems better than the other.
The great thing is that you don't have to make that choice. The public vote does not determine the result of the election. The electors ( about 5000 people ) make the decision to put that blood on their hands.

The last election was pretty good proof. Hillary won the public vote, yet you'll notice she didn't become president.

Please don't participate in our sham voting system. It is a waste of time and signals to the government that you still believe in doublespeak about how our election system works. Why willingly cooperate with a corrupt autocracy?
Please don't participate in our sham voting system. It is a waste of time and signals to the government that you still believe in doublespeak about how our election system works. Why willingly cooperate with a corrupt autocracy?

There is enough at stake here that I would instead suggest voting for Biden in states that are "in play" like Wisconsin or Pennsylvania and doing whatever you feel is right in "locked" states like New York or Alabama. The electoral system doesn't mean that no one's vote counts - it means that only some peoples' votes count.