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Search results

  1. eSurfer

    What eBike stuff is Santa going to bring you?

    I'm looking at new bike tomorrow, but Santa probably will back out.
  2. eSurfer

    What is your preferred cruising speed on a bike trail?

    What speed is comfortable for you when you are on a bike only trail? I used to go full throttle 32 MPH at all times, zooming past traditional cyclists, until the newness of the speed wore off. Now I find that 18 MPH is the most fun. Less stressful, more peaceful, safer, more courteous to...
  3. eSurfer

    Came within inches of being killed on my eBike today

    I work at a school that is located in a residential neighborhood. I was going up the street arriving at my school doing about 19 or 20 MPH. The driveway into the parking lot is located on a sharp right curve, that is so sharp it's a blind curve. Stuck out my left arm to signal I was making a...
  4. eSurfer

    Flimsy, broken battery rack.

    I know this is all my fault, but the battery rack located on the back of my bike has broken twice. In one spot, it stuck up in a way that made a convenient handle for lifting the bike...until it broke off when I lifted the bike by it a number of times. Ok, I can work around that, I said. Now...
  5. eSurfer

    Best Self-Defense for a Lady on an eBike?

    My wife just got an eBike and is going to the grocery store and running errands on it. A lot of the things she does requires her to go up the SART (Santa Ana River Trail) here in Orange County. The trail is great, but there are a bunch of questionable characters wandering about on it. There...
  6. eSurfer

    Turning on you bike while charging?

    I was charging my bike the other day, and a doofus friend of mine turned on my bike while the charger was connected. I quickly turned it off again, but now the charger does not work. Don't know if the broken charger is related to turning on the bike. Checked the fuse and it is OK, charger...
  7. eSurfer

    Using Hubmotor Drag for Resistance Training

    Ironically, I have been riding my hub-motor, eBike a lot without ever turning it on. I've found it's a great way to get a good workout in a short time. The magnetic resistance of the hub motor is like the resistance of an exercise bike or elliptical machine. Pretty hard to pedal, but doable...
  8. eSurfer

    Should I make my classic Intense Tracer into an eBike?

    I have one of the early Intense Tracers, 1998 or 1999 I think, that I have ridden as a traditional mountain bike for many years. Was heavily into trail riding and hill climbs, but I'm not really into MTB anymore, mostly because of fears of hurting myself as I am getting old. Does anyone know...
  9. eSurfer

    How Fast is 2000 W?

    Just for fun, I've been thinking about converting my old Intense Tracer into an eBike. Was thinking about putting a 48V 1000W hub motor on the back wheel and another similar motor on the front. So the result would be 2000W, right? I would use it mostly on the street. I know there are a lot...
  10. eSurfer

    Bolt in the road went through my tire AND WHEEL. Trash it?

    Freak accident: Riding on the side of the highway this afternoon, a loose bolt in the road punctured my rear tire and before I could get to a stop, went right through my wheel too. The one with the motor. 1. I would like to try to save the wheel, but I'm worried that it's a lost cause...
  11. eSurfer

    What's with the word "Cheater"?

    I can almost never ride the SART trail anymore without someone calling me a cheater. Today a lycra guy screamed it at me as he passed going the other way. So loud that I jumped. Ticked me off this time. Do they really think we want to compete with them and are cheating? What has brought...
  12. eSurfer

    How many miles do you put on your eBike per month?

    I was a little surprised that I have ridden about 200 miles each month in the two months I have had my eBike. Much of that is commuting to work. I'll bet that many of you blow that number away. How far do you your ride each month?
  13. eSurfer

    Did you go for a ride on Easter Sunday?

    I loaded my two dogs on my eBike today and went for nice ride on the SART trail. The dogs love it. Anybody else go for a ride today?
  14. eSurfer

    What is the demographic for eBikers?

    This guy was telling me that eBikers are all a bunch of overweight, middle-aged men. I'm finding that difficult to accept. Can you shed some light on that comment?
  15. eSurfer

    Funny spoof on the lycra clad gang

    I apologize if this is old news. My daughter showed me this over the weekend and we laughed. It's overblown, but contains just enough truth to be funny. What do you think? https://youtu.be/V3nMnr8ZirI
  16. eSurfer

    Rude comments from lycras. Should we reply?

    A couple of weeks ago I got this one: "Hey, don't be a fat ass, why don't you just pedal?" My reply was, "Because I'm wearing dress clothes and on my way to work. I'll bet you drive a car to work." I got no reply to this. A couple of days ago I got this one: "Oh no, there's another one. Hey...
  17. eSurfer

    Do you use a helmet mirror?

    I was wondering if anyone uses one of those rearview mirrors that attach to your helmet. If so, are they any good for keeping an eye on cars coming up behind you? Moving at the speed I do on my eBike, I'm nervous about turning and looking behind me sometimes. Here is one I'm looking at...
  18. eSurfer

    What do you think of this bike?

    EDIT: (Question deleted) I originally posted a general question about this eBike as a first ride for my wife. Since I posted, I found some reviews online and they are pretty bad. Poor quality parts and battery. So never mind! Thread won't delete, sorry. Here's the link anyway...
  19. eSurfer

    Tire Pressure Question

    My bike is a typical beach cruiser with a rear hub, Golden Motor/Magic Pie 1000W hub conversion kit. On the motor wheel, I noticed on the side of the tire that it said "Inflate to 40 - 65 LBS" This seemed like a lot to me, I had been riding it at about 35- 40 LBS with no trouble, but was...
  20. eSurfer

    Cars Cutting Me Off: Do Horns Help?

    I'm finding that I am getting cut off by cars much more now that I'm on an eBike. I know it's because I'm going much faster than they expect and think they are past me. Other times drivers see me coming but pull out in front of me, again not realizing that I'm going pretty fast. Has anybody...
  21. eSurfer

    48V 20AH eBike battery made from model airplane batteries

    A guy I know is telling me he is building bike batteries from model airplane batteries for about 1/3 the cost of the bike batteries you see on the market. He buys batteries from China and wires them himself into larger batteries. The cool thing he tells me is that they can be built into...
  22. eSurfer

    My rig for going surfing on my eBike

    Here's my eBike rig for getting to my favorite surf spots (it's also my ride to work on weekdays). The bike is just a beach cruiser that has a Golden Motor/Magic Pie 1000W hub conversion kit and 48V 20AH battery. Does about 30MPH and will go 45 or 50 miles on a charge, if you go 20 or below...
  23. eSurfer

    Hand fatigue from a thumb throttle

    I've been commuting to work for two weeks on my newly acquired eBike, and have been enjoying it immensely. However, I'm finding that my hand, especially my thumb, is hurting holding it in the same position to keep the throttle depressed for extended periods. Is there a better solution than a...
  24. eSurfer

    How do I lock my bike computer?

    I've got an unbreakable, uncutable bike lock for my eBike, but I'm worried about the bike battery/speedo computer on the handlebars. Is there a device, or a way to lock those down? I'm thinking of some sort of small enclosure or case that locks over it. I need something that will keep people...
  25. eSurfer

    Have you experienced bad vibes from traditional bikers?

    My favorite two activities are standup paddleboard surfing, and eBiking. Both are non-traditional ways of doing an established sport. Here in Newport, the traditional surfers hate people in the surf lineup who are on a SUP. I've been flipped off, cussed, stink-eyed, blocked and just about...