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a123 20ah decipher date code puzzle


100 kW
Jun 3, 2010
For usa made a123 20ah cells:
making a new thread, a challenge for anyone to try work out the year of manufacture of a123 20ah cells using the right hand top serial number,
the cell numbers are taken from pictures of a123 20ah cells found on the internet, only pictures that clearly showed the
serial numbers were used.
There are some other serial numbers found on a123 20ah cells which are irrelvant for year/date/month of manufacture the other serial numbers are the same on all cells,
APP2161227 same number on both usa and korean made cells ( top left code)
300386-002 or 300386-USA both denote made in usa ( bottom code)
( 300386-001 denotes made in korea)
So date code must be on the right hand top serial code
Heres a list of numbers found on the net

SHA 10 H 15 00 225
SHA 10 G 12 00 356
SHA 10 M 21 00 824
SHB 11 C 31 01 196
SHB 11 D 11 01 274
SHC 11 H 12 00 109
SHA 11 G 08 03 506
SHC 11 E 18 00 970
SHB 11 D 20 01 449
SHA 10 H 02 00 436
SHA 11 H 09 00 166
SHA 11 H 03 00 900
SHA 12 C 09 00 272
SHD 11 J 12 01 837
SHB 11 H 07 03 282
SHA 12 C 22 00 949
SHB 11 H 09 00 374
SHC 11 E 18 00 970
SHB 11 D 20 01 449
SHB 11 H 22 02 293
SHD 11 H 14 01 445
------ 11 H 12 02 964
SHB 11 H 01 00 220
SHB 11 H 05 01 145
SHC 11 F 23 01 492
SHC 11 F 24 01 376
SHA 12 C 09 00 272
SHB 11 D 11 01 274
SHB 11 C 31 01 196
SHA 12 G 05 01 326
SHB 11 G 15 00 557*
SHB 11 G 15 00 558*
SHA 12 E 16 01 449
SHC 11 G 31 02 380
SHB 11 A 11 00 950
SHA 12 C 22 00 949
SHD 11 F 18 00 443
SHA 11 G 08 03 506
SHB 11 H 07 03 282
SHB 11 F 03 03 120
SHB 11 F 06 00 632
SHB 10 M 17 00 384
SHA 10 H 02 00 436
SHB 11 H 16 00 124
SHA 10 M 21 00 824
SHD 11 H 01 00 802
SHC 11 H 01 00 494
SHB 11 A 11 00 950
SHB 11 G 31 02 385
SHC 11 H 12 00 109
SHA 11 H 09 00 116

The two cells with asterix appear to be consecutive cells from a manufacture batch. Some cells also had P1/p2/p3/p4 inbetween top serial numbers but probably irrelevant for date of manufacture.

Can anyone solve the puzzle? There is no spacing between numbers/letters on the codes, I have put spaces between
numbers/letters just to try my some sense of it.

Note: I did find one fake number on the net
SHD 11 12 01 837 there were two cells sitting next to each other, with exact same serial number.. not likely to happen,
so assume this is fake serial.
month codes
A Jan
B Feb
c March
D April
E May
F June
G July
H August
I --- not used
J September
K October
L November
M December
from the sample of serials posted above
SHA 11 G 08 03 506

on the 8th of august 2011, at least 3,506 cells were produced. assuming cracked the code correctly.
The APP2161227 includes a code to represent pouch footprint.

7.25mm x 160mm x 227mm
excellent, I was wondering why that number was same on all cells ( usa or korean)
As mentioned on the other thread .. the initial 2 characters are always SH .. the 3rd character has only been seen as one of 4 options ... A , B , C , D
