China (virus): no problem with air shipments? i'd like to buy.........

markz said:
OK so left by air 2 weeks ago, but not scanned in.
So its sitting in Canada somewhere, or was scanned in while in China, but has yet to leave China-Virus land.

None of it has arrived yet fwiw.

The one that was ordered March 12 and left China by air on the 24th hasn't updated since.

The UV bulbs that supposedly arrived in Canada and cleared customs on the 6th or 7th of April didn't update again until yesterday morning, when they were apparently "presented to Canada Border Services Agency for customs review." Almost here, hopefully.

Also ordered another item from the states that cruised around the US quickly until it finally hit the international hub in Chicago. Hasn't shown any movement from there in over a week.

Holiday weekend probably helped to slow things down a bit, plus the obvious of course. Hoping to see some of this crap soon though.
I bought a battery tester from amazon coming from China got email saying its been shipped and will get may.7 to may. 27.

bike shop says my tires are stuck in a warehouse in Quebec.

Lee Valley is still saying they will have the magnets April.19.
Guess I'm not alone. Damn, you're still waiting for those tires?

I guess we shouldn't be too surprised. It's not like any of the couriers were all that reliable before any of this started.
goatman said:
I bought a battery tester from amazon coming from China got email saying its been shipped and will get may.7 to may. 27.

bike shop says my tires are stuck in a warehouse in Quebec.

Lee Valley is still saying they will have the magnets April.19.

Such a tough life.
Couriers are effing useless.

Screenshot_20200420-094202_Kiwi Browser.jpg

There is a note on our mailbox advising them to leave packages as well. Think they can be bothered to do their job? Hell no. Just leave the notice and run, every goddamn time. Canada Post, Fedex, UPS, all useless lying pricks. I hope they all get shit-canned.

Edit: Just checked. No notice left. They just lied about coming altogether. Like I said, lying pricks.
I ordered five things from amazon with directions, 1 came to my door, 3 went upstairs and they even left a $800 item at my neighbours front door 8pm on a Friday night. took me 4 days to track it down because the neighbours don't speak English and amazon was calling me a frign liar so I cancelled a $350 purchase and I quit using amazon. then I was stuck, amazon was the only one I could get a charger from then I get an email from seller saying Canada Post needs my phone number, I gave it but why? shouldn't it be coming through Amazon? wich reminds I have to cancel my prime, I think I saw $9/month coming out of my bank account.
Don't even get me started about Amazon. They may be great in the States but literally every time I comparison-shop I realize they're ripping us off. If it's available on Prime with free shipping the price is double everybody else's. The rest is not available on Prime and is able to be found cheaper elsewhere, sometimes from the exact same sellers. Only agreed to it because of The Grand Tour, and they scaled back to like 2 episodes a year or something. Bezos is gonna have to learn to live without my monthly fee pretty soon, because they're not worth keeping around.

I'll say this much though, the subcontractors they hire for delivery (at least during the holidays) are pretty good in my neighborhood. They'll either leave stuff somewhere safe or call and see if we're actually home. They seem to make an effort at least, instead of passing the buck like literally every other delivery driver in my area seems to constantly do by making me pick up 95% of my deliveries from the PO, days after they actually should have arrived.
... and the delivery notice they supposedly left this morning but didn't just arrived by the letter carrier along with the junk mail. I get to pick it up myself tomorrow.

I bet they save a lot of money by literally never living up to their end of the shipping agreement. This isn't Covid, this is just SOP here for some reason. Useless.
My God these people are out risking their lives so we can have toys

where is the gratitude?
john61ct said:
My God these people are out risking their lives so we can have toys

where is the gratitude?

I liked the look of that luna bike, did you buy it, really nice looking bike
john61ct said:
My God these people are out risking their lives so we can have toys

where is the gratitude?

I might have some gratitude if they were actually doing anything aside from the usual "we totally were there and tried to deliver your stuff" line of horse shit. They're basically staying home while claiming to do their job and forcing christ knows how many people to drag their potentially sick asses into the post office, essentially doing their jobs for them. They should have some gratitude for having a job which you apparently cannot get fired from under any circumstances.
I've been getting deliveries of my bike toys from China on about the same schedule as pre-pandemic.

I just got a HDMI splitter I ordered on amazon from a little shop about three zip codes away. It was mailed yesterday from a town that has the highest per capita covid-19 infections in the state. I am letting it sit a week before I open the package.
It isn't as if COVID-19 spreads in a fog of doom from block to block.

Transmission requires being close enough to exchange water vapour at least if not direct contact.

That's what the 6' guideline is based on.

You guys go from "no worse than the flu" to OMG it's HERE!

Are you paid to spread FUD?
john61ct said:
My God these people are out risking their lives so we can have toys

where is the gratitude?

People are out risking their lives to sell coffee.
Starbucks is open
McDonalds is open
Donut shops are open

You'd think essential services would be healthy food choices.

Meanwhile my shoe insole company is closed now for a month, they cant start on making my insoles, shoe stores are closed so I cant buy shoes that fit my insoles. Walking is more essential then coffee and big macs. Fuckin' gov't p.o.s.
So confused.

You think the government should dictate what people are allowed to eat?

You think a company should be forced to operate?

I get it you are unhappy. Cry to your mommy.

Oh wait! she's probably at risk! and of course should be protected.

Which is why normal non-sociopathic citizens are willing if not happy to make these sacrifices.
no, the virus is real. were in a shutdown, in Vancouver. 8 percent of the business's are done they wont be re-opening and 40% are at risk of bankruptcy but you guys are dooms-daying the crap out of it. I mentioned Grin because I don't know what happens, does it just shutdown completely for awhile now

were down in toxic so, Grin is located basically in skid row. its the roughest neighbourhood in Canada. theres people crapping in the streets, needles all over plus safe injection sites and tent city,i think I read the city is actually supplying the drugs right now. when I was doing service work as a plumber in that neighbourhood we would bring a labourer to guard the work van. I wouldn't want to go to work there everyday right now. theyre in a very high risk neighbourhood, you want to get robbed, killed, catch an std or covid-19 that's the neighbourhood.

I worked last Thursday and yesterday noones wearing masks anywhere or gloves, you see them but they are rare. you don't shutdown a whole frign city because of a virus that mainly kills those that aren't even in the work force anymore. heres the other kicker, you cant stop it. the hospitals never got hammered, the emergency tent hospitals are empty. theres surplus respirators.
the magnets from Lee Valley are now bumped til. june.30.
I ordered some from k&j magnetics instead. got a kick out of the address Appletree lane, Pipersville PA. sounds so American
goatman said:
I mentioned Grin because I don't know what happens, does it just shutdown completely for awhile now

Who knows what will happen. I think the wise move is to close up shop, get the gov't to pay the employee's the $2k/m for 4 months and wait it out for a month and see what happens. But Vancouver rent is huge, who knows where Justins employees live, maybe an hour away at most, luckily they are somewhat close to train. But housing rent for employees and food at $2k/m and whatever savings they have, who knows. What about sales from GrinTech, probably devastated, but they have indie investors, on their website you invest X amount you get so much in products.
I do not know the ins & outs of the gov't bailout for employee's or employers. I know theres something about employers paying 75% of wages, but does the gov't pay or what. I just dont pay enough attention because it does not affect me. Next is the rent of the building, Vancouver weather requires little electricity and but how much heat?
Its the rent and land taxes and/or condo fees that are expensive and add up quickly. There should be talk of diverting land taxes for month(s) until the China Virus is limited in infection. Then you can basically pause, then spread out the lost rent over a period of time. But, there are so many different types of leases out there. I am connected with a place that was thinking about moving, couldnt find suitable place, then renegotiated rent to include renovation as apart of the lease. However the $5500/m office manager is now gone, office is operated by a volunteer manager, the rest were all volunteers before anyways. The rent of the offices was about 1300sqft, sooo maybe 20/sqft $2200/m so probably say $2500-$3000/m but no donations are coming in so $5500/m single employee is gone now end of march, he will stay on to help out in the crisis for a few months until china virus is leveled out then he will find work elsewhere.
goatman said:
you don't shutdown a whole frign city because of a virus that mainly kills those that aren't even in the work force anymore
Yes you do, you idjit :cool:

Not just strategically, economy won't come back until this thing is licked, sooner the better

> hospitals never got hammered, the emergency tent hospitals are empty. theres surplus respirators

Exactly, as a result of reasonably successful curve flattening!

But more importantly, the economy is just not a priority, the needs of the vulnerable bottom 90% of society come first

and the moral value of human lives are not measured by wealth, income or "economic contribution

you sociopathic idjit :cool:

China not only shut down, but put on LOCKDOWN Wuhan China a city of 11M, all because of a virus.

Meanwhile americans are protesting wanting their barbers and beaches open while they get fatter.
john61ct said:
try a northern german accent
like Hitler? wait a second, here